The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 451: confluence

Sean Dickinson first informed the remnant Max and the guards of the kingdom of the meeting point through the shaking of playing cards, and then led his team down the spiral staircase and informed his teammates of the next arrangement through playing cards. :

"When talking about the rules of the game, Peter Pan mentioned that he will wait for the arrival of the champion in the hall on the first floor...

"Originally, his plan was for the winning team to have infighting on the way to the lobby, which made it easier for us to find him."

"I have informed the other two teams to meet at the corridor outside the hall on the first floor, and then attack the hall together to face Peter Pan."

Although Fagar Taylor could not know the specific arrangements at this moment, Sean had already tried to hint that they were going to deal with Peter Pan. At this moment, his heart was pounding: after seeing everything that happened in the paradise , he could no longer bear the anger in his patience.

I just want to beat the black-clothed boy with my fist.

However, Moonlight 1902 was obviously worried. Through playing cards, he said to Sean: "Sean, I don't know...

"Do we really want to expose where we are and meet them directly?

"I don't think the guards of the kingdom of God are trustworthy."

Sean, who was at the front, was silent for a while.

Whether it was in the second half of the Addict's House or at the end of the dinner game, the Divine Kingdom Guard Team was too cold-blooded.

Not to mention that Sean had learned the insidiousness of the other party a long time ago.

In addition, it is impossible to make a temporary covenant for explorers...

It really doesn't seem like a good idea to give your back to such a group of people.

However, Sean still believed his previous judgment——

They are egoists, and joining forces to assassinate Peter Pan is obviously a very favorable choice for them.

"The proof of purging Peter Pan and the golden statue are real benefits."

"I believe that under the current circumstances, as long as we do not threaten his gains, he should not defect."

Although he was still a little worried in his heart, Sean suppressed that irrational worry...

It seems that to facilitate their battle, there are no puppets in the castle.

Empty enough to make people feel a little creepy.

Passing through a section of the outdoor corridor between the towers and down a flight of stairs, with a basic sense of orientation, Sean and the others came to the corridor outside the hall on the first floor.

In front, thirty meters away, is the huge double door leading to the throne hall.

Xiao En heard the sound of approaching footsteps behind him, and turned his head, it was the guards of the Kingdom of God.

The New Testament reporter still does not know whether the other party will abide by the agreement.

The moment we met, the air froze.

For a moment, there was unease in Sean's heart—

If the worst happens and the Kings change their minds and attack them, then he can only use the last touchstone...

And after the fierce consumption of the two tigers, it became impossible for them to defeat Peter Pan.

However, the King-level team did not make a move.

The frozen air thawed.

——He kept the covenant and planned to eradicate the Lord of the Spirits together.

This made Moonlight and Sean breathe a sigh of relief.

However, they cannot stay here.

Peter Pan must be watching this place. When he found out that the two teams didn't do anything after they met, I'm afraid he would wake up...

If he intervenes on the battlefield or hides, he will be in trouble.

So, they couldn't wait for Max here.

Sean and his party had to tacitly rush towards the hall, as if encountering a King class. After a brief period of shock, the team chose to temporarily avoid the battle.

However, only they know that they are going to rush into that door together and join forces to deal with Peter Pan...

The group all ran towards the gate.

Not long after he turned around, among the lightning and flint, the spiritual essence behind Sean suddenly sensed something.


He widened his eyes and turned back.

The face of the guard of the kingdom of God was a bit unbelievably close - he rushed over in an instant.

And in his hand he was holding a long spear inscribed with a sacred totem, the point of the spear pierced from behind and penetrated Sean's chest.

A pungent smell came out, and Sean wrapped the spear with his psychic tentacles, separating himself from the spear tip.

Valley Blood spurted.

The New Testament reporter turned around and looked at the King in disbelief.

Blood gushed out from the wound that ran through the front of his chest, as well as from his mouth.

Due to the serious injury, his soul quickly weakened.

He was no longer able to fight, and their team was still facing one King and two Queens.

"Escape!" Sean Dickinson shouted loudly without turning around.

The stunned Yueguang and the others realized what had happened, faithfully fulfilled the captain's orders, and quickly dispersed into the darkness.

Sean wanted to stare at each other viciously, but he found himself dizzy and unsteady - life was draining from him at a very fast speed.

After dealing with Sean, the guards of the kingdom of God knew that he had lost the most threatening opponent.

He was already immersed in the joy of winning the grand prize in advance.

"Why?" Sean became inarticulate due to the constant blood coming out.

The guard of the kingdom of God raised his spear: "I hate risks."

Just as he was about to give the naive explorer in front of him the final blow, he suddenly heard the sound of the stone wall cracking.

The rusty iron chain burning with dark red flame entangled the hand of the guard of the kingdom of God holding the gun.

Sean understood that this was his last chance. He burst out with all his spiritual qualities and tightly entangled the King in front of him.

The guards of the Kingdom of God were a little surprised by the tenacity of their opponents - he was clearly about to die, yet he was still doing some meaningless things.

With blood all over his mouth, Sean smiled weakly and said, "Even if I die, I won't let you win."

Towards the bound opponent, he threw a mass of black bacteria.

The black fire stained the guard's light-colored long windbreaker, as if the fire had found dead wood and began to devour frantically.

The power of the "Hessian Sheep" that has already entered the house is enough to contaminate the King-level clergy.

The guard found that his power was fading at a strange speed.

However, he still did not panic. He chanted the Heber language in a low voice, and a holy white flame rose from his body, stagnating with the violently spreading black flora.

His power is still draining.

The guard frowned with some doubts: Even if these black bacteria can devour power, such a loss rate is too weird...

He was unable to eliminate these black bacteria for a while, and was about to turn his head to ask his teammates for help when he was attacked on the back.

Severe pain ran through his body like an electric current, the tip of the familiar alchemy cane stretched through his body and stretched out in front of his eyes, the brass was stained with blood.

It was the cane of the Clockwork Pavilion Master.

"Old man, you!" The seriously injured guard of the Kingdom of God roared furiously, turned around and hit the magician with the barrel of his gun, knocking him to the ground.

He stretched out his hand and pulled the cane out of his back. The black and white flames robbed his body of territory. For some reason, his strength suddenly dropped by a level. He could only use divine magic to heal the wound on his back...

"Kill him!" The guard yelled at another teammate, the dreamcaster.

The opponent was obviously caught in an extreme contradiction. She was in a fighting stance, her fingertips were trembling, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

"You betrayed me too!" the guards of the kingdom of God roared angrily. He raised his spear and stabbed towards the air behind the magician.

The magician jumped up in a strange posture and blocked the spear with his body.

With the long spear running through are many precision alchemy parts...

The guard no longer had the time to struggle with the reason for his power downgrade. He drank Heber violently, and his size increased several times.

A previously hidden figure appeared behind the magician. He rolled on the ground in pain. The magician's movements were exactly the same as that of the figure.

"John! Stop!" The dreamer stared behind the guards of the kingdom of God, and suddenly shouted, "We've been tricked!"

The guard's killing intent surged behind him, and he instinctively threw his spear and turned around.

In front of him, the wolf-like explorer grabbed the body of his gun.

The blood at the corners of his mouth dried up, the black flora and the yellow-green mist were finally healing the penetrating wound, and the strange smell of blood and kerosene was mixed all over his body.

Behind him, there was a hole in the relic lighter engraved with "Joshua's Passion", which happened to run through the innocent son of Keane, and the lighter had leaked all the kerosene.

Sean's eyes were cold, his voice was low, and he stared straight into the embarrassed King-level eyes:

"Want to know what happened?"

Under the astonished eyes of the guards of the kingdom of God, Sean smiled.


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