Clearly, the separation from Peter Barry's soul took a huge toll on Pan.

His escape speed is slowing down, and Sean and the others are getting closer and closer to him.

Seeing that he was so close that he could clearly see the hair on his body, Pan suddenly rushed into an open field—there was a village here, and looking at the architecture, it seemed to belong to the Middle Ages...

In this dusty village, the bells of the guards rang and the clanging sound awakened the corpses that had been sleeping in their beds and had been decomposed for hundreds of years, and they rushed out of their doors.

The zombies repeated some old nursery rhymes and stretched out their hands to try to block Sean and his party.

Foley drank that weird purple potion again, and his body swelled into a giant like a locomotive, running over the zombies who were trying to stop it...

He stomped all the way and hit a path directly in the corpse group. The team continued to chase forward without slowing down at all...

Looking at the clothes and the remaining hair on these zombies, Sean thought to himself: "These are the children that Pan disguised as the Pied Piper and took away back then...

"They built a village far from home, and they didn't go out until they died of old age..."

It turned out that in the long river of history, the so-called "midnight paradise" has already appeared——

To cope with his endless loneliness, Pan has tricked human children more than once.

The chasing team followed Pan across a wetland, awakening Fairy Nymph who was resting in it.

No one has discovered that those once beautiful girls and fairies, even in the legends, are already old.

At this point, the escapee was already very tired, and his movements became dull.

Sean knew it was time.

He pulled out his Springfield carbine and got down on one knee. This action removed him from the chasing team.

Pouring pure spiritual power into the warhead, the crosshair locked the back that had become a little sluggish.

My heart was pounding because of the intense exercise just now.

Sean didn't realize that among all the sniping targets, the target at this moment was the highest rank enemy——

A demigod.

Pull the trigger and the carbine fires.

Due to the blessing of Father Taylor, this gun is full of holy power.

The esoteric warhead was pushed out of the barrel by the white gun flame, and spun wildly under the action of the reciprocating line, cutting through the air ahead until...

Straight into Pan's shoulder blades.

A small rhombus bloomed behind him.

The power of the righteous gods today has a powerful restraint effect on the waning wandering gods.

The demigod rolled forward and fell to the ground like an ordinary person who had been shot.

Once the spirit is slack, he can no longer go deep into the depths of the legend.

The dark forest dissipated like a fantasy, and Pan fell in front of the fountain outside the castle.

The crowd chased after him. Pan stood up, leaned back against the fountain, and released the remaining power towards the chasing people.

Even if it is temporarily stripped from the spirit, even if it is exhausted at the moment, even if the back is severely injured...

The demigod was still a demigod, he stood proudly, and Sean and the others could not get close for a while.

"It's crazy...

"It's crazy!"

"Stupid humans, do you know what you are doing?!" Pan roared sharply, no longer the voice of a teenager, but a chaotic and rough voice.

The ever-changing face gradually stabilized, turning into a half-human, half-sheep, ugly and dignified face.

The Faun is a **** from a much older age than the now-established belief system.

The shape of this medieval **** was derived from the simple imagination of people at that time, so it was more like a monster than a god.

Even in a desperate situation, the demigod was still fierce and stubborn, Pan shouted: "Why do you have to kill me?!

"I've created a paradise for the children here where they can escape the horrific life of this world in their sleep!

"The price is just some adult souls!  …


"Why do you have to kill me?!"

Resisting Pan's residual majesty, Mike took a few steps forward, and Foley and Holly followed closely: "What you created... is not a carefree paradise.

"You killed Peter, who used to be down town—our best hope.

"And then stole his ideas and did the last thing he wanted...

"You've got kids ... trapped here, without the ability to pursue their ideals.

"Not only did you kill Peter's future, you killed their future...

"It also made the Xiacheng District forever stagnant in a hopeless life!"

Pan shouted categorically, "Wouldn't it be good to stop forever?

"Why change?! Why do people have to leave?!

"Why do you humans just don't want to stop?!"

"To be together forever, isn't it?!"

Sean Dickinson pointed to Pan: "It's your business if you want to stay, but you can't deprive others of their rights because of your will!"

There was blood oozing from the corner of Pan's mouth, and in conflict with this, he laughed violently:

"Deprive others of their rights! Hahahaha...

"Humans, humans!

"In the past, you created me with legends, and then, you who were afraid of nature, worshiped me like ants for the harvest of farming and animal husbandry.

"Later, you guys grew up, got iron tools, walked out of forests and pastures, and built castles and stone walls... and you completely forgot about me, leaving me alone to wander in this ever-changing world!

"Do you know what it's like to stay in the dark forever?"

"Even if you go mad in that darkness, no one will care about howling for ten thousand years!"

Pan was so angry that his veins would appear, and the air fell into silence.

Those addicts holding candles came over quietly and were watching from a distance at the moment.

The heads of animals were illuminated by candlelight, helplessly watching everything that happened here.

In the Throne Hall, Peter Barry's soul as blue as the summer sky was closing his eyes.

He is shutting down the rides in Midnight Park and urging the puppets to close the park and evacuate tourists...

In front of the fountain, Pan at this moment seemed a little pale and powerless: "You created me, worshiped me, and then left me and forgotten me...

"You told me to take away rights?

"Don't you deprive you enough rights?!"

"In my opinion, although you have the appearance of adults, you are just a group of children who love the new and hate the old..."

"Let you choose freely, it will only bring me endless pain!!"

The night wind blew quietly, and everything that this demigod roared made everyone present silent.

As mortals, they didn't know how to refute such a heavy and far-reaching pain...

This pain belongs to the immortal gods Only Sean, in the tragic aura released by this wandering **** in front of him, stabilized his mind, he opened his mouth and said in a low voice: "Mortals have the consciousness of mortals, and gods must have the consciousness of gods...

"Whether it is a human being or a god, as long as it exists, it must go through its own ordeals."

"As a god, I have enjoyed the power and longevity far beyond that of mortals, but I spend my time with a narrower mind than mortals...

Sean narrowed his eyes, and his words were more piercing than the previous bullet:

"Is all the pain you've experienced deliberately inflicted on you?

"Unwilling to accept the reality, clinging to the glory of the past—

"Aren't you creating the pain yourself?!"


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