The Moonlight Swordsman

364 Elves vs Aizel and Seraphine

The two elves spoke quietly to each other, and then the dark elf took a step forward.

"We would like to have War God do the honors of selecting the battlefield," The Dark Elf said.

Aizel stared at him for a second.

What should we choose, Sekki?" 

[Master, we should select the place that is suitable for you and also for Seraphine]

Umm... she can use ice and water, so an ocean or island type place, or a cold place," he thought.

Aizel moved forward and leaned in to tell Shoka about his choice.

"Okayyy..... Let's get ready to witness another battleeeeeee......"






Shoka clapped his hands once more, and the barrier surrounded the stage, changing the dimension within it.


A cool breeze met Aizel and Seraphine, and as they looked around, they saw a tall mountain peak with pristine snow covering its slopes. 

The scenery appeared to be a wintery plain because the snow had weighed down even the trees. 

"Are you that comfortable using your other core powers already?" Seraphine asked. It seems the weather is quite suitable for her.

"Yeah, no worries. You can take full advantage now, right?" Aizel asked.

Seraphine simply nodded in response.

"Cool, let's find them and try to end this quickly," Aizel said.

[Master, aren't you being too cocky?]

I don't think so... right now, I don't think that I can beat my opponents easily or that they can beat me easily."

I have a neutral stance and am only thinking about the battle and techniques," Aizel responded.

[fufu, this would be fun]

As Aizel and Seraphine went deeper into the snowy scenery, their breath made frosty clouds in the cold air.

"Seraphine, I think we should go toward that snowy mountain." Aizel's words broke the silence. 

"The elf duo might head there too," he further added.

Seraphine nodded, her gaze locked on the distant peak.

They kept walking through the snow-covered fields, where they passed small groups of snow-covered trees. In the quiet setting, the sound of their boots crunching through the snow seemed loud.

Seraphine took a quick look at Aizel, her mana senses on high alert. 

"They might even try to sneak attack," she said.

Aizel agreed and nodded, his mana senses buzzing with alertness. They moved forward slowly, keeping an eye out for any signs of life in the pristine scenery. 

As Aizel and Seraphine walked toward the huge mountain, the snowy land in front of them seemed to go on forever.

The cold wind bit them in the face, and their steps left deep marks in the snow.

As they got closer to the base of the mountain, they could see that the ground got steeper and the snow got deeper.

Hardy pines that were also snow-covered have taken the place of the evergreen trees that were there earlier. 

"We're getting closer," Aizel said softly, and the icy wind carried his words.

Seraphine nodded, her sharp eyes scanning the surroundings.

As they moved forward, the trip got harder and harder. As the snow got deeper, they moved more slowly.

As Seraphine looked at the horizon, her eyes focused on a strange sight: a small, bright orb floating above the top of the mountain in bright golden colors. 

She instinctively reached out and pulled Aizel close, the two of them finding refuge behind a sturdy pine tree.

"What happened?" Aizel asked.

"One of the mage has a light element. His light orb was on the peak of the mountain. They might know we are here already," Seraphine replied.

Aizel, sensing Seraphine's proximity, gently grasped her shoulder and guided her a step back, ensuring a bit more personal space between them.

Seraphine didn't mind it; instead, her attention stayed on the glowing ball of light.

"What should we do?" She asked.

"If they might know we are here, then there is no point in hiding. Instead, we should head to the peak and confront them directly." Aizel replied.

"What if it's a trap?"

"It doesn't matter if it's a trap or they are waiting for us. Let's face everything head-on instead of wandering like idiots," Aizel replied.

Seraphine nodded.

As they came out of hiding, they looked up at the mountain's frosty peak. They started their climb up the snowy hill.

Despite the relentless, chilling gusts that attempted to thwart their progress, they persevered in their upward journey.

After climbing for hours without stopping, they finally reached the top of the mountain. They were expecting a sharp, pointy peak, but instead, they found a mostly flat area with caves covered in snow.

Their heightened mana senses finally picked up on something, and as they moved forward, they saw two elves sitting still on a boulder.

It seemed like the elves had been waiting for Aizel and Seraphine for a long time.

"You guys surely took your time," one of them said.

"So Seraphine, which one would you like to take?" Meanwhile, Aizel asked without paying any attention to them.

"I am going for the elf; you can take care of the dark one," she replied.

"You heard it, fellas, do you want to fight here or somewhere else?" Aizel asked, looking towards them.

Both of their brows twitched as they glared at Aizel.

"You are really getting cocky after a few wins, little war god," the dark elf said.

"Here or elsewhere?" Aizel asked instead.

The dark elf disappeared without saying anything, and in the blink of an eye, a cloud of dark smoke appeared in front of Aizel. 

From within this smoky shroud, the dark elf reemerged, wielding an axe with a wooden handle crafted from the trunk of a tree.

With a swift motion, the axe descended upon Aizel.

In a single second, Sekki changed into a strong, solid shield that stopped the dark elf's axe. But the blow was so powerful that it sent Aizel flying backward, and the dark elf kept going after him.

"It seems we both are remaining here," the elf said, after seeing both Aizel and his partner engaging in combat.

"Hmm" Seraphine respond. 

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