The Moonlight Swordsman

371 Draken vs Aizel and Soren

Warenwolf's natural impulses screamed as he tried to flee into his muddy hideout. But Soren responded quickly, intensifying the gravitational pressure around him. 

At the same time, Aizel conjured a series of fire pillars that quickly wrapped Warenwolf in the mud and burned him to ashes.

"Phew... that was fun. Now only the main guy remains." Aizel commented, looking towards Draken who was slowly walking towards them. 

"This guy seems strong," He further added.

"Let me get rid of him alone," Soren replied.

"You weren't even able to beat the other two...

Quick as a flash, Soren and Aizel blocked Draken's powerful blow. Draken had suddenly appeared in the middle of them, seemingly out of nowhere.

The enormous momentum of the strike echoed in their forearms, sending them flying in opposing directions.

The change in Draken was startling. Now eight feet tall, he was an intimidating sight. With his four eyes and sharp teeth, this man's face looked like something out of a draconic fantasy novel.

His body had bulked up considerably, and he now sported clawed hands and legs in addition to a fearsome tail.

Aizel found himself lodged within a boulder.

"Tsk, tsk, that's quite a situation. That fellow packs a punch. Is that his dragon transformation?"

He reflected as he watched Draken from the distance.


Lightning crackled around his body, and he disappeared in an instant and appeared right in front of Draken. He was so fast that his punch went straight into the guts of Draken and pushed him a little far away on the impact.

"His body feels like a mountain," Aizel thought. 

Aizel charged right at Draken as Sekki changed into a spear.

His blows poured down on Draken, but he avoided them with ease thanks to the resiliency of the crimson dragon scales covering his strong arms.

To fight back, Draken threw a punch that hit the spear and knocked Aizel backward. The rocks under his feet scratched and kicked up a cloud of dust.

Aizel's hand hooked a little from the grip, "Damn what power," he thought.

Draken, however, didn't give Aizel any breathing room. He sprang forward, striking Aizel with his enormous arms and claws. Aizel tried to defend himself with the spear, steadily losing ground as he parried the continuous assault.

In a sudden move, Draken kicked the grip of Aizel's spear, causing it to slip from Aizel's grasp.

Lightning-fast, Aizel jumped back and kicked the spear with all his might. The spinning weapon, now charged with lightning, sliced perilously close to Draken's face.

Draken's eyes widened in surprise as he narrowly dodged the electrified spear. The crackling energy surrounding the weapon intensified, fueling Aizel's determination to turn the tide of the battle. 

Aizel swiftly gestured with his hands, causing Sekki, that was stuck on the ground, to levitate. Charged with lightning, the weapon was sent hurtling towards Aizel, who then delivered a swift kick, launching the spear back at Draken.

It was like a game of football, with Aizel on offense and Draken on the defensive, as Aizel repeatedly kicked and slashed at him with the spear, which had become electrified.

Draken finally got both hands on the spear after several exchanges. When he finally seemed to have the upper hand, Aizel swooped in. 

He expertly manipulated the pole of the spear, causing it to spin back and slip through Draken's fingers.

After regaining control of the spear, Aizel quickly raised it above his head to counter Draken's double punch.

The force was enough to visibly bend the spear, showcasing the incredible strength behind the blow.

Aizel bolstered his arms and, with sheer power, deflected the blow. As swift as lightning, he swung the spear, slicing through one of Draken's knees.

For the first time, the spear had pierced the thick scales and exposed the dark green blood beneath.

As Aizel prepared to take advantage of the situation, the area around him became increasingly dense. Sensing what was about to happen, Aizel swiftly sprinted away.

Falling from above, Soren landed a deadly strike on Draken, amplified by the force of gravity.


Draken dodged just in time, but the impact was so great that it broke the ground and left a huge crater.

Draken, unfazed by Soren's advance, charged forward headfirst. Soren, with his gravity-infused punch, met Draken's mighty punch. 

The clash of their powers sent shockwaves rippling in every direction. 

Soren raised an eyebrow, surprised at Draken's resilience in withstanding his gravity-enhanced strike so effortlessly.

A vicious exchange of blows ensued, sending shockwaves through the battlefield with each stroke. 

The ground cracked under the immense pressure of their confrontation. 

Aizel, observing this intense battle from a distance, couldn't help but think, "This dragon can even withstand the force of gravity."

Soren incorporated elbow strikes into his assault, one of which pierced through Draken's chest, propelling him backward.

Draken gave Soren a ferocious look with his four eyes, then disappeared for an instant before reappearing to strike him with his elbow, sending him flying into the air like a kite caught in the wind.

Soren collided with a massive boulder, his body taking the full impact. 

Draken gave chase to him nonstop, raining blows down on him. Then, in a powerful uppercut, he sent Soren hurtling into the sky.

Soren regained control of his body in midair and, with increased gravity all around him, sped towards Draken at an extraordinary pace.

Draken, bracing for the impact, took the blow with both hands, causing the earth to shudder and debris to scatter in all directions.

Out of nowhere, a barrage of lightning-fast chains hurtled towards Draken. They whirled around him, catching his limbs in their webs, then dove down into the ground to anchor him firmly.

Charged with lightning like a divine force, Aizel descended from the heavens. His spear, a crackling bolt of energy, cleaved toward Draken's shoulder with incredible force. 

The spear penetrated Draken's thick scales but became stuck, preventing a successful hit.


Draken screamed in pain. 

The green blood swiftly liquefied, snaking its way toward Aizel. In a rapid response, Aizel summoned Sekki back to his side and retreated from the advancing blood.

Draken's eyes flushed crimson, smoke curling from his flared nostrils.

Quick as a flash, he vanished and pounded Aizel and Soren with a punch that sent them soaring through the air like rockets.

He gave pursuit and caught them in his huge arms. He threw them back to the ground with a tremendous spin.

*Booom* *Booom*

Aizel and Soren slammed into the ground, but they swiftly bounced back to their feet.

Then, a tremendous shock rushed through Aizel as he realized his right palm had become trapped in jagged, green crystals. All the way through his hand and shoulder, these crystal spikes dug in.

Soren faced a similar fate, encased in crimson crystals, as Draken's powerful punch hit him and Aizel square in the abdomen.

The impact threw them both backwards, and their bodies skidded across the ground, breaking through the red and green crystals.

"Fuck, is this some sort of crystal-type power?" Aizel thought, lying on the ground, seeing Draken, who was walking towards them.

Aizel turned into a lightning bolt and escaped Draken's grasp in an instant. 

Sekki, now a bow, was in Aizel's hands. He notched an arrow and fired it at Draken, who effortlessly caught it with his massive grip.

Aizel reappeared immediately above Draken before he could react, pulling another arrow. On the end of the shaft of this one was a little container.

"You and your little tricks won't work," Draken said in a draconic voice.

Yet, in an unexpected turn, the arrow gripped by Draken switched with the one housing the container.

Aizel's lips twisted into a mischievous grin, and he blew a kiss at Draken in a mocking manner before disappearing.

The arrow's container ruptured, releasing a cloud of ominous, thick, black smoke that engulfed Draken.

Aizel acted swiftly, hurling forth two fiery chains that snaked around Draken's wrists, and with a mighty heave, he launched him hurtling toward a nearby hillock.

"You are really persistent, human," Draken said, still stuck on the hill.

Draken emerged from the hillock, his movements accompanied by the subtle cracking of his neck as he advanced steadily towards Aizel.

"It's time to end this," Draken said, as he joined both hands. 

Crystals of varying hues of green and red suddenly began to fill the area around Draken. Aizel watched as a dome of whirling red and green colors formed around Draken, his brow furrowing in perplexity. 

Slowly but surely, spiderwebs of hairline cracks appeared on the surface of this mysterious barrier.

The crystal dome shattered with a resounding crash, revealing a newly-born Draken.

He now sported a distinctive suit composed of half-green and half-red crystals, resembling a striking crow. Formidable spikes adorned both his shoulders, crafted from the amalgamation of the two crystal types. 

His formidable appearance was further highlighted by a full-body crystal armor, and his eyes focused on Aizel with great resolve.

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