[It's finally time Master, show them what you can do now as a Grade III, fufu]

Yeah, along with that orge, this duo would have been more difficult to deal with in the battle. Luckily I got rid of that orge," Aizel thought.

 Aizel crouched into a sprinter's stance.


Lightning flared across Aizel's entire body as the fans on his armor spun at dizzying speeds. There was a gathering of clouds in the sky.

*Thunder* *Thunder* *Thunder*

Lightning coiled around him, dancing like an ethereal serpent as if drawn by some magnetic force. It seemed as though nature itself colluded with Aizel, arranging the elements to answer his plea. 

Each bolt of lightning smoothly descended from the sky, following its own flaming course toward Aizel, who was waiting to absorb its raw power.

*zummmmmmmmm* *Vrooom* *Vrooom* 

The air around the spinning blades sizzled and cracked with an electric charge, and the blades themselves blurred into invisibility.

In the midst of a violent storm that seemed to shake the very foundations of reality, smoke began to billow from Aizel's armor.

[Master, what are you doing? This is looking dangerous.


*Thunder* *Thunder* *Thunder*

"Don't worry, Sekki, I will show you something special."

Draken and Soren, deep in their furious combat, both noticed the sudden change.

Draken's keen instincts told him that the situation was spiraling out of control.

Time itself seemed to warp, reducing the furious combat between Soren and Draken to a mere crawl.

It wasn't like time had stopped; rather, Aizel had transformed into an unstoppable force of lightning-speed railgun.

In an instant, he was before the statue-like Draken, his hands fluidly forming arcane symbols that emitted an eerie blue flame.

With deliberate precision, he extended his glowing palm towards Draken's left chest.


An enormous blue inferno broke out, ripping through the left half of Draken and leaving a path of searing destruction in its wake.

A wake of burnt dirt spread behind him as he blazed across the area. The raging inferno consumed everything in its path, including the rugged hills, boulders, and stony ground, leaving behind nothing but smoking wreckage.

Aizel cautiously stepped back, his eyes locked on Draken's still-breathing form. The dragon's severed half bled slowly, and an ominous crystalline growth enveloped the injury.

"Let me give you a farewell gift," 

Aizel raised his hand, and in response, the foreboding black clouds parted, revealing a hole in them.


A colossal lightning beam descended like divine judgment, striking Draken's form with an earth-shattering fury.

Draken screamed in agony, but the thunder beam relentlessly demolished the once-mighty dragon, drowning out his cries. 

In an instant, Draken disintegrated into countless particles, vanishing from the dimension. 

The sheer force of the attack gouged an enormous crater into the ground. Lingering serpentine sparks danced around the gaping hole, wisps of smoke curling into the air.

*Phew* That was fun," Aizel said.

"Now let's defeat the rest of them."

"Wait, let them defeat them on their own," Soren suddenly interrupted.

"Ahhh.. alright," Aizel replied.

"Don't ever do that. I was going to finish him," Soren said.

"Yeah, yeah, you were clearly struggling," Aizel mocked.

Far away from there, another intense struggle unfolded. Zareena and Raven find themselves embroiled in a fierce battle against Katty and a tough sea folk mage.

Massive water tsunamis and sea monsters that the seafolk mage and Katty had conjured posed a constant threat, which Raven and Zareena struggled against. 

"This is getting hectic, Raven; we need to do something. We also have to help Aizel and Soren later." Zareena said, slashing one of the shark-type monsters using her golden leaf blades that were flying all around her.

"I am trying, princess, " Raven replied.

"Hahahaa, what happened, princess? I heard you were quite strong," Katty shouted. She was sitting on the backs of the monsters that were freely swimming in the water.

Suddenly, arrows rained down from above, and they all found their targets among the crashing waves and tsunamis.

One by one, the arrows exploded, unleashing a torrent of fiery waves that clashed with the watery onslaught.

As the water evaporated in the extreme heat, steam billowed in all directions, leaving behind a sight of sizzling mayhem.

"Someone has interfered, Yasmine," Katty shouted towards the seafolk mage.

"Brace for more Katty," Yasmine replied. She started to create water barriers all around her.

Arrows began raining down on them again. Katty summoned dark creatures resembling panthers, wrapped in crackling lightning, and deftly guided them to avoid the lethal arrows.

Yasmine was able to deflect the incoming shots because of the water barrier that had developed around her.

"This must be Daisy, let's not waste the opportunity she has created for us," Zareena said, and Raven nodded towards her.

Raven dissolved into a swirling shroud of inky smoke, swiftly hurtling in Katty's direction. Observing that, Zareena went to confront the seafolk mage, Yasmine.

"So you are going to fight against me, huh? Well, I wanted to fight with that human princess." Katty commented, seeing Raven heading towards her.

Upon Katty's command, her formidable legion of monstrous allies swiftly pivoted and advanced in the direction of Raven.

The panthers, imbued with lightning, fought the obsidian clouds one by one.

However, the outcome proved eerie: what remained after the collision, upon exiting the dark cloud, appeared as skeletal, emaciated creatures.

It seemed that the smoke had drained them of their vitality and life force.

No matter how many attempted to enter or employ lightning, the inevitable outcome remained consistent. 

Katty, too, was unsure of how to approach the enigmatic cloud.

However, Raven didn't grant her the luxury of time.

She summoned more ominous, billowing clouds and sent them hurtling toward the monsters. Katty's huge army was the major target of her efforts.

Katty's army began to lose strength and morale as the storm clouds rolled in. Once unstoppable, the army was now helpless in the face of the continuous attack. 

"Damn it, in this way, I will lose my whole army. " 

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