[Master, why are you not responding?]

[Matser, tell me what happened]

Aizel sat on the ground in a daze, paying little heed to the beast fairy lying beside him.

[Master, Master]

Yes, I heard you, Sekki,"

[Why are you not replying to me? You are scaring me]

I… I am sorry."

[What happened there?]

There is nothing you should worry about. First, we should leave from here."

Aizel got to his feet and called forth the cage Kalesi had given him. Quickly, he caught the fairy and put it in the cage, then stored the cage and fairy in his storage ring.

He surveyed his surroundings, then turned away, departing from the Lunar Marsh. His look lacked the joy that should accompany achievement, even though he had achieved his major goal.

He was worried about a lot of things, but getting out of there quickly was more important right now.

While Aizel was running, his mana sense picked up something. Glancing over his shoulder, he observed 5-6 dragons soaring rapidly in their true form, closing in on him from the sky.

[We are close, Master]

Yes, just stay focused."

*Roar* *Roar* *Roar* *Roar* *Roar*

Rippling out their roars one after another, the dragons launched an unrelenting attack on Aizel.

Fire, water, ice, and lightning cascaded down upon him as he sprinted and evaded with agility.

The assault caused the once-arid landscape to disintegrate, making the escape more and more dangerous.

[Master, one is heading on our way]

The azure dragon, launching icy assaults, accelerated menacingly toward Aizel.

It transformed shape in midair and swung around to attack Aizel, setting the stage for a chaotic battle on the ground.

Despite Aizel's attempts to break free, the dragon's grip remained formidable.

Aizel's magical armor came to life, encasing him, and he let out a devastating burst of blue fire.

The forceful blast compelled the dragon to relinquish its hold at last.

Roaring with electricity, the blades spun in a mesmerizing ballet. Aizel, propelled by lightning speed, swiftly evaded, making a beeline for the magic circle with utmost haste.

Master, another newcomer is coming from the left. This one looks different]

*Tsk* Aizel looked towards the person who was slowly and slowly getting close to him. However, he ignored it, as he was very close to reaching the magic circle.

Aizel zigzagged his way toward the circle, hurling containers that burst in succession.

A cloud of reddish-black smoke enveloped the area. Amidst the chaos, dragons roared, unleashing attacks blindly into the smokescreen.

With a roar, the ice dragon dove into the mist.

While Aizel swiftly retrieved the magic crystals, manipulating mana to activate the circle, an ominous sense of danger gripped him.

Before he could react, a slender hand seized his neck, causing his vision to blur.

Upon its arrival, the icy dragon found the broken magic circle and magical crystals scattered across the ground.

1 week later, at the Kalesi tribe.

Electra, who was anxious, joined Kalesi as she sat quietly, drinking her tea.

"What should we do, my lady? It's been a week, and he hasn't returned yet."

"In the end, he was weak," Kalesi simply replied.

"But what about the princess now? He was the young war god. What if they started to begin the search or even start a war for him?" Electra asked.

"I have paid my debt to the princess. As for what they will do, nothing concerns me. Our tribe is safe." Kalesi replied.

However, the tight grip on the cup was showing something else.





[Master, wake up]

Unsteady and lightheaded, Aizel gradually opened his eyes. Sekki's voice triggered a rush of memories, and he swiftly stood up, summoning his weapon on the spot.

But what he saw rocked him to his very being. The grip with which he held Sekki loosened, and the weapon fell to the ground.

"Didn't I tell you before… you are mine."

The woman sat on the couch, her crimson gown falling loosely around her. Her lustrous red locks hung loosely around her, highlighting her lovely complexion.

This woman had been pursuing him relentlessly since the tournament.

He felt anxious since he had caught a glimpse of her even in the illusion. He had no idea that the beast fairy's illusions would come to fruition so quickly.

"You can leave now," The Queen said.

Her eldest daughter, who was standing behind Aizel, left the room.

"My my, here I thought you were going to fight or even rant your anger towards me. But look at you standing still."

Aizel simply listened to her and didn't reply.

Then finally, he asked what troubled him the most.

"Where are the others?"

The Queen looked a little confused after hearing that.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act like you don't know. You have the kids and the rest of them."

"Ohhh ahhhh… hahahaha, my my, how did you even come up with that conclusion?"

"Leave them alone," Aizel said.

"My my, young war god. I know I am cruel and will do anything to get what I want, but I hadn't even thought about that.

"The moment you left the stage after winning the final battle, my eyes and ears were on you.

"I waited patiently for the moment when you would be alone and in trouble. And here you are right in front of me," the queen explained.

This time, Aizel looked a little confused. He still couldn't trust her completely.

"Uhhh… I see you don't trust me. Well, there is nothing I can do." The queen shrugged and started to eat an apple.

[Master, let's fight this bitch and try to escape]

No, we can't. I already saw this happening in the illusion. Even the beast fairy told me that this is not an illusion, in fact, this is the future, which is going to happen soon."

[What? But how?]

Dragons didn't know the full power of the fairies, it seems. Maybe the full moon has affected it as well."

"I see, communicating with your spirit weapon, at least talk with me now that you are here."

"So what now? You have me. Do you think the King will sit silently? He will know somehow that you have kidnapped me here." Aizel said.

"Ummmm….. do you think he will start a war for you? Hahahaha… you have just won a tournament for him. And that is also limited to Grade III."

"I have multiple cores and am quite powerful," Aizel said.

"Yes, but I don't think he will care. He will find another one."

"I am sure Aquarian and Vespara won't sit quietly."

"Ummm… now that's concerning, but still, we are better." The queen replied with a smile that made Aizel more pissed.

"So now I am going to be your sex slave for the rest of your life?"

"AHHHH.. Who told you that? Do you think I put in so much effort just for a sex slave? I bet so many things just to get you. I even lost 20% of my land in the bet.

"You are different. Now that I have you, you belong to the Theodora Kingdom and me.

"This is your new home. I will let you do whatever you want in the whole kingdom. You can join any clan and study more about magic, even the magic circuits.

"I will help you to grow stronger and stronger, and then you will help me to conquer the Felgura Kingdom."

"And what if I say no?" Aizel asked.

"Ummm… You know, you are very proud and arrogant. If you were alone, it would have been very difficult for me to break you.

"But now… even you know how easy it is. Don't you agree?"

Aizel stared at the queen, who smiled towards him.

"You have some nerves to blackmail me," Aizel spoke, this time his voice was a little heavy which also piqued Queen's interest.

"If it isn't for my condition, a subject like you would been licking my shoes by now,"


"My my, you are quite an interesting mage. You know, I can let you rot in the dungeon without even letting you see the light ever."

"I can't leave them alone," Aizel said.

"Ummm… they are safe with Vespara for now. It's not like I am going after them. But it will depend on you.

"You just have to behave and listen to me, and they will be safe. And if you think that Vespara can go against me, let me tell you something.

"My daughter can go right there now and kill all of the ones you loved right in front of Vespara…"

Aizel didn't reply to her.

[Master, we can find another way]

Aizel remembered both Vespara and Shelly's dead bodies in the illusion too.

There is nothing we can do Sekki. We are not strong. The only way from here is to get stronger and bring back my full power."

[But Master, are you going to leave Daisy and Kids behind? We don't even know when can we meet them?]

Did you forget that we can teleport back to Earth and from there we can go back again?"

[F… how did forget that]

Seeing Aizel's expression getting normal the Queen said again, "One more thing..

"If you are thinking about pulling some tricks, don't do it. It's useless."

After hearing that Aizel tried to return back to Earth but to his shock he wasn't able to.

"My my, you were doing something. You are a bag full of surprises. Even know the spatial powers.

 "Don't worry, my new war god, I have done some magic on you, hahahahaha"

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