The old man was very angry.

Qin Shou frowned and whispered softly: "This monster is quite clever. It can think of this method. In this case, it doesn't need to show up!!"

"Master is right! I also told the court about this before, but unfortunately there was no reply." Zhou Li nodded frequently, talking about his difficulties.

Then, he shamelessly requested: "Master, please help me and see if I can get rid of this river god!"

Qin Shou sneered: "Since it is not your fault that there is no food to distribute this time, let's just leave it at that, and I will not punish you!"

"As for... getting rid of the demon, I am not interested!"

Hearing this, Zhou Li's eyes widened, his face full of astonishment, and he was dumbfounded.

He thought that the master in front of him was a person with a fiery temper, upright and incorruptible, and keen on chivalry, so he intended to trick Qin Shou into dealing with the river god.

But the result was far beyond his expectations. Qin Shou was not interested in it at all, and did not intend to care about the river god at all.

Zhou Li was so anxious that he could not care about anything else. He said in a panic, "Master... please show mercy and help the people of Lingshui City. Get rid of the river god and keep Lingshui City safe."

"Hehe, I don't even know what this monster looks like or what kind of cultivation it has. Why should I help you? What's more, if I help you, what can I get? Do I risk my life just to get a thank you from you?"

Qin Shou sneered, with immortal aura lingering around him, and his cold eyes seemed to penetrate people's hearts.

After these well-reasoned words came out, Zhou Li was speechless... Yes, asking the immortal to help, the price is not something that a small governor like him can afford.

He suddenly looked depressed, and slumped in the chair somewhat powerlessly, not daring to look at Qin Shou straight in the eye.

Qin Shou was a little puzzled, and raised his eyebrows and said: "Isn't Zhou Hu your biological brother? Can't you just let him help you?"

"Master, you don't know. Zhou Hu and I have always had a bad relationship because of some past events, so..."

Zhou Li's expression was very embarrassed, and he couldn't help but recall the past years.

Thinking back to the time when his family was extremely poor and could only afford to support one person to study, Zhou Hu had to be forced to go out to work to earn tuition for him.

Zhou Hu was naturally full of complaints in his heart. He was also a person who loved reading, but under the forced oppression of his parents' orders, he had to do the hard work and suffered a lot.

Later, Zhou Li successfully passed the imperial examination as he wished, and Zhou Hu also disappeared strangely one day.

When they met again, it was many years later, and Zhou Hu had become an immortal.

But even so, Zhou Hu still couldn't let go of this knot in his heart.

They just had a simple conversation for a few sentences, and then Zhou Hu saw that his daughter Zhou Guoguo was smart and spiritual, and measured that she had the qualifications to cultivate immortals, so he took her away.

She joined the immortal sect and became an immortal.

As an old father, Zhou Li was very grateful to Zhou Hu. Becoming an immortal can be said to be everyone's dream. Although he didn't have the qualifications, his daughter's ability to become an immortal was also a dream of his.

After listening to Zhou Li's narration, Qin Shou didn't say anything more, after all, this was someone else's family affair.

Besides, Zhou Hu and himself had a very ordinary relationship. If it weren't for Zhou Guoguo's existence, he wouldn't have paid any attention to Zhou Hu at all.

Qin Shou stood up and said indifferently, "I have something to do, so I'll leave first. You eat."

Then he turned around and left the dining room, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the graceful back of the immortal master, Zhou Li's face was full of sorrow, and he stared at the table full of food with a dull look, and he had no appetite at all.

After a long time, he called out leisurely, "Come on, take these dishes out for the victims to eat."

Several servants heard the voice and hurried over, carefully picking up the food on the table, and then slowly left.


Qin Shou walked to the corridor outside the house, and inadvertently saw a slender and graceful figure in a pavilion not far away.

His eyes lit up, and he walked up quickly.

At this time, Zhou Guoguo was feeling depressed, with her hands supporting her pink chin, and she was thinking about something.

Suddenly, she heard

There was a sound of brisk footsteps. She stood up and saw that it was Qin Shou. She was overjoyed and threw herself into his arms, saying coquettishly, "Master, what did you say to my father in there? Tell me!"

Qin Shou stroked Zhou Guoguo's hair and said with a smile, "Guoguo, your father told me that there is a monster in Lingshui River."

When Zhou Guoguo heard this, her clear eyes suddenly widened and she said in surprise, "Ah? Monster? What should I do, Master?"

"What else can I do? Just leave it alone. I don't have the heart to get rid of the monster now. I still have a lot of things to do."

Qin Shou raised his eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his mouth still had that careless smile.

Zhou Guoguo was quite worried, because her father didn't tell her about this matter. It must be a very powerful monster. She grabbed Qin Shou's sleeves with both hands, and her eyes were full of pleading.

"Master, please help my father when you have time."

"You little girl! You will definitely help me if you can, but I don't know where this monster comes from. If I get rid of it rashly and something happens to me, won't you be a widow?"

Qin Shou pinched Zhou Guoguo's delicate nose.

Now, Zhou Guoguo couldn't say much and had to let it go.

She knew her own identity, and she also knew Qin Shou's character. No one could force Qin Shou to do something he didn't want to do.

Then the two returned to the room and began to relive the good times...

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