After a short while, listening to the voices of a group of girls inside, Wuwei Taoist had something to report, so he jumped on the gourd again and rushed towards the south.

There was a row of majestic palaces in front, which were the emperor's bedroom and the three palaces and six courtyards.

Wuwei Taoist made an emergency landing, and he waved his hand lightly, and the gourd shrank rapidly in an instant, like a stream of light, flying to his waist and hanging steadily, looking like an ordinary pendant.

He adjusted the wrinkles at the collar, then raised his foot and stepped slowly into the bedroom.

It was very strange that the always bustling three palaces and six courtyards were surprisingly quiet at this moment, as if there was no one there, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

When he came to the door of the bedroom, he saw two guards wearing black masks, holding long swords and wearing black armor standing there straight.

There was a faint black air around the two guards, and the weapons in their hands and the armor on their bodies also exuded a faint spiritual aura. Obviously, they were not using ordinary things, but extremely precious spiritual tools.

"Ahem!" The Taoist Wuwei raised his head slightly and coughed twice. His expression was full of indifference, as if he had never taken the guards with swords standing like sculptures outside the door seriously.

Then, facing the tightly closed door, he took a deep breath, mobilized his strong internal strength, and said in a shocking voice: "Your Majesty, I have brought the person to the side hall. This person is indeed a person of firm will and righteousness, and successfully resisted the temptation of beauty set by Your Majesty in the first level."

At this time, a very cold female voice came from the door, and the voice was like the gurgling of an ice spring, ethereal and cold: "Well, the seeds this time are not bad, and the follow-up can proceed as planned."

Wuwei Taoist hurriedly bowed his head respectfully and nodded a few times: "Your Majesty, I understand."

After the voice fell, the surroundings instantly fell into a seemingly eternal silence again, as if the whole world had fallen into a deep sleep.

Taoist Wuwei stared at the dark door quietly. After a moment of silence, he continued, "Your Majesty, what should we do with those monks yesterday?"

After waiting for a while, the voice came again: "Refine them all into Blood Spirit Pills!"

"I understand!"

Taoist Wuwei nodded respectfully again, but his expression was faintly worried.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally said, "Your Majesty, the Blood Spirit Pill recipe given by those demons is very effective, but it is too harmful to your dragon body. I suggest that you don't continue to take it."

"But... If I don't use it, how can I keep this country?"

The cold voice was mixed with a little helplessness and desolation.

"Alas..." Taoist Wuwei sighed deeply, "Your Majesty, I really..."

"Stop talking! I have made up my mind!"

The voice stopped Taoist Wuwei from continuing to speak, "When I succeed in borrowing seeds, the dragon son born will surely restore the power of the ancestor dragon! It is just around the corner to swallow the Han Kingdom!"

Taoist Wuwei looked helpless and bitter. The friendship between him and His Majesty is very deep. It can be said that he has watched His Majesty grow up little by little since he was a child.

But now facing such a situation, even if he is unwilling and helpless in his heart, he also understands that he must put the overall situation first. After all, this foundation of hundreds of years must not be destroyed in this way!

He sighed heavily, and then he had to straighten his spine, raised his arms and shouted: "Your Majesty is mighty! I will do my best to help the dragon son grow strong!"



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