The two of them were in a mess.

Qin Shou's eyes were fixed on the situation in the ring, and he murmured, "What a coincidence, a momentary unintentional action, but it happened to solve this crisis, is it God's favor?"

Yu Yingying was keenly aware of the invisible gaze of her master, and she was shocked. She didn't dare to look at her any more, and shouted to Long Xiaoyu, "Take good care of them, I'll go out!"

"I know!" Long Xiaoyu's voice came from the depths of the pond.

Before the voice fell, Yu Yingying's figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

I saw Long Xiaoyu slowly dive out from the bottom of the pond, revealing his head, and the demonic energy around him was surging. The water in the pond seemed to have life, and it turned into several blue chains.

These chains were like agile water snakes, flying out from the surface of the pond, instantly rolling up Zhou Guoguo who was not far away, and then rolling up the two naked women together, and gently placing them in an open place to dry.

Long Xiaoyu looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but smile proudly, thinking to himself: "I am the best at taking care of this kind of thing!"


Outside, a cute Q version of Yu Yingying emerged from the ring and sat lightly on Qin Shou's broad shoulders.

The small and slender hand gently held Qin Shou's right ear, and said in a delicate voice: "Brother Shou, I'm here!"

Qin Shou reached out and pinched Yu Yingying's pink face as usual, and the touch was still so smooth and delicate, making people love it.

"Hate it, stop pulling, I'm going to be broken by Brother Shou!"

Yu Yingying twisted her body and said coquettishly, her coquettish look was like the spring breeze blowing on the willows, stirring the man's heartstrings.

Qin Shou enjoyed it very much, and the haze in his heart was swept away in an instant. He let go of his hand and pointed at the old man Wuwei in front of him, saying loudly: "You coquettish stone, did the man in front see it? He is yours! Quick battle and quick decision!"

Yu Yingying blinked her smart eyes, looked in the direction of Qin Shou's finger, and her eyes instantly locked on Taoist Wuwei.

Her face was full of disgust, and she muttered: "It turned out to be a dry old man! There is no taste at all, it's not delicious! Brother Shou, can I eat something good next time?"

"Wait until it's over, I'll let you eat as much as you want! Fill you up!" Qin Shou said heroically.

"Wow! Really?" Yu Yingying deliberately dragged out the ending tone, with full of disbelief.

"Sao Shitou, stop talking nonsense! Go! I need to recover some spiritual power!"

Qin Shou pinched her little butt hard, then took out a few healing and spiritual power recovery pills and swallowed them, then sat in meditation to regulate his breathing.

Yu Yingying snorted proudly, patted Qin Shou's face lightly, and then flew out.

Taoist Wuwei felt dizzy and full of doubts at this moment.

He really couldn't understand how the empress Zhao Rou, whom he controlled, could suddenly disappear!

And he couldn't sense Zhao Rou's location at all. It was as if Zhao Rou disappeared out of thin air between heaven and earth.

He could only guess that Qin Shou might have used some mysterious magic to teleport Zhao Rou away.

Then, he saw the little man flying over, and he was even more puzzled. With his shallow knowledge, he couldn't recognize Yu Yingying's origin at all.

"What are you?"

Faced with the unknown, Taoist Wuwei was afraid and took a step back unconsciously. He quietly held a blood spirit pill in his sleeve, ready to swallow it at any time.

"You are such a nasty person! How can you say that I am a thing?"

Yu Yingying flew over slowly, her voice was crisp and angry. A yellowish demonic aura was floating around her, like smoke and fog.

Within a radius of 100 meters, all the land began to tremble slightly, and the stones on the ground seemed to be given life. They were suspended in the air and flew to the side of Yu Yingying, surrounding and arranging to form a circle of solid barriers.

"You... you are a demon!"

Taoist Wuwei pointed at Yu Yingying with trembling fingers, and his voice trembled, "Fourth-level demon? No, it's fifth-level!!"

Although Taoist Wuwei couldn't recognize what kind of demon Yu Yingying was, this aura was definitely not something that could be possessed by the foundation-building period. It must be a fifth-level demon beast!

The cultivation level of this fifth-level monster is roughly equivalent to that of a Jindan cultivator.

You should know that in Zhongzhou, where there are many large sects, such monsters are extremely rare!

This is because when a fourth-level monster breaks through to the fifth level, a calamity cloud will descend, which is quite similar to the situation when a cultivator breaks through.

Once the calamity cloud is formed, at least all cultivators within a thousand miles can sense it.

Those cultivators from the large sects will immediately send people to capture or kill it!

A demon beast with only the Jindan cultivation level is priceless!

Whether it is slaughtered and dismembered to obtain materials, or captured as a spirit beast, or raised as a guardian beast in the sect, it is a very cost-effective thing.

Being able to take a fifth-level demon beast as a spirit pet and bring it with him is something that Taoist Wuwei never expected!

Qin Shou's background is far more powerful than he imagined!

Seeing the fear in the old man's eyes, Yu Yingying was so excited that she couldn't help but lick her lips with her pink little tongue. What she loved most was witnessing the fear of others.

Then, under the heavy cover of this fear, people were wiped out. Only in this way could the taste of flesh and blood be sublimated!

Yu Yingying shouted: "Stone Meteorite!" Controlling the stones around her body to shoot towards Taoist Wuwei like meteors.

Each stone was wrapped in a yellowish-brown demonic aura, whistling through the void and bringing up strong winds.

The face of Wuwei Taoist changed drastically, and he quickly cast a spell to condense a layer of protective light curtain in front of him.

However, the impact of the stone was so strong that the light curtain was instantly pierced like paper.

The stones hit Wuwei Taoist's body in unison, and he was pierced to pieces like a rag toy.

There were countless holes on his body, his internal organs were completely shattered into meat paste, and blood splattered, staining the surrounding land red.

Wuwei Taoist's body fell down weakly, his eyes full of disbelief and fear, and finally his life was cut off and his soul returned to the netherworld.

Yu Yingying stood in the air, her face full of smugness, and she finished her work with satisfaction, and was about to fly over to devour Wuwei Taoist's body.

At this moment, a black centipede emerged from the tattered cuffs of Taoist Wuwei.

The centipede twisted its body and quickly swallowed the five or six blood spirit pills scattered from its cuffs.

In an instant, a surge of green demonic energy surged from its body, and its momentum was like a violent storm.

The size of the black centipede rose at an astonishing speed, from just two fingers wide to a hundred meters, like a small mountain lying in front of her.

Yu Yingying frowned, her beautiful eyes full of doubts, and she had no idea where the centipede came from. However, this centipede ruined her meal time!

She cried out, and angrily used her power again, "Stone Meteorite Fall!"

I saw countless stones wrapped in thick demonic energy, turning into meteorites burning with blazing flames, carrying the power of destroying the world, and smashing hard on the giant centipede.

An incredible scene appeared!

The black centipede's inky black armor was extremely hard, as if it was made of the strongest black iron in the world.

The powerful stones hit it, making a crackling sound, crisp and rapid, resounding throughout the world.

Although this attack was very powerful and imposing, it failed to penetrate the centipede's armor, but only left many pits of varying depths on it, like stars dotted in the night sky.


The black centipede suddenly raised its huge upper body and let out a sharp and piercing scream, the sound of which seemed to tear the sky apart.

From its hideous mouthparts, a black venom spewed out, like a black torrent.

Yu Yingying's expression was stern, and she raised her hand and waved it gently. A huge rock buried under the ground broke out of the ground instantly, like an indestructible shield, blocking her steadily.

The venom sprayed on the boulder, making a series of sizzling corrosion sounds, which was creepy.

Under the erosion of the venom, most of the boulder was corroded and turned into a pile of powder.

Yu Yingying was pale, her face changed drastically, and she was extremely surprised.

This centipede's cultivation was obviously not as high as hers, why was it so powerful!

The black centipede was merciless and attacked again. A large amount of venom was sprayed out from its mouthparts. The venom covered a wide area, like an endless black giant net, making Yu Yingying nowhere to hide!

Yu Yingying panicked, quickly making hand gestures and muttering something.

In an instant, the dirt and rocks around her flew over and merged with each other, quickly forming an extremely thick stone wall blocking the way ahead.

However, as the poison was splashed indiscriminately, the seemingly thick and solid stone wall was easily corroded and turned into a pool of dirty muddy water.

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