The king of the country was in trouble.

"Beast! Let me go! I only said I would give you everything, but I will never be your slave, even if I die, it is impossible!"

Zhao Rou wanted to die at this moment. After all, she had taken two blood spirit pills, and her life span had been reduced by half. Her capable general Wuwei Guoshi betrayed her. Now the country is deeply mired in the quagmire of war, and it can be said that it is devastated everywhere.

She is tired and exhausted, so it is better to end it here.

Seeing this, Zhou Guoguo felt sorry. Her family was paid by the court, and now the emperor was being bullied. She couldn't help but persuade him: "Master, I see she doesn't want to do it, so forget it."

Qin Shou glanced at Zhou Guoguo calmly, "Guoguo, I know you are kind, but this is the ending she deserves! Colluding with the devil, killing monks to make pills, if someone else came, she would have been killed by a palm, and her soul would be imprisoned forever, trapped in endless torture!"

"I am very tolerant. As long as she is my slave, at least I still have the ability to save her life!"

When Zhou Guoguo heard that Zhao Rou had colluded with the devil, the compassion she had just developed instantly disappeared, and she thought that the master's actions were correct!

There has always been a blood feud between the devil and the righteous!

This is a compulsory course for every cultivator in the sect, promoting the evil and terror of the devil.

Zhao Rou had no desire to live at this time, and she cursed angrily: "You are worse than an animal, if you have the guts, kill me!"

"Want to die? It's not that easy, I still want you to take charge of this empire for me!"

Qin Shou stretched out the back of his hand and slowly stroked Zhao Rou's delicate face, while his other hand wandered over her thighs.

"Asshole! Don't touch me!"

Zhao Rou tried her best to resist, but her whole body was tightly bound by spiritual power, and except for her mouth, the rest of her body could not move!

"You are my slave, can't I, as the master, touch you?"

Qin Shou became more and more unscrupulous, and the strength of his hand increased a few points, pinching Zhao Rou repeatedly and crying out in pain.

But Qin Shou had no sympathy for her, and threw her to the ground.

In the Qin Empire, there is a truth that has been passed down for many years: If you want to conquer a woman, you must first conquer her body. At the beginning, Zhao Rou shouted angrily: "Beast, don't touch me!"

Time passed, half an hour passed, Zhao Rou panted, her face full of anger, and shouted loudly: "Beast, are you an immortal? You are so useless!"

Another hour passed, Zhao Rou's voice trembled, and she said coquettishly: "Qin Shou, be gentle, I can't stand it anymore!"

Two hours later, Zhao Rou was already weak and weak, and she shouted softly: "Master... you are too powerful!"

At this time, her face was flushed, her eyes were blurred, as if she was in endless intoxication.

Until most of the day passed, Qin Shou stood up with satisfaction and refreshed, Zhou Guoguo hurried forward, respectfully and gently put on Qin Shou's robe.

And Zhao Rou squatted on the ground, her hair was messy, and a line of tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

She was full of regret and shame. As the emperor of a country, she was conquered by a man.

She felt that she was so lowly that she was no different from that whore.

Especially since she still called Qin Shou her master, the shame surged into her heart again when she thought of this, and a hot current flowed through her body, making her jade-like skin redder.

After getting dressed, Qin Shou took out a brand new, glittering fairy robe from his storage ring and handed it to Zhou Guoguo, and then gave a slight signal with his eyes.

Zhou Guoguo immediately nodded in understanding, holding the robe in both hands, and walked to Zhao Rou.

Zhao Rou raised her eyes and saw that it was Zhou Guoguo, who looked cute and innocent. She did not have much resistance in her heart, so she cooperated with Zhou Guoguo's actions, slowly stood up, and stretched out her jade arms.

At this time, Qin Shou turned his head and glanced at Yu Yingying. Yu Yingying was just like the charming and coquettish stone. She immediately smiled and said in a tender voice: "Brother Shou, is it my turn?"

Qin Shou frowned slightly and said perfunctorily with a little impatience: "It will be your turn tomorrow!!"

Hearing this, Yu Yingying instantly became listless like a frost-bitten eggplant. She pouted her little mouth, stamped her feet, squatted beside the sparkling pond, and played with the dragon fish in the pond in a rage.

The water in the pond rippled under the gentle breeze, reflecting Yu Yingying's lost figure.

At this time, Ye Linglong, who was sleeping, moaned, and her eyelashes, which were close together, trembled like butterfly wings, as if trying to break free from the shackles of dreams.


After a while, her pair of bright eyes slowly appeared.

"Where is this!"

Ye Linglong got up drowsily, and saw the green grass around her, lush and lush. The breeze blew, and the grass waves undulated, like a green ocean.

The horizon in the distance seemed to be connected to the earth, vast and boundless, with no end in sight.

This place has an extremely rich spiritual energy, and the five kinds of spiritual energy of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are also abundant and abundant. This is an extremely rare sight!

Even in the Xianyun Sect, that spiritual place, there are rarely places where the five kinds of spiritual energy are so rich at the same time.

"Linglong!" A kind and familiar call sounded slowly.

Ye Linglong turned around suddenly, and saw a man in white standing beside her like a jade tree in the wind. When the familiar face came into view, her tears instantly burst out like a flood, "Junior Brother!"

It turned out that the scenes of the junior brother appearing and saving her were not dreams, but real events!

Ye Linglong stood up and threw herself into Qin Shou's arms like a young swallow, sobbing one after another, heartbreaking.

Qin Shou gently hugged the injured "little beast" in his arms, and the words of comfort in his heart came to his lips but he didn't know where to start.

The two of them snuggled up tightly, and time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Until Ye Linglong stopped crying, raised her head, and gently wiped her tears with her sleeve. Her eyes were red like a rabbit, with a bit of pity, "I'm sorry to make you laugh. Do I look ugly when I cry?"

Qin Shou gently rubbed the tears in the corners of Ye Linglong's eyes with the back of his fingers, and comforted her softly: "Not ugly, Senior Sister is the most beautiful in my eyes!"

"Junior brother is perfunctory to me again, is it possible that I am more beautiful than the fairy?"

Ye Linglong deliberately said coquettishly, with a bit of playfulness and stubbornness.

Qin Shou dotingly pinched Ye Linglong's delicate face, "The beauty of the fairy is different from yours, the two cannot be compared!"

"Humph... you only know how to talk sweet words!"

Ye Linglong coquettishly stretched out her hand and pinched Qin Shou's waist, using very little force, soft and gentle, like a massage.

Qin Shou knew that this topic was not good, and decided to change the topic immediately.

Just before, he saw Ye Linglong appear in the palace of the Great Qin Empire and abuse people. He was full of doubts and couldn't understand why Ye Linglong chose to come to the palace when she was possessed.

Generally speaking, even if a cultivator is possessed, he will not abuse mortals.

"Sister, why did you attack the palace when you were possessed?"

Qin Shou looked solemn and raised this question without hesitation.

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