After a while, the two of them were very close.


Qin Shou laughed three times, showing a smug smile, and said: "You should think about whether you can get out of here alive first!"

He slapped him again!


Zhao Linger was stunned by the slap!

"Qin Shou, I was wrong! Please let me go!" She immediately gave in, with a hint of pleading in her voice.

"It's easy to let me go, I only have one request."

Qin Shou's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a barely noticeable smile.

Zhao Linger seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, a glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes, and she pleaded: "Brother Qin, what do you want?"

"I need you to help me monitor Song Zhixue!"

Qin Shou's voice carried a tone of unquestionable, and his eyes were fixed on Zhao Linger, as if waiting for her answer.

At the same time, his sharp eyes, like a hawk, came back to sweep over Zhao Linger wantonly, as if appreciating a peerless work of art, with greed and desire in his eyes.

Hearing this, Zhao Linger's pretty face instantly showed an extremely shocked expression, her beautiful eyes opened wide, and she was almost dumbfounded.

This Qin Shou was really bold and presumptuous. He even dared to call the fairy by her full name and monitor her himself. How could he do such a thing?

She quickly refused, "You are crazy, how can you do such a thing? I won't help you."

"You won't help, right?"

Qin Shou's face turned cold, and he pulled Zhao Linger's sleeves hard, revealing her arms as white as lotus roots. On her smooth arms, you can clearly see a red toad's blood.

This toad's blood represents the symbol of Zhao Linger's purity.


Zhao Linger screamed in horror, her voice full of fear and helplessness.

She couldn't be deflowered, because the fairy required that the maid must be a virgin!

Qin Shou took the opportunity to threaten: "I just want to ask you one question, will you help me? If you don't, I will break your uterus."

Under Qin Shou's threat, Zhao Linger finally gave in and cried out:

"I will help you!~~"

Hearing this, Qin Shou suddenly withdrew his hand, a trace of cunning flashed across his face, and he said coldly: "Empty words, how can they count! You should swear to the heaven quickly. If you disobey me or leak our affairs, you will never make any progress in your cultivation in this life, and you will be struck by thunder and lightning, and end up dying without a burial place!"

Zhao Linger trembled, her beautiful eyes were full of fear and despair, and under Qin Shou's coercion, she had to follow his words and swear to the heaven.

"I, Zhao Linger, swear to the Heavenly Dao today...If I break my oath, I will never be able to improve my cultivation for the rest of my life, and I will be struck by five thunders from the Heavens, and I will die without a burial place!"

With a sound in the sky, thunder started to rise.

The thunder roared, as if it was going to break the world, as if the Heavenly Dao was responding to Zhao Linger's oath.

The oath was established.

Once a cultivator swears to the Heavenly Dao, if he breaks his oath, he will be retaliated by the Heavenly Dao, and he will almost never be able to cultivate immortals in this life.

This is an unwritten iron rule among cultivators, and no one dares to break it easily.

Qin Shou snapped his fingers contentedly, and the sound of the snap was particularly crisp in the house. At the same time, the vines that were wrapped around Zhao Linger fell down in an instant.

With a "thump", Zhao Linger fell to the ground powerlessly.

Then, the vines squirmed for a while, like a nimble snake, and drilled back into Qin Shou's palm at a very fast speed.

This flying vine technique is indeed very useful!

Qin Shou looked at his palm and clenched it into a fist.

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