The two of them were so close that they finally got married.

Zhou Guoguo was already moved by Ling Feng's affectionate confession, and with her natural love brain, she completely forgot her doubts.

A blush appeared on her face, as gorgeous as the sunset, and she whispered those three words: "I do!"

Ling Feng's eyes were full of affection, as if they contained endless love. He whispered: "Guoguo, can you say it again?"

"I do!" Zhou Guoguo said excitedly again.

She didn't know how long she had been looking forward to this day. Now that her dream has come true, her joy is beyond words.

Ling Feng's smile got bigger, and his voice was a little bewitching: "Then, Guoguo, can I do something that a Taoist couple should do?"

Zhou Guoguo's cheeks flushed instantly when she heard this, her heart was pounding, and she whispered: "Everything is arranged by Senior Brother Lingfeng!"

There was both expectation and a little nervousness in her eyes.

"Guoguo, can you lend me the whip on your waist?"

"What do you want my Swift Wind Whip for?"

Her whip is called the Swift Wind Whip, which is a lower-level magic weapon and a birthday gift from her second uncle Zhou Hu.

"Just give it to me! Be obedient!"



Ling Feng's eyes flashed coldly, and he walked forward. When Zhou Guoguo handed over the Swift Wind Whip, he stepped forward and chopped Zhou Guoguo's neck with a knife.

Zhou Guoguo fainted before she even reacted.

When she woke up again, her hands were entangled in thick hemp ropes and she couldn't get rid of them.

"Brother Ling, what do you mean?" Zhou Guoguo was a little confused, looking at her beloved Brother Lingfeng in front of her in confusion.

As she was watching, suddenly, Brother Lingfeng pulled his face and replaced him with Qin Shou!

Zhou Guoguo was shocked and screamed in horror: "How could it be you! Qin Shou!!!"

Qin Shou sneered unscrupulously: "Haha, what's wrong with me? Just now you agreed to be my Taoist partner."

"How dare you lie to me! You're dead! I must kill you!"

Zhou Guoguo figured out everything in an instant. The letter in her boudoir was fake.

This was because she had never seen Lingfeng's handwriting, and Lingfeng happened to come to preach today, so she mistakenly thought that the letter was written by Lingfeng!

"Kill me? Dream on!" Qin Shou showed a smug smile on his face.

Before the plan was implemented, Qin Shou had heard from others that Qi Refining cultivators must use oral formulas and hand formulas to cast spells.

Now Zhou Guoguo's hands were tied and she couldn't cast any spells.

He approached Zhou Guoguo...

Zhou Guoguo's face immediately turned pale and she shouted for help: "Help! Who can save me!"

At this moment, Zhou Guoguo could only hope that someone would pass by the back mountain and hear her cry for help.

Qin Shou didn't care, he just looked at her quietly.

Seeing Qin Shou's calm expression, Zhou Guoguo suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart.

She wondered why he was not afraid of her cry for help at all?

Could it be that he was secretly planning something bad?

Zhou Guoguo's thoughts flashed through her mind like lightning, and she didn't have time to think about it, and continued to shout at the top of her voice: "Help!!"

Sure enough, under her call, two preparatory disciples who were bored and came to the back mountain to relax heard the sound.

These two preparatory disciples, one fat and one thin.

The fat man pricked up his ears, looked puzzled, and turned to ask the thin man: "Thin man, did you hear a woman's call?"

The thin man scratched his head and said puzzledly: "Brother Fat, you must have heard it wrong, how could there be a woman in the back mountain! You know, there is only Zhou Guoguo in the entire preparatory hospital. I seriously suspect that you are holding it in!"

The fat man said angrily, "Fuck, it's okay if you don't mention her, but I get angry when you mention it! I can get leave to go home to visit my family this year, but this stinky woman just won't approve it! I haven't been home for a year, and my wife wrote to me saying that she will give birth next month..."


Another call sounded, and the fat man said in surprise: "There is really a woman's voice!"

The thin man still didn't hear anything, "Brother Fat, are you hallucinating? Why can't I hear anything!"

"I didn't hear it wrong, you follow me, it seems to be in the direction of the Moonstone!!" Brother Fat denied it, he was sure that his ears did not have hallucinations.

In desperation, the thin man could only follow Brother Fat.

I saw two figures, one fat and one thin, walking towards the Moon-Watching Stone.

The rustling sound of footsteps was particularly clear in this quiet back mountain.

Zhou Guoguo, a monk, heard it clearly.

"Qin Shou, you are dead, someone is coming up! When they see me tied up by you, they will definitely catch you! If you let me go now, I might be happy and spare your life!" Zhou Guoguo was smug, and his words were full of threats.

Qin Shou took a step forward, his handsome face came close, and he exhaled hot air and said, "Are you 100% sure that the people coming up will help you?"

"What do you mean by that!" Zhou Guoguo was a little confused.

"You know, the whole preparatory institute is full of complaints about you. You whip them at every turn. You have whipped hundreds of people in the preparatory institute."

"Suppose they come up and see that Deacon Zhou, who used to be high and mighty, is now captured by me like a little chicken. Do you think they will obey your orders?"

Hearing this, Zhou Guoguo's delicate body trembled slightly, and fear appeared in her beautiful eyes. Her voice trembled involuntarily: "Impossible, I am a deacon, they dare not disobey me!"

"Really? Do you dare to bet?!" Qin Shou said while glancing at the jungle below with his peripheral vision.

At this time, the two figures had come near the Moon-Watching Stone.

They stood in front of the Moon-Watching Stone and looked around.

Zhou Guoguo and Qin Shou hid behind the Moon-Watching Stone, with only one stone between them.

"Huh? Where's the person? I clearly heard the voice here! It seems to be the voice of Zhou Guoguo, that bitch!" The fat man looked around, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Brother Fat, you must have heard it wrong. How could it be Zhou Guoguo? What is that bitch doing in the back mountain?" The thin man said in confusion.

Brother Fat guessed: "Maybe she is having a tryst with a man!"

"A tryst! Brother Fat, to tell you the truth, if it weren't for the fact that Zhou Guoguo is an immortal and has good strength! I would have killed her long ago!"

The thin man showed a trace of ferocity on his face. He was originally a desperate criminal. He was chased and had no choice but to enter the Xianyun Sect, but his qualifications were too poor and he became a preparatory disciple.

But he was often punished by Zhou Guoguo, and once he almost died in the preparatory courtyard.

"Hey, brother, think about it! One day is one day, who knows one day we will also open up and become immortals!" Brother Fat comforted.

Listening to the conversation between the two, there was actually a preparatory disciple who wanted to kill her.

Instantly, her face turned pale and she was shaking with anger!

Just as Qin Shou said, these students in the preparatory academy hated her to the core.

If they really found out that she was caught by Qin Shou and couldn't move, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Taking advantage of Zhou Guoguo's psychological defenses that were somewhat broken, Qin Shou whispered to Zhou Guoguo's ear: "Now, I only give you two choices, life or death!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Guoguo's psychological defenses were already broken. She was still young and didn't want to die!

As Qin Shou expected, Zhou Guoguo finally made the right choice - life!

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