The more they object, the more it means I did the right thing

Chapter 271 Pushing [Error] to the Top (5200 words)

Cersei Milton's life, in the eyes of outsiders, is a perfect and glorious life.

The third princess, who had experienced the assassination of her royal brother, collusion with political party interests, and betrayal by her maid since she was a child, was not disappointed with this wrong world. On the contrary, she was happy because of it.

The more wrong the world is, the more valuable it is to correct. When all the wrongs are slaughtered, Cersei will sincerely feel happy for this kind of righteous killing and become addicted to it. From a young age, Cersei realized that in order to realize her ideals, she must learn to hide her true nature.

She had to learn to hide her never-ending desire to kill, which had grown ever since she was a child.

You can kill people, but not in front of the public. You can kill people, but you have to plant rare plants.

She must learn to be patient, no matter how annoying the mistakes of others, and must always be in the light.

Be a perfect princess that everyone can trust and like, or a puppet, facing the eyes of all the courtiers, walking gracefully on the sunny road, until she ascends to the throne, she will be in front of everyone Plant a bouquet of 'golden kites' on the tombstone. The blessing flowers growing from the bones and blood must be very beautiful.

In these nineteen years of life, she spent a long, long time learning to be patient.


Within twenty minutes, I was completely defeated by a mosquito.

She still underestimated Ansu's birth level. This is the first time Cersei has been defeated by an army.


The Sima bastard mosquito kept circling around Cersei, now from her left ear to her right ear, and now back from her right ear, buzzing from one channel to another, with no blind spots or weak points. All around.

"Buzz buzz."

Cersei has never seen anything born like this before. It has been the biggest mistake in the world since birth. But now she has to concentrate all her energy on praising the dawn and praying calmly. She has no time to think about what went wrong in the first place. The thing is extinct.

She had never been so angry, and the depths of her pure white eyes were filled with almost overflowing murderous intent. From Cersei's fingertips to her shoulders, there were slightly red dots, like red beans, scattered. Reflected in the almost transparent snow-white skin, it was as dazzling as red plums in the snow.

Because of the difference in life levels, the calamity in the Flower Fairy's body cannot invade the princess at all. It cannot even suck blood. Once it tries to suck Cersei's blood, the holy blood will directly burn the Flower Fairy.

Even so, its bite is still itchy and cannot be scratched.

This is the greatest torture in the world.

It doesn't suck blood, doesn't harm people, doesn't seek survival, it just behaves basely - as a living thing, this is the biggest mistake.

In the dim church, the whispers of disaster echoed at the end of the silence, and the violence began to grow wildly,

She lowered her head and prayed softly to praise the dawn. However, the catkins that were clasped together on her chest were gently pressed, and her nails dug deeply into her skin. The blood seeped out and splashed on the church, in the holy light. Blood-red flowers bloomed one after another.

One must endure, one must learn to praise, one must pray and wait.

We must be patient because the public's attention is still there.


I don't know how long it took, but she gently raised her eyes.

Although all the mosaic glass in the church was covered with black cloth, Cersei still saw the blood-red light seeping into the church. The screen full of 'errors' began to flash across the screen in her eyes. Naraku's world was going out of control. At the same time, , those surveillances also disappeared.

I see.

"The art of living things. Blue Witch?" She murmured softly.

Now that the world is broken, there is no need to wait any longer. There is no need to wear this skin of the Holy Maiden of Dawn anymore. In this case, there is no need for her to play the role of the Saint of Dawn that everyone loves.

Because of the people, she chose to cooperate with Ansu and pray in the church by herself, but this restriction has been lifted.

The effect of the Dawn Ritual is to disperse and eliminate all [undead] with infinite brilliance, and its effect is on the undead and corpses.

But the sutured lives created by the Blue Witch using the 'art of living creatures' are all living creatures and do not belong to the category of undead.

"Ha." She laughed.

From the beginning, she and Ansu were set up by Merlin. From the beginning, there was no hope of salvation in this world.

The Dawn Ceremony was a lie, and there was no point in continuing to wait.

Cersei thought of the last paragraph of the introduction to the world,

[This is the darkest era, this is the brightest era, the dawn may never come, the dawn is coming. Maybe there is only the last night left]

The star's reminder is very clear, it is 'maybe' there is only one last night left. It's 'maybe' that will never come. This world has been a paradox and a mistake since it was designed by Merlin.

"Ha." She was not angry. On the contrary, she was happy for it!

The more mistakes are made, the more joy she makes. She does not hate mistakes, because without human mistakes, there is no justice in judgment. Cersei will be happy for mistakes, because she can inflict tyranny on mistakes in the name of justice. .

The long-suppressed emotions can no longer be stopped or stopped.

"Buzz." The buzzing sound around me became more and more annoying, just like the voices of the people, my father, my brother, the secret believers, and the officials. Buzzing, surrounding my ears, buzzing.

In this case, just kill all the annoying voices.


Kill them all, and it will be dawn.

Under the holy light, Cersei raised a calm arc at the corner of her mouth. She looked away and looked at the flower fairies around her. In her pure white pupils, the next moment, the apostle of disaster was crushed into a blood mist, and the violent and crazy magic rolled out from the center of the church. All barriers and seals were broken in the second moment!

But at the same time, because she interrupted her prayer, the backlash of the Dawn Ceremony came in an instant, and Cersei could no longer retreat in the first moment.

The vast dawn light that gathered on the statue instantly collapsed, countless lights annihilated and collided with each other, and finally formed a sea of ​​holy light all over the sky. Ansu and Luo Xiaohei only heard a loud noise behind them that seemed to shatter the world. They looked back and saw that the Dawn Church had disappeared, replaced by a sea of ​​light.

The dawn light that could devour all the undead swallowed up the Dawn Saint.


[Mission 2 Interrupted]

It's getting more and more chaotic!

This world is getting more and more chaotic!

The crimson light in the eyes of the Chaos Saint became more and more red. She was delighted to reach the peak of chaos. She stared at the sea of ​​light behind her with a daze, watching the broken lights constantly collide and frantically destroy everything in sight.

This woman with a courtesy name really couldn't help it. Seeing that the world was out of control, she directly gave up the prayer ceremony.

Luo Xiaohei laughed so hard that he fell backwards and laughed while holding his belly.

She knew that once there was no surveillance around, this crazy woman would reveal her tyrannical nature, even if it would bring disaster to herself, even if Cersei herself would be swallowed up by this tyrannical justice, Cersei would be willing to do it - from this level, the Maiden of Chaos is very similar to the Princess of the Imperial City.

I hope to blow this crazy woman to death. Luo Xiaohei shook his tail to express his blessing.

[Warning] [Tower Fall] [Chapel Fall] [Chapel Fall].

The nearly collapsed artificial star was refreshing the warning in front of it frantically, and one stronghold after another fell.

The 'Life Slug' stitched by the Life Cultists attacked the barrier of the Dawn Church from all directions and invaded it.

Spikes and tentacles grow from their twisted, flesh-like deformed bodies. Any living creature they touch will be forcibly integrated into their bodies. They rushed all the way from the Dead Castle to the front of the church. They devoured countless flying insects and beasts along the way, and their bodies became larger and more bizarre.

Each of them has reached the fourth level or above.

The originally indestructible dawn barrier is now as fragile as a piece of thin paper in front of their bodies, and the defense line is instantly broken.

According to mythology, their tribe once devoured a country.

Even in the history of the esoteric religion, this kind of life is regarded as an impossible life taboo. The tribe was expelled by the holy light and could not return to the world. Only the lost "Living Art" of life magic can recreate them.

The sacred magic "Living Art" can create all the mythical creatures that exist in the esoteric timeline.

In the third era, only the Blue Witch can master this supreme technique.

Luo Xiaohei looked at the bugs that broke through the defense line with a sad face, and meowed in distress. She didn't like these bugs.

She looked at her little paws and sighed softly. If she had known, she would have brought her real body here. Cersei killed the Dawn Saint she worshipped, so Elf should kill the Blue Witch she admired, so that it would be fair.

She also always wanted to fight with this legendary witch to see whether the "Living Art" of the Life Saint was stronger, or the "Chaos Judgment" of the Chaos Saint that deducted blood by percentage was stronger.

If it is weak, it will be fixed damage, and if it is strong, it will be percentage. Even the bugs made by the Blue Witch can be divided by the Chaos Saint.

Unfortunately, she is just Luo Xiaohei now.

These mythical creatures are not something she can deal with in her non-real body. It seems that this world is almost over. When Luo Xiaohei thought so in his heart, the life slugs suddenly took a step back. They trembled all over, as if they felt fear instinctively.

The next second, they all collapsed and shattered, turning into pools of blood mist. An Su narrowed her eyes slightly and saw the shadow passing through the blood mist. The shadow had a rampant smile on the corner of her mouth. She walked in the sea of ​​blood. Every time she took a step, golden lilies bloomed around her.

The killing intent of the peak saints overturned, pressing down the plains all the way, and set off heavy blood waves towards this wrong blood-red sky - every living face on the life slugs wailed.

But this could not stop the pace of killing. Their heads were raised in the air one by one, smashed on the ground, and turned into the flesh and blood of flowers and plants.

In the sea of ​​blood, only the pair of pure white crazy pupils remained. In the killing, there was more joy, more happiness and joy.

Blood stained Cersei's white dress, dyeing it into a dusk-colored crimson dress. She dressed up to attend the funeral of this world.

Cersei did not even look at Anzu.

Cersei didn't care that Ansu had cheated on her, because Cersei had also cheated on Ansu, it was just a draw. Before they started working together, they knew each other's character, and naturally had expected lies. This was a tacit understanding.

Compared to Ansu, there were more worthy targets to kill in the distance, and more worthy of correcting the [biggest mistake].

She raised her pure white eyes and looked into the blue eyes on the crimson sky.

The Blue Witch, known as the 'most evil woman' in the 30,000-year history of the secret sect, even after her death 30,000 years ago, her notoriety spread even further. Under the propaganda of an unknown fan of the Saint of Chaos, the Blue Witch has become the incarnation of the most evil in the world.

She had already killed the Saint of Dawn, and if she killed the Blue Witch again, it would be a joyful thing - even if she would die because of it.

Cersei walked barefoot towards the crimson sky, the smile on her mouth became more and more crazy, kill, kill, kill! !

The Blue Witch frowned slightly. This was not the pleasant smell she was looking for.

But it doesn't matter. Let's eat an appetizer first.

The witch smiled gently.

Watching this scene, Luo Xiaohei sighed softly. Why didn't Cersei be blown to death?

She also wanted to participate in this killing, but unfortunately she was just Luo Xiaohei now.

In the fight in front of them, both were peak saints, and they were not able to participate in it at their current level.

"Cersei has been seriously injured." Ansu's face was calm. He said seriously, "She will not be the opponent of the Blue Witch."

The Dawn Ceremony is not something that can be interrupted. The vast holy light will in turn devour the caster. Although Cersei looks fine, Ansu knows that she has been seriously injured.

"Meow." Luo Xiaohei tilted his head. That's it. Cersei can't fix the mistake.

It shook its tail and meowed at Ansu, and quickly used the despicable means you are good at.

As the Maiden of Chaos, Luo Xiaohei only took a glance and understood the reason for the collapse of the world: for some reason, the Blue Witch, who should not have appeared now, appeared, causing the latter to see through the truth of the world of Naraku and become the biggest mistake of the world.

If you want to fix the paradox and prevent the collapse of the Dawn Church, you can only kill the Blue Witch.

"Meow." (What idea did you have?)

She stood up with her hands on her waist, "Meow?" (How can we fix the mistakes of the world?)

"Why fix the mistakes?" Ansu looked at Luo Xiaohei inexplicably, and he tilted his head, "If everyone is wrong, doesn't it mean that there are no mistakes?"

Luo Xiaohei was silent. She felt that Ansu was more extreme than Cersei. It's not you who is wrong, but the whole world, right!

Ansu looked at the scarlet warning covering the entire sky, and looked at the intersection of pure white and blue, and the layers of fragments where the sky was broken, and he smiled.

For a born designer like Merlin, a vicious bug can never be fixed. After a big bug is fixed, more small bugs will always be involved. For evil players who do everything they can, bugs in the game can also be used as tools!

Bugs are poison to ordinary players, but they are double-edged swords to evil players. The real evil can even use bugs, such as the instant the wind and clouds fall, the clones repeat in a loop.

This is not a bug, but a feature of the game.

Merlin's philosophy allows the existence of "errors" in the world, and Ansu not only allows the existence of errors, but also recognizes and praises them, and climbs up step by step with the spiral staircase created by errors. Chaos is a staircase, and errors are also staircases. Everything is a step for the young man to climb up!

"Since the error has been born."

His face was calm, but the pale blue pupils reflected a cold light. The young man smiled and said, "Let us make deeper mistakes, because errors lead us upward."


Luo Xiaohei stared at Ansu with a vigilant face. She felt that Ansu would definitely do something beyond imagination. And now the mission has failed. Cersei gave up the dawn ceremony. Both missions 2 and 1 failed. This world is no longer qualified. How can it move forward?

To Luo Xiaohei's surprise, Ansu turned around calmly and ignored the enemy who was about to kill him. He calmly tidied up his messy clothes and walked towards the temple that had been swallowed by the sea of ​​light.

The temple had been completely destroyed, but the statue of the God of Light was still there, standing among the ruins. He first stood quietly in front of the statue, recovering the magic and holy light that had been consumed. After waiting for a while, he left the statue and walked into the depths of the church.

He searched in the ruins. After an unknown period of time, Ansu found what he was looking for, and he smiled.

It was a bunch of golden irises.

In the deepest part of the wasteland, the golden golden irises were in full bloom, shaking their golden petals slightly, as if shaking the bright dawn of the whole world - the golden irises were flowers blessed by the gods, so they were not harmed by the holy light.

Cersei had a habit, a habit that no one knew about. No one in the world knew about it, and those who knew about it were dead, but only Ansu knew about it.

After she killed someone with her own hands, she would plant a bunch of golden irises in the soil where they were buried. This secret. Even Merlin, the god of magic, didn't know, otherwise he wouldn't have drunk Cersei's golden iris tea.

Cersei dealt with the body of the Dawn Saint herself.

Although the holy blood was taken away by Anzu, the body was buried secretly by Cersei because she knew that the saint's body could not be left to Anzu.

Ansu bent down and dug in the soil around the Golden Kite, using magic power to remove layers of wet soil. Finally, at the bottom of the soil, the magic tentacles touched the already cold body.

The Virgin of Dawn, under the crown of Mary, is lying quietly in this soil.

The goddess's blessing still exists on Beloved's body, and everything is so fresh. Her skin did not become stiff and faded due to death. Instead, it was as white and delicate as the fine snow in early winter. Her body was surrounded by golden kites, and the golden petals swayed in the wind, reflecting the dazzling light of dawn. Sprinkled on the side of the saint's face.

She closed her eyes peacefully, as if she was just sleeping.

Everything is so beautiful, so peaceful.

"Let the [mistakes] of this world——"

Ansu picked off the swaying golden kite, the last light of the world, and held it in his hand. He said wantonly, "Reach to the top!"

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