Chen Fugui was about to answer.

Cao Rui stretched out his hand and pulled him behind him.

Cao Rui took a step forward and looked directly at the person who spoke.

"Haha, in Lianhua County, this is the first time someone dares to touch my people and stands in front of me."

"I am Zhao Quan from the Wild Dog Gang. Do you dare to tell me the details?"

Cao Rui frowned slightly. Zhao Quan did not attack directly. He should have guessed his strength from the description of his subordinates before.

He was worried that he was weak but strong, and the power behind him was amazing.

This Zhao Quan, with a shaved head and scars all over his head, looked fierce and brainless, but in fact he was rough and delicate.

Cao Rui thought for a moment and said, "The Whale Gang is very popular, Cao Rui."

The Whale Gang has been very popular in Ningyuan County recently. Cao Rui believes that the local forces in Lianhua County should have heard of the name of the Whale Gang.

Sure enough, Zhao Quan thought for a moment and his eyes flashed.

"So you are from the Whale Gang."

"The Whale Gang sent you to Lianhua County. Could it be that Ningyuan County is not enough, and they want to come to Lianhua County to plant their flag?"

The Whale Gang has been fighting continuously recently, and its strong strength and cohesion have been fully exposed in the Luoshui area.

Zhao Quan is also wary of this popular gang.

Seeing Zhao Quan's response, Cao Rui breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that there is a chance to keep Chen Fugui's restaurant.

Cao Rui said, "Brother Xiaoquan, you are joking."

"I came to Lianhua County just to see my friend." Cao Rui patted Chen Fugui on the shoulder.

"I was going to leave soon."

"I happened to see someone beat my uncle and brought him into the restaurant, and someone even shouted that my friend's restaurant should move out of here."

"My subordinates couldn't stand it, so they beat him up and threw him out of the restaurant."

"So, I discussed with my friend that Lianhua County couldn't accommodate him, so he went with me to the territory of Xiaojing Gang to open a restaurant, and I will definitely take good care of him."

Cao Rui's words.

Completely separated Cao Rui himself and Zhao Xiaoquan from the Wild Dog Gang.

In the end, he seemed to be showing weakness and asked the restaurant to move out.

Give Zhao Xiaoquan enough face.

If Zhao Xiaoquan is interested in being noble, then he will take advantage of the situation to go downhill.

After Cao Rui finished speaking, he looked directly at Zhao Quan, waiting for the Wild Dog Gang leader to respond.

Zhao Quan frowned, but after understanding what Cao Rui meant, he relaxed slightly.

"So that's what happened, Cao Xiang, you're a man who sticks your neck out for your friends."

"But the people you beat were my men after all."

"How about this, I heard that the Whale Gang has outstanding swordsmanship and knife skills, Cao Xiang, let me see them, and I'll be convinced, and this matter will be over."

Cao Rui raised his eyebrows: "How do you want to see it?"

"That's it, you guys, move the table away and make room for me, Cao Xiang."

Zhao Quan stood up.

Several other gangs around immediately moved the tables and chairs in the restaurant hall to one side, freeing up the middle of the hall for Cao Rui and Zhao Quan to compete.

"Cao Rui, let's forget it!" Chen Fugui was a little worried about Cao Rui.

He knew that Cao Rui had been calculating for only two days.

He was afraid that Cao Rui was no match for Zhao Quan.

Cao Rui signaled Chen Fugui with his eyes to be at ease.

Seeing that the venue was cleared, the door of the restaurant was closed.

Cao Rui pressed the hilt of the sword and came to the center of the hall.

Zhao Quan, who was opposite, took a few steps forward and stood a few meters apart.

Zhao Quan was tall, not much different from Tang Yueming, and held a pair of small hammers in his hands.

In Lianhua County, Zhao Quan had killed many people with this pair of small hammers and was notorious.

Zhao Xiaoquan was obviously a battle maniac.

During the confrontation, Zhao Xiaoquan's face became more and more excited: "Then let's start?"

In response to Zhao Xiaoquan, Cao Rui drew his sword.

The Youquan Sword was unsheathed, and the sword light was shining!

Cao Rui wanted to test the power of his swordsmanship and suppressed part of his internal strength.


Cao Rui used the Yanyu Swordsmanship of the highest level!

Once it was launched.

The flashing sword light made the people on the scene stare!

The Yanyu Swordsmanship is all about the word "flower".

Dazzling, the sword moves are so flowery that people can't tell the real from the fake.

Zhao Xiaoquan on the opposite side also stared. When Cao Rui made this move, he knew that he had met a master.

He couldn't see any flaws in this kind of swordsmanship!

Zhao Youquan was a tough guy. He asked for the opportunity to see the enemy, so why would he show weakness now?

Zhao Youquan gritted his teeth and swung his two hammers to attack Cao Rui's sword light.

Zhao Youquan felt that the sword light in front of him was getting brighter and brighter, and even made his head dizzy and his eyes sore.

He couldn't help but squint his eyes slightly. In just a moment, Zhao Youquan felt something sharp against his neck.

If he moved again, he would die immediately.

A chill rushed to the back of his head.

Zhao Youquan kept the posture of hammering and stopped.

"Damn it, what's going on! How did I lose!"

Zhao Youquan readily admitted that he lost.

Cao Rui put the Youquan Sword back into its sheath.

Zhao Youquan touched his neck, which was already bleeding slightly.

Just now, I was literally on the verge of death.

"Brother Cao, your swordsmanship is really high! I'm done for if my eyes blur!"

"It's really amazing, but it's not satisfying enough."

The way Zhao Xiaoquan shook his head and savored the taste was a little funny.

"Brother Xiaoquan, what does my friend say about this?" Cao Rui still remembered Chen Fugui's matter, and spoke.

Zhao Xiaoquan patted his chest and said: "I'm not afraid of you laughing at me. Chen's Restaurant was previously favored by a distant relative of mine."

"Now that I know that you, Cao Rui, are in Chen's Restaurant, I, Zhao Xiaoquan, will naturally not touch him again."

"Bai Quan, did your men hurt Manager Chen?"

The Wild Dog Gang members who were watching on the side nodded.

"Disable his hand and tell him not to act under the banner of the Wild Dog Gang."

The Wild Dog Gang members nodded in agreement.

Zhao Xiaoquan looked at Cao Rui: "Cao Rui, to be honest, your Xiaojing Gang is far away from Ningyuan County. If I really want to cause trouble, you can't protect him."

"But when traveling in the world, it is always better to have more friends than more enemies."

"What do you think, Cao Xiang?"

Cao Rui laughed and said, "Haha, Brother Xiaoquan is straightforward. I recognize you as my friend."

"Okay! I won't disturb you from reminiscing with the young shopkeeper Chen!"

"Listen carefully! From now on, the regular fee of Chen's Restaurant will be halved!"

"Let's go!"

Zhao Xiaoquan waved his hand, led a group of gang members to open the restaurant, and left without looking back.

At present, it seems that he is indeed a straightforward person.

Cao Rui turned his head and looked at Chen Fugui.

"Fugui, if Zhao Quan keeps his word, you can come to Heishui Town to find me."

"If he keeps his promise, it will be the best, and your business will naturally prosper."

Chen Fugui looked at Cao Rui with mixed feelings: "Cao Rui... I really don't know how to thank you today."

"Thank you for what?"

"Tang Yueming, we're leaving!" Cao Rui called.

"You're so delicious!"

The man walked away.

Chen Fugui chased out of the restaurant, looking at Cao Rui's back, with mixed feelings.

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