The Mortal's Path to Immortality

Chapter 29 [Qingyu Hall] Master

A large group of people were busy most of the night.

More than twenty people died in front of the restaurant.

Quan was killed by Cao Rui's Youquan sword.

Blood flowed profusely.

The accumulated blood was washed away for several hours by the 그 of the town government and the 늌 gang members of the Giant Whale Gang.

Rinse and rinse thoroughly.

By the time I finished everything, it was already dawn.

Cao Rui, as the backbone, stayed at the scene to take charge.

Cao Rui's record has pushed Cao Rui's reputation to its peak.

The news about 꿷꽭 spread.

Everyone will know that Cao Rui, who was left behind by the Giant Whale Gang, is a terrifying god of death with astonishing combat power.

None of the town officials dared to look too closely at this seemingly young and immature God of Death.

The gang members under Cao Rui were both honored and disgraceful, and they all held their heads high.

Cao Rui 꽭 Liang Fang 꺳 went home to rest.

After Xiong Mingfang came to light, Menghan completely retreated and took him to Ningyuan County to report the news. By the way, he took the head of the blood snake Tan Han with him.

Cao Rui returned home.

The yard has been cleaned.

There's not a trace of blood to be seen.

The faint aftertaste of blood dissipated after a few blows of wind.

Three bodies have been disposed of.

The gang members respect Cao Rui and are naturally meticulous in their work.

Cao Rui went home and caught up on his sleep.

Since time travel, this is the first time that I have personally taken away so many lives.

Cao Rui found that his mind was surprisingly calm.

I'm really getting used to this world more and more...

In the afternoon, Xiong Mingfang returned from Ningyuan County and rushed to Cao Rui's home as soon as possible.

"Brother Cao, I have to call you Hall Master from now on."

Cao Rui raised his eyebrows, "What's going on?"

Xiong Mingfang spoke eloquently.

When Xiong Mingfang arrived in Ningyuan County.

Yu Yijian had just personally led his incense master to have a fight with the Viper Gang in a street in Ningyuan County.

Yu Yijian was still wondering why one of the Viper Gang's war generals was missing.

After Xiong Mingfang rushed to Ningyuan County with the head of Blood Snake Tan Han, Yu Yijian knew that such a big thing happened in his hometown last night.

Xiong Mingfang imitated Yu Yijian's laughter after seeing the head of the blood snake Tan Han.

In fact, the strength of the Giant Whale Gang and the Viper Gang are very close.

The death of Blood Snake Tan Han suddenly caused a gap in strength between the two.

Yu Yijian immediately decided to continue the general attack on the Viper Gang that night.

The head was used by Yu Yijian as a tool to demoralize the Viper Gang.

Yu Yijian was a smart man. After listening to Xiong Mingfang's description, he knew that Cao Rui was already a first-class master at the same level as him.

In addition, Cao Rui really only has a character that has no interest in fighting in the world and focuses on cultivation.

Yu Yijian put forward his idea in advance.

In Yu Yijian's idea, the position of hall leader will be established after the incense master of the Giant Whale Gang.

In view of Cao Rui's unwillingness to participate in gang affairs, he also did not want Cao Rui's superb martial arts characteristics to go to waste.

Yu Yijian plans to set up the "Qingyu Hall" specifically for Cao Rui.

Giant whales are called herrings when they are young.

[Blue Fish Hall] As the name suggests, it is a place where the giant whale gang cultivates seedlings.

Yu Yijian will allocate part of the gang's annual income to Cao Rui, who will select suitable young disciples for training.

The disciples who come out of [Blue Fish Hall] will directly become members of the Giant Whale Gang.

Yu Yijian really trusts Cao Rui.

With Cao Rui's martial arts talent, where can he not go?

Being able to stay in the Giant Whale Gang shows that Cao Rui is indeed a martial arts fanatic who is dedicated to martial arts.

Therefore, Yu Yijian was extremely relieved to let Cao Rui take charge of [Qingyu Hall].

Only Cao Rui's strength and martial arts talent are qualified to take over [Qingyu Hall].

After listening to what Xiong Mingfang said, Cao Rui did not refuse.

The affairs of [Qingyu Hall] are very leisurely.

Cao Rui understood what Yu Yijian meant.

Then I picked a few good seedlings and cultivated a few high-level ones for the Giant Whale Gang.

As for daily training, Cao Rui can just leave it to Tang Yueming.

Cao Rui has no plans to leave the Giant Whale Gang in the short term.

In this case, let’s take over the position of hall leader.

Seeing Cao Rui nod in agreement, Xiong Mingfang took out the envelope from Xiong's chest.

"The gang leader asked me to give this to you. He said that you agreed to be the leader of the hall, so I gave you this envelope."

Cao Rui took the envelope and opened it in front of Xiong Mingfang.

The first thing I bought was five hundred taels of silver.

Then a piece of letter paper.

The letter is written on letter paper 껗놆 and written by Yu Yijian himself.

'"Hall Master Cao, seeing words is like meeting..."

After reading the letter, Cao Rui naturally understood that these five hundred taels were given to him as the start-up capital to establish the basic structure of [Qingyu Hall].

In the letter, Yu Yijian expressed with great confidence that he could kill the Viper Gang within a month and completely incorporate the entire Ningyuan County into the territory of the Giant Whale Gang.

By then, the expanded territory will require more trustworthy hands.

I hope Cao Rui can start the operation of [Qingyu Tang] immediately.

In addition to the meeting hall of the old residence in Blackwater Town, most of it was handed over to Cao Rui to be renovated into the "Qingyu Hall".

Recruiting disciples is something that a big gang like the Luoshui Gang or a martial arts sect would do.

Ordinary Jianghu gangs often directly recruit ready-made warriors to become gang members.

This shows Yu Yijian's determination to develop the Giant Whale Gang.

Cao Rui handed the letter to Xiong Mingfang to read.

"The residence was changed to Qingyu Hall?"

"It's easy, I'll arrange it right away!"

"How do you arrange the selection of members of the Green Fish Hall?" Xiong Mingfang asked.

Cao Rui thought for a moment and said, "Brother, please help me send a notice. Three days later, I will personally recruit a group of apprentice disciples of the Green Fish Hall of the Giant Whale Gang in front of the station."

"Over there, please ask me to repair it. In addition to plaques and the like, separate more compartments for the recruited disciples to stay."

Xiong Mingfang nodded: "It's all right. The repairs can be done within three days. Notify me and let me arrange it right away."

Watched Xiong Mingfang leave.

Cao Rui thought about the recruitment plan for Green Fish Hall's disciples.

Cao Rui remembered the assessment process he experienced in the Luoshui Gang.

First of all, the test of the root bone and meridians' endowment is a must.

Martial arts and cultivation are both dependent on endowment.

Although not as scary as the one in ten thousand immortal cultivators.

But it is a process that must be experienced in bone palpation and pulse measurement.

At Luoshui Gang, the second level is physical strength and the third level is courage.

Cao Rui felt that the second level was unnecessary because physical strength can be trained.

Cao Rui felt that what should be tested more was the martial arts heart of the disciples.

[Qingyu Hall] is to cultivate martial arts for the Giant Whale Gang.

Without an absolute martial arts heart, it is impossible to become a martial arts master.

Based on this, Cao Rui came up with an idea.

The first recruitment of disciples in Qingyu Hall only had two assessments.

Bone palpation and pulse measurement and martial arts heart test.

After the plan was set, Xiong Mingfang helped with the rest.

Cao Rui resumed his daily practice in Youquan Street.

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