The Mortal's Path to Immortality

Chapter 323: Casual Cultivator Li Jiu

How to meet Lingxiao Sword Ancestor.

Hand the token of "Pure World" to Lingxiao Sword Ancestor.

Cao Rui had already made some plans. He patted his storage bag, and the energy puppet, Pure World Heavenly Venerable, turned into a stream of light and drilled out.

Pure World Heavenly Venerable had already been taken out of the Tianji Fortress by Cao Rui...

Now, the only thing left was how to get Lingxiao Sword Ancestor, the first member selected by Cao Rui, to voluntarily join the Pure World.


In Yunzhou, in the early morning, the sun shines through the formation.

In Qinglingfang, several circular areas are very lively and noisy.

In Qinglingfang, you can find all kinds of stalls and shops selling all kinds of rare items and elixirs.

In this prosperous square, in a cultivation cave, a young casual cultivator ended his days of retreat and slowly opened his eyes.

There was a trace of fatigue in his eyes, but more of a faint determination.

This casual cultivator is called Li. He is an ordinary casual cultivator without a strong background or resources, and his talent for cultivation is also mediocre. However, with his own efforts, he has been moving forward on the road of cultivation.

Li stood up, stretched his muscles and bones, felt the surging spiritual power in his body, and raised his mouth slightly.

With the help of the spiritual pill, this retreat has made his cultivation level go up a level, one step closer to the fifth level of Qi Refining, and he is in a good mood.

But during the retreat, a lot of spiritual medicine for cultivation was consumed. Looking at the empty medicine bottle, he shook his head helplessly, thinking in his heart: "It seems that I have to work part-time as a delivery business for a few days to earn some spiritual stones to buy spiritual pills."

Li tidied his clothes, walked out of the practice room, and came to the street of Fang.

At this time, Fang was already bustling. He shuttled through the crowd, his eyes occasionally lingering on some precious elixirs and magic weapons, but in the end he shook his head and turned away.

For him, these things were too expensive and he could only look on.

In the world of immortal cultivation, casual cultivators often face problems such as lack of resources and difficulty in cultivation.

But since the invention of the Lingyin Jade Pendant by Cao Rui, the leader of the Spirit Beast Sect, the situation has changed.

This low-priced and functional communication magic weapon has greatly promoted the communication and circulation of materials between cultivators.

Nowadays, the express delivery business has emerged, giving casual cultivators more opportunities to make money.

"I really don't know how to thank Sect Master Cao." Li said with emotion. If it weren't for Cao Rui's innovation, he might still be worried about his livelihood and unable to concentrate on cultivation.

It is precisely because of treasures like the Lingyin Jade Pendant that the world of immortal cultivation has become more prosperous and convenient, giving casual cultivators a chance to survive.

On the way to the express delivery headquarters, he couldn't help but recall the bits and pieces of the past.

Li Zhi was quite lucky to embark on the road of cultivating immortals.

He was originally a book boy. When he followed the young master to take the exam, he encountered robbers and escaped by chance.

When he was about to be devoured by a wild beast in the forest, he accidentally broke into the cave of a casual cultivator.

This casual cultivator was a good person. He saved Li Zhi and found that he had a talent for cultivating immortals. He accepted him as a disciple and helped him embark on the road of cultivating immortals.

Li Zhi followed this casual cultivator to cultivate in the forest for more than ten years and cultivated to the second level of Qi Refining Stage.

However, not long after this, Li Zhi's master passed away due to his old age.

All that was left to Li Zhi was a storage bag and a 0-level magic sword with a hole, which was a valuable legacy.

After the master died of old age,

Li Zhi just followed his instructions before his death and went out to venture into the Xiuxianfang to become a formal casual cultivator.

As a casual cultivator like Li Zhi who had no background, poor talent, and no cultivation skills, one can imagine what he would experience in the fang.

After seven years of living in the fang, he was promoted to the first level of the Qi Refining Stage!

Until one day, Li Zhi heard about the existence of the Lingyin Jade Pendant and the Qinglingfang casual cultivator alliance.

"Can such a powerful communication tool really be easily mastered by ordinary casual cultivators?"

"Can the casual cultivator alliance in the fang really find a way out for casual cultivators?"

As the fang wasted time here, Li Zhi and several casual cultivators, with doubtful thoughts, decided to go to Qinglingfang together.

As soon as he arrived at Qinglingfang, Li Zhi felt the difference of this place.

First, the scale of the place is unprecedented!

Second, the planning of the place is well organized!

Li Zhi had just entered the place after the entrance. When he heard that he was a casual cultivator, several cultivators from the casual cultivator alliance surrounded him and said they would help him.

Li Zhi was a little scared at first, but the alliance cultivator took Li Zhi straight to the Lingyin Jade Pendant Store and took the initiative to lend him spiritual stones to buy Lingyin Jade Pendant!

He took him to add the jade pendant numbers of several important contacts.

After knowing that Li Zhi had no immortal cultivation skills.

He also took him to the express delivery headquarters and introduced him to join the express delivery industry.

Li Zhi still remembered what the senior from the Loose Cultivator Alliance said at that time:

"Don't rush to pay back the spiritual stones. I'll pay you back slowly after you settle down."

"You're so young. If you work in the express delivery industry for a few years, you can easily earn 20 spiritual stones a year."

Now, 10 years later.

Li Zhi not only paid back the five spiritual stones.

He also moved into the cultivation cave of the master, and had extra money to buy spiritual pills for cultivation!

In just 10 years, he broke through the bottleneck and advanced to the second level of Qi Refining! Entered the middle stage of Qi Refining!

Now, Li Zhi feels that he will never be able to move towards the late stage of Qi Refining in his lifetime.

Before coming to the shop, Li thought about something he dared not think about.


Put away the memories.

Li came to the express delivery headquarters and greeted the clerk familiarly.

To join the express delivery industry, you need to apply for a certificate. If there is no guarantee from the Loose Cultivator Alliance, the price of this certificate is not low.

The higher the value of the express delivery object, the higher the level of the required certificate.

Li has been in the express delivery industry for so many years, and naturally the level of his certificate is very high.

He can accept most express delivery tasks.

This time, he chose a task worth five spirit stones.

At the shop base, send a storage bag of objects to the gate of the Spirit Beast Sect.

Qinglingfang is thousands of miles away from the Spirit Beast Sect. With his current strength, it takes about a month to go back and forth.

Five spirit stones are worth it.

The express delivery requires that it be delivered within ten days. It doesn't matter. At most, I can sleep less and travel more when I deliver it.

I can rest slowly when I come back.

Li thought for a while and decided to accept this task.

At this moment, Li's Lingyin jade pendant suddenly vibrated slightly.

Li opened the Lingyin jade pendant and heard a voice coming into Li's ears.

"I am Chen Fugui, the leader of the Loose Cultivator Alliance. I am here to release a message to everyone by borrowing the face of the leader Cao of the Spirit Beast Sect."

"Two members of the Loose Cultivator Alliance have gone deep into the front line and will start the live broadcast of the battle between the human race and the demon race on the front line!"

At the same time, Li found that everyone in the store was holding their Lingyin jade pendant. It seems that this message was sent to the group.

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