The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1026. It's a fight

Although Hua Hu doesn't know why Lin Tian asked this, she said honestly, "boss, there is an old grandfather in Nanhuang. He specializes in selling some flowers. All my seeds and even immortal seeds are from him."

"Oh? Where? "

"Nanhuanghua Valley, where the grandfather is very good, no matter for people or animals, he is very friendly, but he needs to exchange the things he specifies for what he wants." The flower fox explained.

When Lin Tian heard this, he doubted, "South wasteland Flower Valley?"

"Yes, it's only a few days away from here." The flower fox explained.

Lin Tian understood and looked at the flying cat. "Do you want to have ghost flowers every day?"

Flying cat's eyes brightened at once. "Do you want to help me?"

"I'll get some seeds, and I'll get more for you later." Lin Tian explained with a smile, and when flying cat heard this, he was very happy and grateful. "Thank you, boss."

Huahu beast is very strange, "boss, then say so, where are you going?"

"Well, lead the way." Lin Tian says to Hua Hu beast, and Hua Hu beast is obedient. She will do whatever Lin Tian says.

But the masked woman was puzzled, and she said, "don't you want to break the map of mountains and rivers first? Why are you still in the mood to play? "

"Do you really think I'm playing?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and the masked woman wondered, "then you're OK. What are you going to do with these flowers?"

"Don't you think it's interesting to have this kind of flower and fairy flower?" Lin Tian asked.

When the masked woman was said that, she was really interested. "You really make me curious about the identity of that old grandfather."

"Let's go. Maybe we can find something interesting."

After Lin Tian finished, he let Huahu beast lead the way, while ghosts and flying cats, as well as Lin Tian and masked women, followed him slowly.


two days later, people came to a Flower Valley, and there were some people everywhere.

Those people are friars, and Huahu beast points to these friars and says with a smile, "look, how popular grandpa is, everyone will come here to exchange things for him."

Lin Tian looked at those people curiously after listening, and these people were happy, disappointed and obviously happy. They got what they wanted, but disappointed. Because there was no need for the owner of Flower Valley, they could not get what they wanted.

Seeing this, Lin Tian couldn't help asking, "is it different for each exchange?"

"Well, for example, if I exchange flowers, I only need one or two drops of blood to exchange them."


"Yes." The flower fox beast said graciously, and Lin Tian was more and more curious about the owner of the Flower Valley, so he took everyone forward.

However, when entering Huagu, they were given tokens in line. Then someone in a small hut in front of them would shout the number. If they shouted, they would go in. If they didn't, they would wait in a yard.

When Lin Tian and others got the token, they found a place to sit down, and Lin tianshenzhi was curious to explore the hut, but found that there was a power to block his Shenzhi.

"Interesting." Lin Tian smiled, and then looked at the people who maintained the order around, and found that these people wore uniform clothes, as if they were from any school.

So Lin Tian asked, "are they from one school?"

"Yes, but no one knows what sect it is."

Lin Tian Oh sound, and then continue to wait until it's Lin Tian's turn, Lin Tian and others, Lin Tian took everyone to go in.

In the hut, an old man hunched over and wrote there. When the fox saw him, he immediately went up and said, "Grandpa Hu."

The old man looked up, first happy, then looked at the people behind him. "How can I bring a group of people this time?"

"Grandpa Hu, this is my eldest brother. He wants to ask you to get some seeds." The fox pointed to Lin Tian.

The old man, a little chubby, with a lot of white hair on his head, long eyebrows and long beard, seemed to touch the table.

So the whole person looks like an old man.

"You are the ancestor of tianshuimen, Lin Tian, right?" The old man recognized and said, but Lin Tian didn't expect someone here to know him and said with a smile, "I didn't expect someone to know me."

The old man said with a smile, "I receive countless people every day. First of all, I don't want to exchange all kinds of things. Just this news, I receive a basket every day, and the most is that you lead tianshuimen to fight against Tiangu alliance, then you are trapped in the southern wasteland area, and finally you destroy the southern wasteland hall."

Lin Tian was very straightforward and said with a straight smile, "say, who are you and why do you have these seeds?"

"Young man, everyone has his own secret. When you come, ask me this. How can I do business in the future?" The old man smiled at Lin Tian and said.

"I'm just curious." Lin Tian smiled, but the old man shook his head. "Well, I can't say that, or I can't do business."

Lin Tian had to say, "well, I want the seeds of ghost flowers. Can you give them to me?"

"Here, yes, but there are conditions. I'm afraid Huahu beast has told you about it." The old man smiled at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian is very straightforward, "say."

The old man said, "in the eastern part of the southern wasteland, there is an abyss where there is a kind of rattan. If you can help me get one arm long one, I will give you what you want."

"What if I don't go?" Lin Tian stared at the old man and asked with a smile, and the old man said with a smile, "why? Are you going to rob? "

At this time, Lin Tian suddenly came to the back of the old man, and the old man was shocked. He quickly disappeared from his original position and appeared in a corner.

Then a group of disciples appeared around and surrounded Lin Tian and others. The old man was angry. "Boy, I can only exchange here. If you want to rob, I don't welcome you!"

Lin Tian smiled, "but I'm curious about you."

The old man was a little worried. "Don't think you're very good, I'm afraid of you!"

But Lin Tian didn 't care, and those disciples wanted to do it, so they were beaten by the ghost directly, and the house was in chaos.

Hua Hu is in a hurry. He doesn't know what to do. He can only shout, "boss, Grandpa Hu, stop fighting."

The masked woman shook her head helplessly. "It seems that the two didn't win so quickly."

At this time, the whole room was bombed by Lin Tian and the old man, and the people waiting outside were curious about what happened.

When you see Lin Tian in the air, there are countless ghosts, one by one, staring, "that's Lin Tian."

"The ancestor of tianshuimen, Lin Tian?"

"Yes, he is!"

All of a sudden, the scene immediately became lively. Obviously, what happened to Lin Tian in the southern wasteland has become a hot topic for everyone.

It's just that many people didn't see Lin Tian with their own eyes, so they didn't recognize him just now. But now, after Lin Tian cast his magic shadow, everyone on the scene talked about it.

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