The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1082 intentional deception

The single shopkeeper hesitated after hearing, "it's said that he is so powerful and has destroyed the alliance of heaven and ancient times. He even ignores many arrays. Are you sure we can take him when we leave the valley?"

Shi'an stroked and said, "don't worry, once we get in that array, his aura will be useless."

"But he is also powerful. Recently he killed Muwang escort agency." That single shopkeeper thinks about it. Whether it's Xiuxian who practices martial arts, Lin Tian is terrible.

Shi an glared, "you idiot, there are many mechanisms in our array?"

"What if he uses the talisman?" The single shopkeeper hesitated, and Shi anbai took a look, "did you forget? In that array, it is impossible to use the talisman. "

"I'll try my best," said shopkeeper Shan, as if remembering something

"Well, go ahead. I'll wait for you there first." After Shi an finished, he left the back door, and Lin Tian saw the whole thing.

"Can't use the talisman? You are digging a hole for yourself. " Lin tianxie laughed.

At this time, the single shopkeeper had come out, and when he saw Lin Tian, his face was full of excitement. "We have a buyer here who wants to buy, and the price you pay."

"How about twenty thousand fairy stones?" Lin Tian says casually, that single shopkeeper is very straightforward agree way, "good."

The old man on one side was distressed, but the stone was Lin Tian's, and he could not stop it. He could only sigh there.

Li Fengxing and others were shocked. After all, there are twenty thousand fairy stones, but many. The single shopkeeper agreed and said, "my customer wants to invite you to a place to trade."

"Oh? Where? "

"Come with me, please." The single shopkeeper finished, took Lin Tian and others out of the shop, and walked out of the valley.

Li Fengxing wondered, "is this going out of the Canyon?"

But Hu Lao worried, "adult, is there any problem?"

But the masked woman wondered why Lin Tian wanted to get the green stone, and then she had to find Huang Dan pavilion to sell it. She felt that there was something wrong with it.

But the old man loved his stone, and he kept thinking, "my stone."

Lin Tian replied to Hu Laoyi with a smile and said, "if you can sell 20000 fairy stones, you will always have a look."

Single shopkeeper smiled and said, "yes, it's better to trade face to face."

But Hu Lao didn't understand, "why not trade in the Canyon?"

"I, the buyer, don't like to go to the canyon, just like to go back to the mountain forest," explains the one handed cupboard

Hu said with a smile, "don't worry, no matter where you are, no one can do anything for me."

Old Hu thought it was reasonable, and the single shopkeeper laughed in his heart, "boy, you can't be arrogant later."

In this way, everyone, with their own thoughts, came to a forest, and Lin Tian saw at a glance that the forest was shrouded in array.

Hu and others didn't find out, and Lin Tian didn't remind them, so he went in with single shopkeeper.

Can enter the forest, single shopkeeper suddenly ran to a place, and then disappeared.

"Boss Hu shouted," shopkeeper. "

Li Fengxing is even more puzzled, "single shopkeeper, what are you doing?"

But the masked woman suddenly said, "here, the spirit cannot be used."

All of them immediately turned on the spirit Qi in their bodies. As expected, the spirit Qi could not be released at all, which means that the magic could not be used.

This surprised Li Fengxing and others, but the old man said happily, "it seems that there is a problem. We need to get rid of it quickly. There is no need to sell it."

Lin Tian knew that the old guy was so happy just because he didn't want to see himself selling stones. But Li Fengxing scolded, "this shopkeeper, I'll go back to your shop and smash your shop."

At this time, the innkeeper laughed, "Mr. Li, are you sure you can go out?"

With that, there was an illusion around him, and the way in was gone.

Not only that, there are some hills around, on which there are many crossbow mechanisms facing them.

"So many crossbows?" Looking at the crossbow all over the mountain, Li Fengxing took a breath, and Hu Lao said in horror, "it's over."

The masked woman was also frightened, and the old man wondered, "how can there be so many mountains and crossbows all of a sudden?"

At this time, the shopkeeper stood on a hill and said with a smile, "these hills and crossbows are mechanisms."

"I think it's fake." Li Fengxing's way, while the single shopkeeper sneers, "fake? Do you want to try it? "

Li Fengxing is annoyed, "why do you want to pit us?"

"It's very simple. Someone wants this green crystal." Single shopkeeper finish saying, a person appears on the edge, it is that Shi an.

Li Fengxing sees Shi an stare, "it's you."

Lin Tian tells Li Fengxing, Hu Lao, and the masked woman, "rest assured, I knew this was his trap, so don't tell his identity, so he won't notice it in advance."

After hearing this, the three people who were worried were relieved. Shi'an thought these people were afraid, so he laughed at them. "What? Afraid? "

But the old man said, "who is he? Do you know each other? "

Li Fengxing explained, "a man who sells my fake pills."

"Fake pills?"

"Yes, what kind of hundred year old wudaodan can increase the hundred year old wudaodan?" Li Feng said gloomily.

The old man heard the smile and said, "there is no such pill in the world."

"So it's fake." Li Feng Xing had no choice but to Tucao up, and that Shi an funny smile, "Li Gong son, you have to blame wood King Biao Bureau, is they want to solve your incoming wind and dart Bureau."

"I don't care who you give it to Dan." That Li Feng is very popular.

Shi an said, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in your business."

With that, Shi an stared at Lin Tian and joked, "boy, I didn't think it was me."

"What do you want?" Lin Tian was very calm, but Shi'an said, "give me the green stone, and I will let you go. Otherwise, these arrows will come down and you will die."

Lin Tian hesitated and said, "yes, how can I give it to you?"

But the old man was in a hurry. "Boy, are you really going to send it out?"

"You see, there are crossbows everywhere, and there is a net on the top of the head. You can't use Reiki. What do you say?" Lin Tian stared at him and asked, but the old man couldn't help but get depressed.

But Shi'an said with a smile, "come up the mountain, wait for the others."

With that, Shi'an asked shopkeeper Shan to take Lin Tian up the stairs on one side.

When they got to the top of the mountain, they looked up and saw Lin Tian standing in front of Shi'an. Shi'an stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "boy, bring it."

Lin Tian walked by step by step, but Shi an shouted, "don't get close to me, put it on the ground."

Shi an still has a shadow over Lin Tian at the moment. He's afraid that Lin Tian will fly away when he comes.

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