The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1094 grasp and enter the array

All the time, Lin Tian felt that his airway was saturated. After no big change, Lin Tian stabbed a blood magic sword.

The blood in Lai Shi's body was sucked up in an instant, and Lai Shi's animalization disappeared and gradually recovered to adulthood, but he died.

Those who were subdued stared at Lin Tian in horror, "you."

Lin Tian smiled at these people. "Don't worry, I won't kill you."

These old folks are relieved, but Lin Tian says with a smile, "but you have to help me."

"Help you?"

These people looked at each other, and Lin Tianen said, "yes, attack me."

"Ah?" These people are stupid, and Lin Tian doesn't talk to them.

However, in order to achieve better results, Lin Tian began to arrange the array.

These arrays are still used to deal with his own. When the old people heard the use of these arrays, they looked at each other one by one and whispered in private.

"Is this man crazy?"

"Not very well."

Lin Tian stands in the middle of the array and laughs at the crowd. "You stand in the designated position of the array, and then I will let you output your strength, and you will output."

These people dare not to leave. They can only go to some positions in the array obediently, and then at Lin Tian's command, these people start to output.

This array has an increasing effect, especially when they attack, which makes the attack of these people increase many times.

But this powerful attack, hit Lin Tian, Lin Tian is not only OK, but also persisted for a long time.

Not only that, after the consumption of these people is almost the same, Lin Tian will let them take pills to continue.

So it went on and on, until a few days later, when the array had little effect on Lin Tian, Lin said to the tired people, "OK, stop."

When they heard it, they stopped, but everyone's face was going to die.

But Lin Tian smiled at them. "Now, go to the mountains."

"Ah?" One by one, the elders were shocked, and some people wondered, "why go to the big barren mountain?"

"Big barren mountain, help me to find someone."


"Devil heavy."

"What? The great devil ten thousand years ago, devil heavy? " One by one, these people were shocked, and Lin Tianen said, "go ahead and tell me the news immediately."

these people had to look at each other in the face, but finally they had no choice but to leave, but when they left, they were there.

"These are the days when I cast the most spells in my life."

"No, I'm almost throwing up."

However, these people said that they did not dare to provoke Lin Tian. They could only discuss in a place far away from Lin Tian.

Lin Tian looked at his airway and laughed when the ten thousand in front of the gate reached fifteen thousand. "It's going up five thousand these days, and it's pretty fast."

Then Lin Tian tidied up his mind and came to the outside of the cultivation place. At the gate of huangyanzong, Nada sat there and looked around at the controlled people with a dull face.

"Go on, it's too weak." That Luda is very depressed at the moment, especially in recent days, just up a little, I feel very bored.

Especially when Lin Tian arrived, naluda got up and said, "master, these guys are too weak, how much influence they have on me."

When Lin Tian heard Lu Da's words, he looked at those who were under control and said with a smile, "forging skill is about strength confrontation, and these people are so different from you that the effect on you is not ideal."

"What about you, master?" Ruda watched Lin Tian disappear for a few days and wondered what he had done.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "I made a formation to let some old guys attack me."


"Yes, it's an attack enhancing array." Lin Tian explained, and Luda immediately said, "master, you can let them strengthen it."

Lin Tian shook his head and said, "the array is only useful for the Friar's spells, but it has no effect on the martial arts' airway."

When Luda heard this, he lost his mind and said, "master, how about we find some monks?"

Lin Tian looked around. "It's estimated that this gate is now deserted."

When Luda saw it, he actually stood in the gate for several days and forced all the disciples to escape, which made him helpless and said, "it seems that we can only find another way."

"Don't worry, you're a wilderness. There's a place for you." Lin Tian said with a smile, and Luda said excitedly, "master, where?"

"Dahuang mountain, where is the heaven for martial arts practitioners and the immortal's tomb. If you go there, you can practice better, but your strength is still too weak. I'm afraid you will be in danger if you go there."

Ruda had already felt very strong and was overjoyed. "Master, please let me go, or I will be bored here."

"Do you really want to go?"


Lin Tian nodded and said, "OK, I'll let you go, but you have to take a sacred beast with you. We can only contact with it if it's there."


Lin Tian took the flying cat out and gave it to Luda. "The flying cat has the strongest ability of tracking, and it can also be agile in the big barren mountain, so you will be safer if you have it."

Hearing that flying cat has these abilities, Luda said excitedly, "master, I will be fine."

Lin Tianen said, "I want you to take it, but there are other purposes."

"Master, you say."

"There is a wild animal, I want to find it, but it escaped to the great wild mountain and there is no trace. So when you go to the great wild mountain, in addition to your own cultivation, you mainly help me find this wild animal."

"Say, what does it look like?" When Neruda heard that he could work for Lin Tian, he was full of blood.

Lin Tian gave Luda the appearance of the wild animal, and told the flying cat, "be careful when you go to Dahuang mountain."

"I see, boss."

Then Lin Tian sent away a man and a beast.

After everything is done, Lin Tian looks at the rest of the controlled people and ponders, then saves them one by one.

These people had no self-consciousness, but Lin Tian let them recover, and also removed the power of being controlled.

At the same time, Lin Tian gave them a soul seal. Although they were controlled by people again, they were relatively free.

So these people respectfully said, "thank you very much."

Lin Tian knew that these people, although only a few thousand airway, were very powerful in the West wasteland, especially in the great wasteland mountains, and had a certain survival ability.

So Lin Tian said to them, "from today on, you will go to Dahuang mountain."

Everyone looked at each other. Some people said, "Sir, what are you doing in Dahuang mountain?"

"Help me to find out the general situation of Dahuang mountain. I'd better get a map for me and give me more details about where there are things."

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked ugly. Someone said, "my Lord, the great barren mountain is a special place."

"Is there any difficulty?" Lin Tian stared at them and asked.

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