The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1111 encouraging Adventure

The gang leader said graciously, "I have something to do. I can't get away from you for the time being. I can only ask your uncle nan to take you there. But you must remember that you can't do it without his permission. Wait until your uncle Nan finds the guy's weakness."

"Ah? Looking for weaknesses? " The flower young master's face was depressed, and the gang leader glared, "don't forget what's the most powerful thing about your uncle Nan."

The flower young master Leng next, had to say, "that is good."

"You go outside and wait a moment. I'll explain it to your uncle Nan."

"Yes." The young master Hua just got up and left. The leader looked at LAN instantaneously, "brother LAN, I'm going to trouble you again."

"I owe you Huajia." Finish saying, blue instant disappeared, and that gang leader is helpless to get up, go to look for other people.


the four Lin Tian people, who are still on their way at the moment, have been marching on the two birds, and they have hardly stopped all the way except replacing the fairy stone for the birds.

In this way, for three days, the wind lady saw a river and a huge Canyon in the distance and said, "it's so fast."

"Is it here?" At a glance, Lin Tian saw a river passing through a canyon in front of him.

At the same time, there are many buildings on the river, and they are very lively.

Not only that, but also some plants can be seen here, which are very rare.

"Let's go down first." The wind said, four people down, and then take off the birds, step by step along the river.

But the masked woman said, "how can there be plants here?"

It was also the first time they saw plants in Dahuang mountain, so the masked woman was surprised, and the old man smiled and said, "these plants are taking pills."

"Pills?" The masked woman got cold, and the old man said, "use the elixir to keep the plants, so that they can have the same breath of life as the outside world."

After hearing this, the masked woman looked at Madame Xiangfeng, who had no objection, and smiled and said, "yes, that's right."

"Interesting." The masked woman was excited, but the wind said, "to enter the secret valley, you need to assess."

"Assessment?" At a glance, masked women feel like a canyon. It's necessary to exaggerate it.

While walking, aunt Feng said, "there are special patrols in Miyuki, which belong to Miyuki city."

"Miguel city?"

"Yes, every secret valley calls itself a city." Explained Madame Feng.

"That's what happened." The masked woman doubted, while the wind lady looked at Lin Tian, "Mr. Lin, there are many experts in this secret valley, so try to keep a low profile later."

"What? Are you afraid I'll cause trouble? " Lin Tian couldn't help laughing at her voice, and aunt Feng said with a smile, "I know you are powerful, but there are rules everywhere."

"It depends. This rule suits me." Lin Tian finished saying, he smiled and went ahead, while Feng Niang was stunned and sighed, "this day, the ancestor of shuimen, it's really a personality."

But when the four reached a certain distance, a group of guards in brown armor appeared.

The leader said politely, "gentlemen, please show me your pass."

"We haven't been assessed yet," explained Madame Feng

"Then you can go to that path, pass the examination there, and get the pass." Said the guard.

Aunt Feng's gracious voice takes Lin Tian and others to the side for a path.

Through that path, I came to a cave entrance. In this cave entrance, there were many people queuing up. Obviously, many people came to this secret valley to inquire about information.

When several people in Lin Tian entered the queue, there were several more people behind him. He was the master Hua who robbed the world. He was accompanied by an old man with a feather fan. He stroked his beard with one hand, just like an old counselor.

"You again." The old man glared, and Hua Shaoye immediately said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I came here today, but I didn't do it against you."

The old man said strangely, "not against us?"

"Yes, my uncle Nan said that if we don't fight, we'll come to miyuku to play." That flower young master is not smiling.

But the old man sneered, "I think you are going to find a chance to start?"

But master Hua pointed to the old man beside him. "Do you know who he is?"

The old man didn't recognize it, but the wind lady said, "it's said that there is a very clever man who is good at using swords, so he's called Nanjian."

"Sword? Didn't he use a feather fan? " "That old gentleman is strange way, and wind big Niang white one eye," do not have to carry a sword on the body

"I'll just talk about it." The old man murmured, while Nanjian smiled and said, "everybody, you do your work, we are busy with our work, and we have nothing to do with each other."

The old man looked contemptuous. "Who believes it?"

"This friend, do you want to do it here? But I'd like to remind you that you can't fight in the secret valley, otherwise you will be disqualified, and you will never enter the secret valley. " Nanjian looks at the old man with a smile.

The old man had to suppress his anger, "wait, when you leave Miyuki, you must compete."

Nanjian is smiling, especially when his eyes are narrowed.

"Next," shouted the man in front of him

The next one is Lin Tian. Before Lin Tian, the person in charge of the assessment looked at Lin Tian and asked, "what's the name, how many airway, what are you doing here?"

"Lin Tian, 15000 airway, came here to inquire about the news." Lin Tiansi didn't hide anything, but the person in charge registered the information on a wooden bamboo slips, then took out a mirror and looked at Lin Tian. It was confirmed that it was 15000 before he said to him, "there are five doors behind me. The first one will generate five times the pressure of your own airway. If you can pass, you can get a first-class token, and the second one is ten times the pressure of your airway Pressure, if passed, can get medium token. "

Lin Tian glanced at five doors and asked, "what about the three behind?"

"The third way is 15 times the pressure, the first-class token, the fourth way is 20 times the pressure, the prefecture level token, the fifth way, 30 times the pressure, and the heaven level token, but most of them choose the first and the second way, because few people can pass the later ones." Said the person in charge.

Lin Tiangang wants to choose one, but the flower young master excites all, "boy, aren't you very strong? If you have the ability to choose the third way, I'll see if you can pass. "

Young master Hua naturally wanted to provoke Lin Tian and let him go to the third way, and the wind lady immediately reminded Lin Tian, "don't be fooled, this third way is 15 times more terrible, and almost no one has finished it."

"Yes?" The young master Hua smiled when she saw that Aunt Feng had stopped her, but Nanjian said with a smile, "this different token has different treatment in the secret valley. If you can get a superior token, it's a very prestigious thing, and there are many kinds of information to inquire about."

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