The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1119 encirclement and suppression by two great masters

At this time, one sword Qi turns into ten sword shadows.

Each of these sword shadows contains 50000 airways, and ten are 500000.

The sword shadow formed in this way is very powerful, but few people can do it, but now the cloud cave is used.

When the old man and others saw this scene, they were already scared, even worried about whether Lin Tian could watch it, but Lin Tian didn't speak and stared at the cloud cave in silence.

Until these swords came to Lin Tian, and people thought Lin Tian would be shot and die, these swords met Lin Tian one by one.

Lin Tian just stepped back a few steps, but there was no wound on his body, and he asked in good condition, "this is your killing move?"

Everyone was stunned, and the cloud cave frowned, and looked at Lin Tian strangely. "Boy, how did you do it?"

Lin Tian ignores the other party, but stares at the cloud cave. "You don't care how I do it. You just need to know. Now you have to let Tian Gu appear, or I will start!"

"Don't be crazy, boy!" That cloud hole's stare way, but Lin Tian begins to cast shadowless palm.

When you raise your palms and release your hands, countless people will be hit.

Seeing that Lin Tian is so terrible, thousands of people around him immediately spread out one by one, and the people on the other side of the cloud cave shouted, "hurry, go to the hall of evil waste and inform elder Zhang."


Immediately some people flew forward to the main hall.

Those halls are the main halls of the evil wasteland hall, and now these halls have been surrounded by the Wugu League.

At this moment, there are corpses lying all around in a palace. Behind these corpses, there is a young man with scars all over his body. He holds a sword in one hand, sticks it on the ground, and stares at a group of people standing in front of him. "Even if I die in the war in the evil waste palace, we will not surrender to you!"

Those people sneered, and some people said to the sleepy old man sitting in a chair, "elder Zhang, it seems that the hall of evil famine is not going to surrender, so it's better to kill all of them."

"The hall of evil waste, but the first and second gates, why don't they go back? They have to get corpses everywhere?" The elder was a bit of a sissy, and his lips were a little red, and his eyes were open with a funny smile.

That young airway, "Zhang laothief, I tell you that there are many disciples of our demon famine cult. Sooner or later, they will revenge for us."

"Tut Tut, little Lord, what are you doing with such hurtful words?" The elder of this chapter looks pitifully at the young man.

At the same time, he grabbed the sword airway and said, "hum, I will not surrender if I die."

"Oh? Is it? Then I have to catch you, and then slowly torture you, until all the people outside the hall of evil waste turn to you. "

"Bah, dream!" That young airway, but elder Zhang smiled, "Dao Yu, use your Dao to serve him well."

"Yes." At this time, a young man took out a knife and walked step by step.

The young man's two eyes revealed his unwillingness. At this time, there was an urgent report from the disciples outside, "elder Zhang, it's not good!"

"What's the matter?"

"There are several people outside. Someone said that he wanted to find Tiangu senior. He asked us to call him out in a quarter of an hour, or we would be killed."

Elder Zhang was shocked. "Kill us? Did I hear you right? "

"Really." The disciple nodded, and the elder of that chapter smiled bitterly, "what cultivation is so crazy?"

"Twenty thousand airway, but after airway change, it can reach thirty-two million airway."

When elder Zhang heard 20000 airway, he was about to say rubbish, but his eyes were bright, "airway changed?"


Elder Zhang said excitedly, "airway change is a good thing. I have to catch this guy."

But Dao Yu asked curiously, "is this guy?"

"Get him trapped first and pull him out." Elder Zhang said with the a smile, and after Dao Yu's benediction, several people came up to him and came to him.

What are you going to do

Without saying a word, they threw the boy into a transparent cage, connected the swords and locked them together.

Then several people carried the cage out.


Lin Tian is fighting with Yundong at the moment, but the sword energy of Yundong can't hurt Lin Tian, which is scolded by the dark of Yundong.

Until a moment later, someone shouted, "Zhang is old."

When the crowd dispersed, a chair was lifted out, and the chapter elder sat there laughing at Lin Tian, "you are the one who can change the airway?"

"Are you blind?" Lin Tian is now changing his airway. When elder Zhang hears Lin Tian's tone, he immediately smiles, "boy, you are crazy!"

"You don't care if I'm crazy or not. You just need to know that I'm here for someone."

"Oh? Is Tiangu senior? " The elder of that chapter asked with a smile, and Lin Tian replied, "yes, he is."

But elder Zhang laughed, "who are you, boy? What qualifications do you have to see him? "

"Me? Lin Tian, the ancestor of tianshuimen, just recently gave his Tiangu alliance to the people who had destroyed it. " When Lin Tian said this, the scene immediately heated up.

"This guy is Lin Tian?"

"I heard that he led tianshuimen to destroy the ancient alliance of the mainland."

"Because of this, Tiangu elder is still furious."

When they were talking about it, the elder Zhang said excitedly, "boy, do you know what order Tiangu senior gave in Wugu League?"

"Tell me what you want."

"Tiangu senior said that if the people of Wugu League see tianshuimen, they should take one example and give it to him, and there is a great reward."

"Reward?" Lin Tian sneers, but elder Zhang looks at Lin Tian with a smile. "Boy, you said you didn't hide well. Why are you here?"

"I said, I want to see Tiangu. If you don't let me see you, I have to kill people." Lin Tian said coldly.

Zhang Changlao sneers, "killing people? Just you? "

"You can try." Lin Tian didn't care to smile, but elder Zhang looked at Dao Yu and said, "Dao Yu, go to help one of the cloud caves."

"Yes." The Dao Yu came out, and elder Zhang said with a smile, "I'll see how you can resist our swordsmen and swordsmen in the Wugu League alone."

At this time, the youth in the transparent cage wondered who Lin Tian was and why he dared to challenge Wugu League.

Not only that, the next picture, let the teenagers are shocked.

Only saw that cloud cave and the knife Royal two people, a sword a knife, two people's attack is very fierce.

At the same time, both of them have 500 thousand airway, but these attacks fall on Lin Tian, but have no effect on Lin Tian at all.

This makes the people of Wugu League stare at each other. Some people are still shocked and say, "is he a monster?"

"This guy is not a man."

But elder Zhang was not happy, and said to the two, "you two, do you want to take some pills to make up?"

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