Angry? Lin Tian doesn't have to be angry about such a small thing, otherwise he doesn't know how many times he will be angry.

But Lin Tian said with a smile, "sooner or later, he will regret throwing me in this mess hall."

Liang Xi doesn't understand, "what do you mean?"

Lin Tian didn't explain much, but thought about how to go further, that is, to become an elder and find the people of the ancient alliance.

Lin Tian knew it was not easy, so he soon had his own plan.

The cool hall Lord saw Lin Tian was so calm and comfortable, and he didn't worry any more. Instead, he took Lin Tian to a place and said, "that's it."

I see this is a corner of the wilderness sea, and the main hall here is cracked everywhere, as if it would collapse at any time.

Not only that, there are a lot of abandoned tables and chairs around, which is a "garbage dump".

When Liang Xi saw this, his face changed. "Where is this for people to stay?"

"You two, I'll take the rest." Lin Tian looks at them and smiles, which seems to drive them away.

But Liangxi couldn't see it, but the owner of Liangdian could, so he said to Liangxi, "let's go."

"No, I want to see this shabby hall."

"Wench, he's the hall leader now. How to develop in the future depends on him. You can't help him if you stay." The cool hall master stared at the cool Xi way.

Liang Xi thought of staring at the owner of the hall. "Dad, you are from the genius hall. Come here and decorate it, or make some income for the hall."

"This." The cool hall master knows that this is not allowed. After all, it belongs to different halls. Lin Tian laughs and says, "cool hall master, don't worry about it. I'll take care of the rest myself."

The cool Temple master nodded clearly, "then I'll leave first."

When Liang Xi saw that the owner of the hall was so away, he was in a hurry to keep up with him. Lin Tian swam in the hall and found that everything was piled up everywhere, and he could not see a single person.

As for Liangxi, after catching up with the leader of Liangdian, he asked, "Dad, why didn't you help just now?"

"Girl, if I help you, it's a foul. Besides, you can see that he doesn't want us to stay there, he wants us to go." The leader of the cool hall took charge directly.

"Let's go? Why? " Liang Xi was puzzled, and the owner of the hall hesitated, "the owner of the hall is in a bad position, so he doesn't want to lose face in front of us."

Hearing this, Liang Xi said, "I won't laugh at him!"

Finish saying, cool Xi oneself goes to shout to go back, and that cool Temple advocate is helpless, have to leave by oneself.

In the hall of sundries, Lin Tianzheng is walking to a hidden stone door. When he plans to open the stone door, the door inside just opens, and a young man appears.

I saw that the young man was a little sloppy, with a rope hanging around his waist, as if he wanted to carry something.

"Who are you?" The young man was coming out and saw Lin Tianhou standing outside, his face depressed.

A voice came from people in the house, "what's the matter outside, rat?"

The young mouse said, "a disciple, I don't know where he came from."

"Throwing again?" The voice asked, the mouse looked at Lin Tianhou, turned around and said, "empty hands, it should not be like."

At this time, two people came out, a fat man and a short man, and the short man was just like a child, but his face was a middle-aged man.

Only saw this dwarf, jumped to an abandoned table, stood to barely be able to look at Lin Tian, "boy, anything lost, do not hinder us."

The fat man said with his mouth full of oil, "that's right. What do you have? Lose it."

Lin Tian swept three people. "Are you the disciples in this hall?"

The three said in unison, "yes."

Especially the mouse replied, "why do you ask so many questions?"

The short man stared at Lin Tiandao, "what are you looking at? Haven't you seen such a handsome body? "

Lin Tian couldn't help but ask, "just three people? No one else? "

But the mouse gave a white look? To make fun of us? "

The fat man also put his hands on his hips. "Boy, I tell you, although there are only three people in our sundry hall, we are the king of this hall, you know?"

"That's right," said the short man. "The three of us are men of character who were assigned here."

"Assigned by Baodian master?" Lin Tian stares at the three and nods slightly, but the three feel as if Lin Tian is asking again, which immediately causes them discomfort.

Especially the mouse gave a white look, "boy, how do we get here? What's the relationship with you?"

"That's right, don't ask so much shit, you boy." Said the fat man impatiently.

The short man waved his fist. "If you talk more, I'll beat you to the ground."

Lin Tian looked at the three people with such personality and said with a smile, "what are you responsible for every day here?"

"More talk?" The short man went out with one punch to show Lin Tian the color.

That cool Xi but appeared, still drink way, "what do you do?"

When they saw that it was Liang Xi, they immediately stopped. After all, all three of them knew Liang Xi, especially the mouse said, "I said, what are you doing here, Miss Liang?"

Liang Xi stared at the three and said, "although I don't come often, I know the three of you."

"It's our honor to be known by Miss Liang." The fat man quipped, and the short man muttered, "you're not here to laugh at us, are you, young lady?"

"What do you laugh at?" Liang Xi asked, but the short man said, "in the waste sea hall, our sundry hall is the most rubbish place, and no one even wants to come here, and we are assigned here because we have done something wrong."

Fat man also said with a face of resentment, "yes, the three of us are the body of guilt!"

"Isn't it true that Miss Liang came here just to laugh at us?" That mouse doesn't forget to be sarcastic.

Cool Xi but white one eye, "I come here, because of him."

The three people are curious about who Lin Tian is and why Liang Xi chased him here.

"Why don't you tell them who you are." Liang Xi can't help asking after seeing Lin Tian doesn't speak.

Lin Tian didn't answer, but the mouse said strangely, "I said Miss Liang, you want to play the chase game, you can go to other places, don't block the way, OK?"

Fat man also can't look down and said, "yes, you two, go to other places to talk about love, we really don't have time to deal with you."

The short man was also a little jealous. "I said Miss Liang, can you think about our three bachelors?"

"Cool Xi stares a way," who says we talk about love

The mouse whispered, "everyone knows your temper, but you are so polite to him. Isn't it your partner?"

The fat man added, "yes, with the character of Miss Liang, if you can treat a man like this, he must have a lot to do with Miss Liang."

The short man sighed, "let's go, let's go! Don't play here! "

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