The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1176 going to sea in the middle of the night

"Say it!" Lin Tian is calm on the surface, but he is curious about what it is. He can lead the elder and the patriarch to see himself as if they saw treasure.

Zichang said as he walked along, "every thousand years, the patriarch and elder of our desolate sea clan have to go to a place to worship, but there are many poisonous insects and sea rain in that place. If there are not enough means, many people will die in it."

"Every thousand years? Worship? "

"Yes, this place is the holy land of our ancestors. As long as you visit it, you can improve your strength forever. For example, many elders have gone from five million airway to ten million airway directly."

Lin Tianhu asked, "how long is it?"

"Yes, but in recent hundreds of years, there have been more and more poisonous insects and sea rain in that place. If you want to pass by, you must have enough pills and runes. But pills and runes are scarce in the wild sea and even in the whole mountain." The purple elder explained.

Lin Tian suddenly wondered what this place was, which could make people's airway improve, and it was so dangerous.

"So in these five days, you should get more defensive and enhanced talismans, and then spare more for each elder. How about that?" The purple elder stared at Lin Tian, please.

Lin Tianen said, "OK, I'll go back to prepare."

Elder purple is very happy. "Come to me if you need anything."


"Let's go back to the hall of elders." That purple elder finish saying, take Lin Tian back to elder hall, then arrange a best secret room for Lin Tian.

Not only that, but also prepare a pile of materials for Lin Tian.

When Lin Tian arrived at the secret chamber, he did not immediately draw, but thought about what the holy land was.

So he took out the seal talisman and asked the Baodian Lord. The Baodian Lord was just a temple Lord, not an elder. He didn't know it at all.

Lin Tian had to give up. "It seems that only the elders have the right to know."

Then Lin Tian begins to draw.


the people waiting in the sundry hall haven't seen Lin Tian come back, and they start to worry.

"Do you think the temple master will forget us?" The mouse was a little depressed.

Fat man is helpless way more, "still think he is bringing us to earn income, but now disappeared."

The short man sighed, "he has become an elder, and will definitely go to the elder's Hall later."

Seeing these three people, Liang Xi joked, "what's the matter? Don't give up on him? "

The three people naturally don't give up and wish they could be Lin Tian's younger brother all their lives, so they look at Liang Xi and ask him to inquire about the situation.

Liang Xi wanted to go, but Luo Hai said, "he is in the Presbyterian hall indeed, and in five days, there is still something to do, so he will not come back for the time being."

"How do you know?" Liang Xi looks at Luo Hai curiously, while the other three stare at him strangely.

Luo Hai was just informed by Lin Tiangang through the spirit seal, but he couldn't find a chance to speak, and he said naturally when he had a chance at the moment.

But it's his secret and Lin Tian's secret. Of course, he won't say that Lin Tian informed himself in this way, so he said awkwardly, "I guess."

"Can you guess for five days? Do you think I'm a fool? " Liang Xi didn't believe it, but Luo Hai had to say, "pass notes, he used pass notes."

When they heard the notes, they believed in it, while Lengxi asked his master to confirm it.

When Liang Xi came to the hall of elders and found her master in the hall, she asked curiously, "master, what about that guy?"

"He helped the clan draw." The purple elder answered directly, and Liang Xi doubted, "he will go to work in five days?"

"How do you know?" Elder purple looks at Liangxi strangely, and Liangxi says that Luohai received the notes.

Elder purple said in a voice, "yes, but it's a secret. Even if you, I can't say more."

"What secret?" Cool Xi doubts, and purple elder shakes his head, "can't say."

"Master, you can tell me!" Cool Xi is coquettish, but elder purple still insists, "you go back."

After that, elder purple went back to the palace, but Liang Xi didn't ask clearly. Naturally, he didn't want to, so he found his father, but he didn't know anything.

This cool Xi had to go back to the sundry hall and look at that Luo Hai and say gloomily, "that kid, did you tell you what's the matter?"

Luo Hai shook his head, but Lengxi could only sigh, "it seems that we can only wait for him to come back."

In this way, people waited for many days in the hall of sundries, and there was no day for Lin Tian. These people became very boring.

On the contrary, Lin Tian drew a lot in five days, until the day when he was called out, hundreds of elders gathered in the hall of elders.

Some of these elders are usually in charge of affairs, some are usually closed, and many of them are more than ten million airway.

But even so, these people still want to go to that place to strengthen themselves, and the patriarch stood there and didn't speak, but the elder xuanhei said, "everyone, this is our new elder, who is also a master of drawing symbols."

People have heard about it for a long time, and then they show their kindness to Lin Tianshi. Obviously, they want to get runes from Lin Tian.

However, the elder xuanhei stared at Lin Tian and asked with a smile, "I don't know what's the symbol you drew?"

Lin Tian took out the symbols one by one and said, "in five days, I drew about a thousand."

A thousand? This is a lot for everyone. After all, it's finished in five days. In Lin Tian's opinion, if it's on average, everyone will have about ten.

But master xuanhei happily took these talismans to the patriarch and asked with a smile, "patriarch, look."

The patriarch looked at these runes and said with satisfaction and smile, "now everyone takes three first, and I will keep the rest, wait for the holy land, and distribute them to different people according to the situation."

"Yes." Everyone said in unison.

The patriarch was very satisfied to send three copies to each person, and then said, "now we are going to sea by boat, are you ready?"

"All right!" All of them were full of fighting spirit, and the benediction of the Patriarch led them out of the island from a secret way to a wharf.

It's dark at the moment, so it's impossible to see a ship from a distance.

It was not until they reached the end of the wharf that they saw clearly that it was a large ship, and that there was a boatman in it.

The patriarch asked the elder to quickly arrange people to board the boat, and also arranged Lin Tian and him at the top, while others were in the bottom cabin.

At this moment, at the top level, in addition to Lin Tian, the patriarch, the great elder xuanhei, and the elder purple.

"It will take a night to get to the holy land. Can you still draw symbols this night?" The patriarch is looking forward to seeing Lin Tian.

Elder Zi frowned. "Master, he has been painting for five days. Do you want to rest? Otherwise, if the holy land is in trouble and cannot keep up with its physical strength, it will be very troublesome. "

The patriarch thought it was reasonable, so he smiled and said, "OK, have a good rest tonight. When you arrive at the holy land tomorrow, you will always be by my side."

"OK." Lin Tian didn't have too much expression, but answered directly.

After the patriarch gave a sign to xuanhei, they went to the stern of the boat and made sure that the people in the boat could not hear them. Then the patriarch asked, "what do you think of this boy?"

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