The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1180 the beast without memory

Lin Tian smiled at the big Flamingo and said, "come on, let me see. I will not die."

"I don't know the height of the earth." After that, the fire devil bird began to make a contract with Lin Tian. In the process of making the contract, Lin Tian felt that the power of the contract was huge.

This kind of power, let alone the soul of ordinary people, that is, the immortal soul, will be smashed, but the soul of Lin Tian is already a divine soul.

The powerful force just hit him crazy several times, and then he didn't continue, and Lin Tian completely mastered the contract.

Seeing this, the fire devil bird was completely stunned and stared at Lin Tian with a strange face. As for Lin Tian, from the memory of the fire devil bird, there are three other animals on the island.

Python is one of them, and these four beasts have been here for hundreds of thousands of years. At the same time, they can't leave the island, and they can only wait for human beings to come every thousand years.

Lin Tian would like to know why they can't leave the island, but there is a large part of the memory of the fire devil bird is blank, which means that the memory before they came to the island has been erased.

"Your memory is incomplete?" Lin Tian sees the clue and stares at the Flamingo. The Flamingo is embarrassed and says, "when I have memory, I was on the island, and I can't leave the island, otherwise I will be attacked by the sky thunder."

Lin Tian looked up at the sky, "who set the thunder of this island?"

"I don't know. Anyway, the four of us have been here for many years, but we can't leave. We can only find you to be angry every thousand years." Explained the Flamingo.

Lin Tian is gracious, but at this time Python appears. When he sees Lin Tian is not dead, he is relieved. "Fortunately, you didn't kill him!"

However, the Flamingo replied to the python, "he is not as simple as we think."

"What? Is he very playful? " The python immediately came to be interested, and the fire devil bird had no choice but to "play myself to death."

Python didn't know the meaning of this, but Lin Tian, holding a stone stick in one hand, pointed to the Python and said with a smile, "it's your turn."

Python looked at Lin Tian doubtfully. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm going to take you." Lin Tian laughs at the python, and the python laughs, "you? Take me? You are dreaming. "

At this time, Lin Tian rushed to each other with a shadow, and when the stone pillar was close to each other, the python immediately felt the soul was very uncomfortable, and immediately began to spit out the green liquid.

But these liquids are useless to Lin Tian.

This frightens python. As for the Flamingo, he mutters to himself, "he's not even afraid of this guy's poison?"

Lin Tian stared at Python and said with a smile, "don't struggle, it's useless."

Python immediately entangled Lin Tian, and then opened his mouth, ready to eat Lin Tian, and Lin Tian beast trap open, plus stone pillars.

The python was too sick to move at once, so he could only beg for mercy there, and the Flamingo said, "if you want to be better, make a contract with him."

"Contract? Is he not afraid of death? " Python struggled, and the Flamingo explained, "I've made a deal with him, and he has nothing."

Python thought he had heard the wrong thing, and said, "are you kidding? Is he going to be ok? "

"Yes, he's fine," said the Flamingo

Python then looked at Lin Tian, "OK, I'll try."

Lin Tian just converged, and the python began to make a contract with Lin Tian, thinking that Lin Tian would not be able to bear it.

But the result was the same as the fire devil bird said, Lin Tian didn't have anything, and the python looked at Lin Tian strangely, "it's ok?"

"What? Think I have something to do? " Lin Tian joked, and python hesitated, "no, I just wonder why you are OK."

"I have a strong soul, so I'm fine." When Lin Tian finished, he looked at the two animals, "there are two animals on this island."

"One likes to sleep in the stone, the other is more stupid and likes to pick up human things," said the fire devil bird

"Let's go and have a look." Lin Tian said, let the two beasts lead the way.

After about a while, Lin Tian came to the place where the flower and rattan were before, and there was a black guy beside the body under the flower and rattan.

I saw this guy with Lin armour. He was like a lizard.

At the moment, this guy is looking for Huang Jie from some corpses and checking whether there is anything good in it.

"Xiaohei, come and meet this adult." Said the Flamingo, and the python was there staring at the guy and saying, "stop looking. What's good about human beings?"

The guy turns around and stares at Lin Tian and the two animals strangely. "Do you think humans are the eldest ones? Are you kidding me? "

"He is not an ordinary human being." Python thought of the pain immediately explained, and the fire devil bird also said, "yes, he can be more terrible than we think."

But the guy named Xiaohei said, "I'm the king of black lizard. I don't listen to human beings."

Finish saying, this black lizard goes up a string to the side, whole body disappeared, but that Python is helpless, "this guy, come and go without a trace, can't catch him at all."

The Flamingo even looked at Lin Tiandao, "if I fly in the air, I can't find him as long as he hides."

But Lin Tian said with a smile, "don't look, he's still here."

"Still here?" The two animals want to go, but Lin Tian comes to a red tree and kicks it hard. The tree turns into a black lizard.

The Python and the Flamingo were stunned, and the Black Lizard King wondered, "how do you know it's me?"

"You're a black lizard, and you're good at changing color, and you're also good at changing appearance. So just now you ran to the forest quickly, and turned into a tree, and turned your color into the color of the surrounding red trees, weren't you?"

The Black Lizard King didn't expect Lin Tian to know all about it, while Python and the fire devil bird looked at each other, obviously they didn't expect this guy to be so hidden.

Lin Tian stared at the Black Lizard King and said, "well, it's our turn."

"What are we?" The Black Lizard King looked at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "they have made a contract with me. It's your turn."

The Black Lizard King immediately stared, "can they make a contract with you?"

"Yes, any questions?"

The Black Lizard King thought it funny, and even said, "if we are very human, the human will surely die, so don't fool me."

Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak. The Python and the fire devil bird explain everything. The Black Lizard King doesn't believe it until Lin Tian takes out the stone stick and the technique of trapping animals.

the Black Lizard King compromised, and then quipped, "don't blame me if you die."

After that, the Black Lizard King and Lin Tian also made a contract. After a while, Lin Tianping calmed down and stared at the three animals and said with a smile, "it's time for the last one."

The Black Lizard King stared at Lin Tian in astonishment. "Can we really make a contract?"

Lin Tian didn't explain much, but let the three beasts take them to find the sleeping guy.

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