Hearing these words, the wild animals will go to the wild sea clan with them, and their legs are all soft, and the patriarch frowns, "OK, what are you afraid of? Are we still afraid of them? "

Of course, we are afraid, but the patriarch knew that these things followed Lin Tian, so he had nothing to worry about.

But some people were not so calm, especially the xuanhei elder said, "master, if they really want to follow us back to the clan, it will be a disaster for our clan."

"Don't say it. I know it. Everyone be quiet. Let me have a good rest." Then the patriarch sat around and began to heal.

They had to keep silent until half a day later, when the boat returned to the gate, it was already night.

The people could not see the wild animals in the air, but these elders knew that the wild animals were on their heads, as if they were staring at a sword on their heads, ready to take their lives.

However, the patriarch was calm and said to Lin Tian, "follow me, you."

People think Lin Tian is really the apprentice of the patriarch. He will do whatever the patriarch asks him to do. In fact, Lin Tian wants to talk to the patriarch alone.

As for other people, when they saw that the patriarch and Lin Tian had left, they also returned to the hall of elders.

At the moment, in the cave of the patriarch, the patriarch immediately lowered his head and said, "I don't know your excellency, what are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to let the wild animals go to Devil Island together, and then let them attack the place of the alliance of heaven and ancient times and force him to come out. At last, you and I take the opportunity to save him. At the same time, in front of the outsiders, I'm still your apprentice. How about?"

When the patriarch heard this, he stared at Lin Tian on the spot and said, "so insidious?"

"Why didn't you say he was insidious when he lied to devil Chong?" Lin Tian asked, but the patriarch was speechless and said, "when will you start?"

"I'll help you heal first. I can't let that guy see the clue." Lin Tian finished and began to heal the patriarch.

Lin Tian first poisoned the patriarch, and then gave him a cure.

The wounds on the patriarch's body were restored with the speed of naked eyes.

Seeing this scene, the patriarch took a breath in his heart, "how did he do it?"

"Leave me alone." Lin Tian's therapy is not a common therapy, but a kind of acupuncture.

After the needles were put into the patriarch one by one, Lin Tian stopped and said, "one day, one day later, I will come to get the needles. During this period, don't move."

"Yes." The LORD said respectfully.

Lin Tian just turned around and left, while the patriarch looked at the scars around him and said, "it's a terrible man."

When Lin Tian reappeared, he had returned to the hall of sundries.

The mice who thought Lin Tian would never appear again cheered up one by one.

Especially the mouse said respectfully, "we should call you elder."

Fat man also flattered, "elder Lin."

The short man said sadly, "as soon as you leave, our hall is empty again."

Looking at these three people, Lin Tian smiled and said, "would you like to follow me?"


The three looked at each other, and Lin Tianen said, "follow me, don't stay on this island."

The mouse wondered, "don't you stay on this island? Where are we going? "

"Get out of here." Lin Tian explained, and the three mice immediately showed their faces of mourning, especially the fat man said, "anyone who joins in the wild sea clan must not leave without permission, or he will be punished by the law enforcement hall."

"Yes, it's impossible to leave when we're here, or we'll be gone." Said the short man.

Lin Tian smiled at the three people. "Don't worry, follow me, I can take you away. You don't have to worry about the rest."

After hearing this, they agreed to Lin Tian. After all, they didn't want to stay here, and Lin Tian had the ability, so they wanted to follow Lin Tian.

Seeing that they all agreed, Lin Tian asked them to wait at the seaside wharf, and the three men immediately packed up and went.

Lin Tian decides these three people and plans to go to find Luohai. You can find that Luohai is disconnected from himself through the spirit seal.

"Dead?" Lin Tian knows that once the other party dies, he will lose contact with himself, so Lin Tian is confused.

At this time, outside the hall of sundries, Lengxi ran in, "you are back at last."

Lin Tian looked at the flustered cool Xi. "What happened?"

"Shortly after you left, Luo Hai cheated Xilai away, but he hasn't come back yet." The cool Xi explained.

Lin Tian frowned, "cheat away?"

"Yes, I don't know how he cheated. Anyway, before Luohai left, he said he would go out with Xilai."

Lin Tian knows that Luohai must be more dangerous than lucky, which makes him blink in the cold, and directly ask Liangxi to help him find Xilai's position.

Until the next morning, Liang Xi and Lin Tian found the boat coming back from the outside by the sea, and only Xilai was on the boat.

When Liang Xi saw him, he asked, "what about Luohai?"

"He's with my master." That Xilai strange smile, and cool Xi urgent way, "do you believe I go to law enforcement hall to sue you?"

But silay replied, "I don't know what I've done. You're going to sue me?"

"You cheated Luohai away!"

"Cheating? How can I cheat? Besides, do you have any evidence? " That Xilai looks cool with a strange smile.

Liang Xi is in a bad temper, while that Xilai laughs at Lin Tian. "Boy, if you want your friend to be OK, come with me, or I won't guarantee that he will die."

Liang Xi immediately said to Lin Tian, "don't be fooled."

"Let's go and have a look." Lin Tiantian said with a smile, and after seeing Lin Tiantian's boat, she had to hurry up.

On this ship, the sailor looked at Lin Tian with a smile. "Aren't you afraid that I will cheat you to dangerous places?"

"You dare to go, why can't I?" Lin Tian asked, and that Xilai smiled but didn't speak, but he said proudly in his heart, "when you get to the destination, how can you kill you?"

Liang Xi looks at Lin Tian, "do you want to find some more people?"

"No more." Lin Tian said confidently, and that Xilai joked, "if I want to find someone, I won't go."

Cool Xi was so angry that he bit his teeth, but Lin Tian didn't speak, but the four wild animals in the air circled there and listened to Lin Tian's orders at any time.

But silay didn't know. He took Lin Tian to a remote island.

There were no buildings or figures on the island except stone. When he got off the boat, he smiled at them and said, "come on, don't lose it."

Liang Xi was very careful, and stared at Lin Tiandao. "What if they set traps here and kill us?"

"They can't do it." Lin Tian smiled confidently, but Lengxi was worried. As for Xilai, he led them into a pile of stones and then smiled at them. "Come on, let's see your old friends first."

At this time, after several stones moved away, a man was tied to a rock, and this man was Luohai.

I saw that Luohai was in a coma, with wounds all over his body, and even inserted many arrows.

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