The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1189 extraordinary hearsay

The patriarch looked at the man and said respectfully, "my Lord, I went to the holy land a few days ago and suffered some injuries. I need to rest for a while, so I will send you the resources in advance."

"In that case, bring it."

The patriarch, hum, took out a barren ring and gave the man what he needed, and then suddenly there was a rumble around.

The patriarch pretended to be shocked and said, "what's the situation?"

The emissary frowned, too. "What's the matter?"

"I don't know." When the patriarch finished speaking, he rushed out, and the emissary followed him, until they came out and saw four wild animals destroying.

The messenger was shocked. "What are these guys?"

The patriarch said urgently, "holy land comes."

"What? How did they get out? " The emissary couldn't believe it, and the patriarch said he didn't understand it, but he had already shouted to the people nearby, "hurry up, come and kill these wild animals."

Some of the guards in the neighborhood rushed to rescue the wild animals without knowing what they were coming from.

Seeing the opportunity coming, Lin Tian said, "they are in danger."

After that, Lin Tian pastes a flying talisman and flies over the sea.

The elder saw that the legs of the wild animals were soft. "I can't go there."

Liang Xi knows that these wild animals belong to Lin Tian, so she doesn't worry at all, but she wonders why Lin Tian wants these wild animals to attack the people of Tian Gu alliance.

At this moment, the island of the patriarch and emissary is in chaos.

The disciples of the wild sea clan were killed one by one, and the patriarch was wounded by the wild animals. As for the emissary, let alone, he was caught by a python, causing several fractures.

As soon as Lin Tian arrived, he threw some pills, made a fog and pretended to save people.

When Lin Tian rushed out, he had pulled the patriarch and the emissary back into the cave and blocked it.

"It's safe." Lin Tian was relieved to hear that there was no movement outside, and the messenger was scattered all over, but he was still alert to Lin Tian, "who are you?"

On the other side, the patriarch said, "he is my apprentice."

When the emissary heard that it was the disciple of the patriarch, he was still a little uneasy. He took a red pill out of his arms and said, "take this."

"What is this?"

"Just take it, or I won't believe you." The emissary stared at Lin Tian, and Lin Tian pretended to be very aggrieved and said, "I saved you, and you still let me take pills?"

"Eat or not?" The emissary glared, and the patriarch cooperated with Lin Tian in acting, and said to Lin Tian, "eat it."

Lin Tian only tasted good, but the poison was hard to stop. On the contrary, the messenger saw Lin Tian swallow the loose mouthed airway, "you have taken this pill, as long as you lie, you will die."


"Yes." The emissary stared at Lin Tian, who pretended to be puzzled and said, "what lie am I going to tell?"

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me, do you want to hurt me?" The emissary stared at Lin Tiandao, and Lin Tian replied directly, "no!"

Then the emissary stared at Lin Tian. After he was sure that Lin Tian was ok, he let go of his way. "Fortunately, you didn't cheat me."

Lin Tian has no choice but to come forward, and the emissary stares at Lin Tian, "what are you going to do?"

"I'll heal you." Lin Tian stared at the emissary and said, and the patriarch knew that Lin Tian wanted to use the previous method again, then he sighed in his heart, but he still cooperated with him and said, "emissary, he will heal."

"Really?" The emissary was dubious, and the patriarch nodded, "yes, in the holy land, he saved me several times."

"Then come on."

Lin Tian said seriously, "in the process of my treatment, you can't move around, so I will give you a needle so that you can't move, OK?"

The other side knows Lin Tian can't lie, so he hum, "OK."

Lin Tian begins to use needles, and then hypnotizes. After everything is done, Lin Tian's soul enters the other party's consciousness space.

The messenger was a middle-aged man, and sat there, surrounded by shackles of soul.

This soul shackle is exclusive to Tiangu alliance. When Lin Tian saw it, he smiled strangely and directly smashed it.

The emissary hasn't responded yet. Lin Tian marks his soul, and the emissary is shocked. "You."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "let's talk outside."

Lin Tian returns to his body and takes off his needle. Under the mask, the emissary looks at Lin Tian in horror, "who are you?"

"Me? The ancestor of tianshuimen, Lin Tian. " Lin Tian smiled at the emissary, and the emissary was shocked. "You are Lin Di."

"Oh? It seems that your master told you? " Lin Tian knew that he was Tiangu's apprentice, so he laughed.

The emissary was sure that empress Lin was really nervous. "What do you want to do?"

"I'd like to know the whereabouts of your master and the other people of the alliance of heaven and ancient times in the great barren mountain." Lin Tian stared at him and said, "you have controlled my soul. You should be able to read my memory."

Lin Tian did sweep, and there is a question, that is, the people of this alliance and Tiangu, why they went to Devil Island.

So Lin Tian stared at him and asked, "Devil Island, isn't it the place where the devil is sealed? What are they doing there? "

The emissary stammered, "my master said that the Devil Island can find the four seas in the eight wastelands, and then he took people there, and never appeared again."

"Never come back?" Lin Tian stared at him and asked, and the emissary said, "never come back."

The Patriarch on one side said, "is the rumor true?"

"Hearsay?" Lin Tian stared at the patriarch and was puzzled. The patriarch explained, "it is said that Devil Island has a transmission gate, which can lead to all over the world, but it has always been a rumor. No one has ever seen it."

Lin Tian knew that Tiangu would not find the hearsay to do, so he stared at the messenger and asked, "how can you confirm that the hearsay is true, master?"

"There are a group of strange people. They are all experts. They took my Shifu there."

"The weirdo?"

"Yes, these people are very powerful. They can easily kill the immortal. Moreover, many experts in Tianshui sect are defeated by them."

Hearing this, Lin Tian thought of Tiangu's so-called accomplice.

"It seems that the Devil Island is not as simple as you think." Lin Tian hesitates and plans to go to Devil Island to save devil Chong and make a good study.

But the emissary was afraid and said, "I have said all that should be said. Can you let me go?"

"How can Tiangu contact you at ordinary times?" Lin Tian stared at him, and the man said, "pass the notes. He will inform us of any situation."

Lin Tian understood and said, "that line, you pretend that nothing happened, and continue to be your emissary."

Finish saying, Lin Tian takes the patriarch to come out of here together.

The emissary stammered, "he, is he the legendary Lindi?"

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