The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1191 self agglomerating stones

But this tunnel is endless. Lin Tian, the elder and the four beasts have not arrived for most of the day.

"Not lost." Elder xuanhei gradually felt that something was wrong, and began to look at Lin Tian. But Lin Tian was very calm and said, "I saw it, but I didn't get lost."

"Not lost? But this island is so small, there is no such a long passage. " Said the black elder.

Lin Tian hesitated, "if I'm not wrong, this passage is going down, that is to say, we are going underground, but the inclination is relatively small and we can't feel it."

"Ah? Down? " The dark elder was shocked, but Lin Tian squatted down, picked up some stones from the ground, checked them and said, "go on."

But after a few steps, we can see some stones everywhere.

But Lin Tian didn't understand how the stones flew out.

That dark elder didn't know what Lin Tian thought, so he could only move forward in that uneasy way until a strong wind came.

The strong wind, let those stones all fly out.

Xuanhei elder then sticks to the wall, grabs a protruding stone in the corner of the wall and says, "this, what's the situation?"

Lin Tian and the four beasts also stick to the wall, relying on some raised places to keep themselves from being blown away, while the stones fly out one by one.

"I see." When Lin Tian saw the stones flying out, he finally understood why they had reached the outside.

But elder xuanhei was in a hurry. "What should I do now?"


Lin Tian finished, and waited there slowly, and the time passed, until a quarter of an hour later, the wind disappeared.

Lin Tian and xuanhei elder and the four beasts also returned to normal. Lin Tian said, "let's continue."

Elder xuanhei said uneasily, "do you want to continue?"

"Go on!"

Elder xuanhei had to continue until half an hour later, they stopped because there was a dark abyss in front of them, and they could not see the road ahead.

"Still going?" Elder xuanhei hoped that Lin Tian could shrink back. Lin Tian stretched out his hand and felt the strong evil spirit inside.

But when Lin Tian wanted to reach back, he found that there was a strong attraction in it, and he couldn't pull it out at all.

Elder xuanhei was scared, "what's the matter with you?"

"Is this the place where the seal is heavy?" Lin Tian asked, and the xuanhei elder said in a kind voice, "it is said that when he went in that year, he would not come out."

"What's special in it?"

"I don't know what it is, but everyone says that once you go in, you can't get out." The dark elder said uneasily.

Lin Tian lets the four beasts stay outside, and Lin Tian grabs elder xuanhei with one hand, and then the whole person rushes into it.

Elder xuanhei was shocked. "No."

But Lin Tian and elder xuanhei inhaled the darkness.

When Lin Tian and elder xuanhei can see the light again, it is a purple light around them. In this purple light, there is a floating boulder. There is a person sitting on the boulder.

This man is in black armor and full of evil spirit. He seems to have killed many people.

When elder xuanhei saw this man, he was frightened and said, "he is devil heavy?"

Lin Tian didn't say much, but took elder xuanhei and flew directly to the boulder.

At this time, Lin Tian and elder xuanhei both felt the fluctuation of spirit in their bodies.

"You can use aura here?" The elder xuanhei was surprised, but Lin Tian stared at the devil and smiled, "long time no see."

The devil opens his eyes slightly, and the blue eyes stare at Lin Tian for a long time before he excitedly says, "I know you can find me."

"What if I can't find it?" Lin Tian smiled bitterly, but the devil laughed again and said, "no, there is nothing in the world that can defeat you."

At the same time, he wondered what the relationship between the two people was and why they looked like friends.

But Lin Tian's age can't be a friend of devil Chong, so elder xuanhei looks more confused.

Lin Tian stared at the devil and said with a heavy smile, "you have suffered."

"What do you suffer?" The devil got up again, smiled at Lin Tian, but Lin Tian looked around and said, "Tiangu forced you here, and then trapped you. Isn't it all because of me?"

Demon Chong knew Lin Tian's meaning, but he said, "if I had been a little smarter ten thousand years ago, I would have avenged your son and grandchild if I hadn't been fooled by him."

"It's OK. There's still a chance." Lin Tianxiao said, but devil Chong was sad, "here, although you can use magic, you can't leave here."

"Isn't it windy?" Lin Tian said the wind on the road just now, and the devil sighed again, "that's the power I beat out, and these forces can send stones out, but they can't get me out."

"Oh? Is that right? " Lin Tian looks around strangely, and the demon explains, "I've tried countless times and come to the conclusion that non living objects can go out, living objects can't go out."

"Non life?"

"Yes, for example, stones, some objects and so on can go through these dark spaces, but only the living things can't go out." The devil explained again.

Lin Tian looks around on the boulder, and finally finds a small black spot under the boulder, which is like a small whirlpool.

"Don't look, this vortex is the center of this space. It has a strong binding force. If you throw the stone in the past, it will be chewed up in an instant." The devil explained.

"Then how did you come here, stone?" Lin Tian stares at Devil Chong strangely, and devil Chong points to the ground around him. "There are many stones in these places every day."

"Come out?"

"Yes, as it grows on the ground." The devil explained, and Lin Tian picked up some stones, looked carefully, and found that each stone has a unique space and a strong magic spirit.

This made Lin Tian curious to study. After a long time, Lin Tian went back to his way of thinking, "it seems that this stone has a special relationship with this space."

"I've been studying this for ten thousand years, and I can't see through anything." That devil heavy helpless way.

Lin Tian, however, came to the edge of the boulder and continued to stare at the little black spot below. "Let's start from here."

Finish saying, Lin Tian comes to this black spot edge, and has a strong attraction, want to suck him past the same.

"Don't you die," said the devil

"I'll try." After Lin Tian finished, he released a bunch of magic shadows, which were all crushed as soon as they met the black spots.

"When did you learn my magic shadow?" said the demon

"I've been where you used to be, and then I'll learn the magic you left behind." Lin Tian laughs at the devil.

The face of demon heavy is dull, "I used to depend on this to keep up with you, but now you have learned my ability, then how can I win you?"

"Without magic, I can win you!" Lin Tian laughs at the devil.

The devil is not happy at once, "ten thousand years ago, we are all up and down, and now ten thousand years later, my magic is even more terrible!"

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