The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1226 segregation of faith

Lin Tian looked at the devil and said, "on that day, when Xuan Hei got the Holy Spirit, did you see it?"


"Your Yuanshen will also fly into the air, and then absorb the power of the Holy Spirit from around them. This is the process of plunder. However, the powerful Holy Spirit is terrible for you, the mortal body. If someone gets angry a little, he can crush your Yuanshen."

"So terrible?" The devil stared, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "it's hard to hear. These holy spirits are better than immortal spirits, but they are trapped in the air and can't fall down. But when your Yuanshen goes up, he will be slaughtered. Are you afraid?"

"It's really hard." "If your soul is strong enough to resist their attack, that's OK," Lin Tian said with a smile

"My soul? Compared with the weak immortal soul, it should be almost the same. "

"Your soul is similar to that of the common immortals, but it's far from being compared with the higher level immortals." Lin Tian couldn't help but strike.

"The devil heavy is depressed way," you say, come to belittle me again

"No, I'm just telling the truth." Lin Tian is embarrassed, but the devil stares at him. He is too lazy to talk to Lin Tian, and feels that he will be angry.

Looking at the appearance of devil Chong, Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak. Under the leadership of the old man, they come to a fight field in the palace.

Fei Lao rang a bell in one place. Next moment, six people appeared.

These six people are the six elders of the Tianlong alliance tribe. The leader is elder Jia, who is also the elder.

Elder Jia has already received the news, so when he saw Lin Tian and Mo Chong, they looked bad, as if they were going to kill them.

The old man said respectfully, "six elders, these are the two of them. I'll give them to you."

"I see," said elder Jia

Waste old this just stand to one side, and Jia elder openings a way, "call everybody."

Fei Lao just took out the tone stone. After a while, there was a lot of excitement around the arena. Most of these people were leaders.

At a glance, there are hundreds of leaders, big and small, and the red leader is also among them.

At the moment, these people are watching. Some people talk about Lin Tian. "It's said that this kid has only 300000 airways."

"But he's very good."

The scene was noisy, and elder Jia said coldly, "when everyone is here, I will not talk nonsense."

Everyone immediately calmed down a bit, and jia chang always stared at Lin Tian and the two of them, "you two, who will come first?"

"Don't tell me the rules," said morchong

"It's very simple. If you choose any of our six elders and win, you can get the qualification of Kyushu quota, and then you can get the consent of the alliance leader."

After hearing this, the devil laughed and said, "I thought I would deal with six!"

"Six? You are arrogant, too. " The elder Jia said coldly, but the devil didn't care about him. Instead, he stared at the six people and looked up and down. "You, who is the best?"

all of us did not expect that the devil was going to find the strongest man, so he got up one by one. Some people also said, "our elders, everyone is a six star Holy Spirit, each is strong."

"That's right. You'll lose whichever you choose."

But the devil didn't care. He stared at the six men and said, "show me the Holy Spirit. Let me see."

Jia chang stared at the devil and said, "do you think this is the vegetable market? And show it to you? "

"Then how?"

"Choose for yourself." Elder Jia stared and said that devil Chong was not serious on the surface, but he was worried. After all, this is the quota to go to Kyushu. If he loses, he will die.

In addition, he was alone. Without Lin Tian's help, Mo Chong was even more worried. So he told Lin Tian, "Lin Di, which one should I choose?"

"Whichever you choose, I'll help you."

"How can you help me?" The devil was surprised and asked, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "didn't I tell you about the plunder of the Holy Spirit?"

"But you said that the yuan God would fly into the air." The devil doubted again, and Lin Tian smiled, "yes, it's true that the Holy Spirit plundered, but I can block the connection between their holy spirit and the Holy Spirit in the sky and make their Holy Spirit's power invalid."

"Block? How to block it? "

"You choose one, I'll stop later." Lin Tian said with a smile, and with Lin Tian saying, the whole man was boiling with blood, staring at the Jia Changlao and saying, "just you."

Elder Jia was stunned and stared at the devil. "Are you sure it's me?"

"Yes, you are the elder. You must be the strongest." That demon heavy complacent way, and Jia elder sneer, "although I am big elder, but I am not the strongest."

After hearing it again, the devil said, "that's all for you, no matter."

But the crowd was busy, and elder Jia sneered, "OK, then I will kill you with my own hands."

Then the other five elders retreated, and the formation of the martial arts field started, and then the elder Jia began to open the spirit shadow.

There was a six-star Holy Spirit hovering on the top of the old man jia chang. It was a little tiger, and the little tiger was snow white, with ice blue eyes, and even could see that it was emitting blue gas.

Although the captains had seen it, they worshipped one by one, "what a powerful six-star spirit."

"That's the spirit of the ice tiger, very domineering."

At this time, elder Jia showed a pair of blue gloves in his hands, then put them on and began to chill. Then he stared at the devil and laughed, "are you ready?"

"Magic heavy smile said," ready, come on. "

Jia Chang's old fist went out, and a cold shadow came out. However, Mo Chong thought Lin Tian had done it, but Lin Tian just sat there and closed his eyes.

Before the devil could react, he was hit, and then the whole man flew, and was still frozen in the mid air. When he finally landed, he turned into an ice sculpture.

The crowd exclaimed, and the elder Jia laughed, "is it cool?"

"Don't you think it can be blocked?" said Morgen Chong to Lin Tian

"I haven't yet." When Lin Tian finished speaking, he closed his eyes, and then practiced the faith isolation.

Belief isolation is a kind of spirit skill, which is not comparable to the magic of fairies and mortals.

Lin Tian had many soul techniques in those days, among them, void destruction and belief isolation accounted for two.

Originally, Lin Tian thought that he could not use the faith isolation, at least not at present. But he didn't expect that the small world had such a thing, so he tried the effect for the first time now.

Since it hasn't been used for ten thousand years, it seems strange, which makes it slow down a little just now, causing the devil to be seriously injured.

However, after sitting there for a while, Lin Tian quickly got to work. Then they saw elder Jia's spirit flash, as if to "put out the fire".

This made us all wonder, "look, the power of the elder's spirit has weakened."

"Weak? How is it possible? "

Elder Jia felt something wrong there, then sensed the power of his holy spirit, and found that madness became weaker, which made his face change greatly, "how could this happen?"

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