The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1232 thousands of households, hundreds of households, as if in vain

The Su family doubted, after all, how could the master of water flow appear here, and the black cold sneered, "Jin Shan, don't scare me, I won't believe it."

"Believe it or not, it's none of your business." Jin Shan said, while Hei Han called out to the dark place, "Zhang Qianhu, come out."

At this time, a big man appeared, dressed in red and black armor, and respectfully said to Hei Han, "Hei adult, what can I do for you?"

"Bring me some hundred families and some dead men and take them down." Black ice cold road, this is called Zhang Qianhu's person should say, "yes."

With that, the big man turned around and left, while heihan stared at Jin Shan with a sneer. "You're waiting to collect the corpses for those guys."

The people of the Su family looked at each other, and the leader of the Su family asked Su Jing, "girl, is that your ancestor real or fake?"

"Dad, it's true. You can rest assured." Su Jing appeases, and the leader of the Su family has to wait quietly, but the people of the Su family and the people of the bone family are talking about it.

In particular, that bony grin, "it's really hearty of you to give the family's future to several wanted criminals."

Su Jing stares, "bone inflammation, you wait to see a good play."

"Well, I'll see how the thousand and hundred families of Lord Hei killed those people." The bone is burning like a smile, but Su Jing ignores him.

At the moment, not far away from the island, the burning patrol is taking a group of people from the state of Qin, Kyushu, to the sea where Lin Tian is.

When the devil saw a group of people coming, he said, "there are many strong people here this time."

"Don't do it again." Lin Tianshen was afraid that these people would kill those people again, and the devil promised, "absolutely not."

The fire cow beast also obediently floats on the water surface, dare not speak disorderly.

After burning patrol came there, he immediately said to Zhang Qianhu, "Zhang Qianhu, that's them."

Zhang Qianhu took a look at Lin Tian and others and said, "just them? Killed your men? "

"Yes, that sea animal. It's a little scary." The burning patrol pointed to the sea animal, but the man named Zhang Qianhu disagreed, "it's just a little guy, it's not a big deal."

The Flamingo wanted to explode, but due to Lin Tian's orders, it had to hold back.

Lin Tian stood on the boat and said with a smile, "give me a name."

Zhang Qianhu didn't expect that Lin Tian would dare to enroll himself, but the burning patrol fox pretended to be a tiger. "Listen, boy, this is Zhang Qianhu from the Qin state of Kyushu."

"Thousands of households?"

Lin Tian didn't know what the name meant, and Zhang Qianhu boasted, "in the state of Qin, posts are allocated according to strength, such as the top ten leaders, and there are 100 adults under the top ten leaders. Under the adults, there are thousands of families. Behind thousands of families, there are hundreds of families. Then there are a group of experts. Do you know? "

Lin Tian said, "then you can only count as medium."

"Boy, do you know the concept of Qianhu?" Zhang Qianhu saw that the other side despised him, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "I don't think of any concept."

"Hum, in Kyushu, a thousand official posts are comparable to a city Lord. Now you understand?"

Lin Tian said, "but don't say the city Lord, it's the state of Qin. I don't care about the ancient alliance."

As soon as this words came out, these people of Qin were not happy at once, especially Zhang Qianhu laughed, "boy, the alliance of heaven and ancient times is our national alliance of Qin, which is very terrible."

"I don't care about the League of nations or the League of nations. Today, as long as it's the running dog of the ancient alliance, I will be destroyed." Lin Tian's words attracted these people's orders.

Burn patrol but shout, "everybody, don't talk to him nonsense, go straight up."

The thousand households ordered, "all the hundred households, and the guard, take them down for me."


These people want to start, and Lin Tian goes out and directly imprisons their holy spirit, and these people are shocked and cry out, "Zhang Qianhu, our Holy Spirit is invalid."

"How could it be?" Thousands of the households gathered, and burning patrol of the advice way, "adults, with the airway."

"Yes, airway."

After Zhang Qianhu finished speaking, the air passages spread out one by one, which is really very powerful. Among them, 100 households are all hundreds of millions of air passages, and this Zhang Qianhu has reached more than 100 million. It's false if it's not serious.

But Lin Tian was very excited, "just in time."

People don't know what it means, but in face of Lin Tian's provocation, Zhang Qianhu shouted, "do it."


Those people attack one by one, but their strength is to help Lin Tian. The devil on one side envied, "this forging skill is really powerful."

The fire ox beast and Xuan Hei also show envy.

Burning patrol was puzzled, "my Lord, how can this guy's defense be so powerful?"

But Zhang Qianhu said, "I haven't even started yet!"

Finish saying, Zhang Qianhu hands in person, and a palm across the sky, hit Lin Tian heavily.

Lin Tian just went out for a distance on the sea surface, then returned to the original place, and the airway increased from 5 million to 6 million.

Lin Tian egged on, "go on, it's better to use pills and runes."

Lin Tian's stimulation made them really use it, so one by one they were very fierce, and Lin Tian's airway, from six million yuan to eight million yuan without any effort.

The devil said with red eyes, "I must learn this forging skill."

fire ox beast Tucao Dao, "you are so stupid, can not learn."

"Who are you talking about as stupid?" The devil stared, and the beast said, "all these days, you have learned everything."

"I don't want to call him Shifu, so I deliberately slow down the cultivation," said the devil


"Wait, wait for me to practice secretly. I will show you then." The devil valued the airway, but the fire ox beast didn't pay attention to him. Instead, the hundreds and thousands of households looked ugly one by one.

Because Lin Tian's airway has reached 10 million, but it can't hurt Lin Tian.

Lin Tian shrugged and said with a smile, "well, it's over."

"End?" These people looked at each other, but Lin tianxie smiled, changed the way of Qi directly, promoted the four changes, and reached 160 million at a time, which was not the case of the fifth change.

If it's the fifth change, Lin Tian is confident to reach 300 million airway, but it's too strong. Lin Tian is afraid that his body can't bear it for a long time, so he will control it in the fourth change.

But even so, the hundreds of households were frightened one by one.

But Zhang Qianhu said, "boy, how about a hundred million airway?"? Can you beat us? "

Lin Tian smiled a little and spread his shadowless hands. None of them survived. Some died on the spot, some flew far away and fell heavily on the island.

Zhang Qianhu hit and flew out, then fell from the air and hit the beach on the island. All of a sudden, he startled the people surrounding the island.

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