The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Is Chapter 1236 missing? I have it!

"I tell you, no matter how many arrows you come to, in his eyes, they are for playing!"

Situ can, who was in the array, sneered and said, "don't be ashamed."

But the owner of the bone family couldn't help asking, "two adults, what should I do next?"

Situ can said coldly, "let's take some pills and add some strength."


After that, the owner of the bone family ordered, "all take pills, and then continue to attack them."


The next moment, these people take pills, and then attack Lin Tian and others. After these bows and arrows fly out of the array, they stay in front of Lin Tian and others.

After seeing this, the devil smiled and said, "if I knew you were so powerful, I would not have roared just now."

Lin Tian has no choice but to smile, but situ can't help but feel unhappy at first, "continue to increase strength."

Those people immediately increased their strength, and the pills and runes were all used, but it was useless, so situ can let everyone use the Holy Spirit.

Under the Holy Spirit, these attacks became more powerful, and Lin Tian rushed to the array and broke it.

When the array dissipated, they were exposed to Lin Tian and others.

I saw that there were all people occupying the bone family in front of me, but situ can was a little surprised, but soon calmed down and said, "boy, go to die!"

Lin tianxie laughs and uses the belief partition technique to make the Holy Spirit of these people invalid one after another, and the power of the arrow is immediately reduced.

"Black cold is urgent way," he used this move again

Situ can't believe it all the time, but now when he sees it with his own eyes, he starts to get serious, "give me all the power that can be used, and then he must be cleaned up."


The people at the scene began to rage and use all their strength, but as long as they used arrows, without the blessing of the Holy Spirit, those arrows in front of the forest, like petals flying all over the sky, could not hurt the forest at all.

The people of XiaGu family are scared. There are those people in the state of Qin in Kyushu. They stare at Lin Tian like monsters.

But Morgen laughed, "go on, don't stop, or he will be bored."

"Brother situ, hurry to find a way, or we will have trouble."

Situ can frowns and stares at Lin Tiandao. "I'll teach you."

Seeing that situ's disabled airway was opened, it was also about 200 million yuan, and one jump, he reached Lin Tian.

Lin Tian, however, stared at situ can and smiled as if he saw the master of accompany training. "I think you should take pills and runes first, or you will not be able to take me."

"Boy, my airway, but hundreds of millions, you say I can't take you?" Situ can said coldly.

The people of the bone family thought Lin Tian was joking, but heihan knew that Lin Tian was terrible, so he said to situ can, "brother situ, hurry to use the pill and amulet to kill him, or it will be difficult to kill him."

Situ could not help but gather one hand, which then hit Lin Tian like a strong breath.

Lin Tian just took a few steps back, but nothing happened. Then he said with a smile, "it's all said. It's too weak."

Situ can looked ugly and scolded in his heart, "is this a monster? Can't take him like this? "

Lin Tian laughs at situ can. "Come on, go on."

Situ was so angry that he bit his teeth and finally took out a talisman. Then he said, "boy, this is double talisman. Once I take it, my airway can be maintained at 400 million in ten breath."

"It's too weak to double. Do you have a higher one?" Lin Tian felt a little weak Tucao up.

But this immediately attracted the people of bone family to laugh, "boy, 400 million, do you think 40 million?"

"Yes, if you can resist."

"What a big talker."

These people laugh at Lin Tian crazily, but that black cold is uneasy. After all, he has used double runes and 400.5 billion airways before, but for Lin Tian, it's just like nothing.

So heihan said, "brother situ, would you like to take something higher?"

Senior Fuwen, however, is very precious. As a last resort, situ can't use it casually, so he said, "such a little guy, as for it?"

Black cold didn't know how to persuade, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "come on, don't waste time."

Situ can only stare, "go to die."

Finish saying, situ can go out again. I thought Lin Tian could be killed easily. Who knows Lin Tian is still as good as nothing.

This shocked everyone present. They didn't expect Lin Tian to carry it down.

Situ's face was black, and heihan said quickly, "brother situ, hurry up, use some advanced symbols."

Situ can't give up, but at last, he takes out a five star talisman, which is also a talisman of five times of enhancement, and stares at Lin Tiandao, "boy, this is a talisman of five times, you know?"

Bone family heard five times Fu, a blood boil, but Lin Tian smiled, "this is almost."

Situ can stared and said, "ten times of 200 million is one billion. Do you really want to try?"

Lin tianxie smiled, "come on."

"It seems that the emperor Lin is going to make a lot of money."

The people of the bone family waited for Lin Tianhua to turn into ashes, while situ can finally used the rune. After his airway soared, he attacked Lin Tian.

Lin Tian's 10 million air passages went crazy, and people witnessed and watched him move to 15 million.

When the five-star talisman of situ can't work, he is already tired and panting, but Lin Tian doesn't enjoy it enough. "Is there any other five-star talisman? If not, I'll lend you! "

"Lend me?" Situ can thought Lin Tian was crazy.

Not only situ can but also all the people in the room are stunned. However, the devil Chong stares at Lin Tiandao, "you are a bit ungrateful. How can you use your own things to let others attack you?"

"I'll give them another chance." Lin Tian has a strong smile, and magic heavy knows that Lin Tian wants to rely on them to strengthen himself.

However, situ can feel that Lin Tian insulted himself and said, "boy, I tell you that I have other talismans."

"Oh? Then bring it back. Don't waste time. " Lin Tian smiles at situ can.

At this time, situ can take out a pill and a talisman, and then hum, "this pill is the crazy body pill, which can strengthen the airway twice, and this is the six star talisman, which can enhance the airway six times, and the two kinds of coordination are twelve times."

Lin Tianxiao said, "I know that two different things can be superimposed."

The people of bone family didn't expect Lin Tian to be so calm at this time, but when the devil thought about the growth rate of the other party to more than two billion, he was very curious about what would happen to Lin Tian.

Seeing Lin Tiansi, situ can't be afraid of the back airway, "then I'll let you go!"

Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak. He waits for the other side to make a move, and his airway has reached 15 million yuan. He wants to see if the other side can make a substantial change when he strikes.

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