At this time, countless arms grow on the top of snow kill's head, and these are all from the ghost technique.

Not only that, these arms are all changed by ghost Qi. They immediately entangle Lin Tian and don't give him a chance to leave.

The onlookers were surprised and stared at it. At this time, the yuan Shen of Lin Tian reincarnation was opened, and all the attacks of the ghost Qi entered the Lin celestial body one by one.

At first, he didn't think much about snow killing, but at the next moment, he felt that the ghost gas in his body had disappeared until it was completely gone. Snow killing was shocked.

Lin tianxie laughs, "without ghost Qi, you will only have the body."

Finish saying, Lin Tian's airway opens, 30 million yuan, then the airway changes four times, and the airway is fast 500 million yuan at a time, and then a shadowless palm goes down from the top of the snow killing head.

With a scream of snow killing, the whole body began to get smaller and finally fell to the ground. Lin Tian sealed the soul to escape with a seal.

After everything is done, Lin Tian laughs with a rune and says, "what's up? Is it comfortable? "

Snow kill fear, and the nearby people saw, one by one stunned, especially the green city Lord scared to escape.

Lin Tian takes a look at the shopkeepers, who run away in fear of being involved.

However, magic heavy is glad to come. "You are still powerful."

"Let's go." Lin Tian smiles, and then takes Mo Chong and Su Jing, as well as the Flamingo beast, to the passage.

When Lin Tian put in the key, let the emissary teach himself to chant a mantra.

But the incantation read in general, the sky began to change around, and then people appeared in a forest.

Now the forest is dark.

Su Jing asked curiously, "Grandpa, did we go to the tunnel?"

"No, someone left a hand here." Lin Tian had no choice but to smile bitterly. In the dark, he said, "boy, you are very smart. You have found it."

The voice was black and cold, and the devil doubted, "it's you again?"

"In fact, it's not me. It's a princess of the state of Qin."

"Princess?" The evil heavy doubts, that black cold complacently way, "yes, our princess is the daughter of the little Lord of Qin, is known as one of the most intelligent women of Qin."

"One of the smartest women," said the devil

Black Han smiled and said, "don't deny it. She is sure that you may get the key and the incantation, so you set up a array around here. Once you two start, you will enter the array."

When the devil hears the array, he laughs, "if it is, it's his strength."

The devil patted Lin Tian's shoulder again, but the black cold joked, "this array, but it has a lot of experts, especially the array master, so it's hard for him to break it."

The devil heavy but says with a smile, "can't break without him."

"Funny." Black cold laughed in the dark, while devil Chong looked at Lin Tian. "Lin Di, show your skills well, and let them see."

At this time, Lin Tian took out some spirit stones, and then threw them to some places. At the place where he was hit, the fire flashed, and then the array around began to tremble, and the picture seemed to disappear at any time.

Black cold was startled in the dark place, then hurriedly asked to a woman, "princess, how to do?"

At this time, the voice of a cold woman calmed down, "it's OK, let him break it."

Black cold Oh sound, and the devil heard the voice of this woman but curious smile to see Lin Tian, "Lin Di, you say this woman, how smart in the end."

Lin Tian didn't know, but he said, "no matter how smart, people who are in my way must fall down."

The devil said, "yes, no matter who you are, you have to fall."

The woman's voice was very calm in the dark. "Down? Do you think this is just a normal array? "

"I know it's not a common array, but a thirty-six changing array. No matter how it breaks, it can't be broken. Unless the thirty-six arrays break at the same time, but the thirty-six arrays complement each other. One less array will make it recover quickly. So it's hard to break them together." Lin Tian also calmly explained one by one.

The woman was a little surprised and laughed. "I've been studying for many years, but I haven't seen anyone understand the truth."

"Not only do I know, but I can break." Lin Tian said, and divided into countless shadows, the woman doubted, "how? Do you rely on these visions? "

"It's not a mirage." After Lin Tian finished, he began to disperse one after another, and then there were thirty-six kinds of pictures flashing around, and crazy switching.

The devil looked dazzled, and Su Jing frowned, "what's the matter?"

"It's estimated that dozens of arrays will be forced." The devil guessed again, and Su Jing became curious. As for the woman in the dark, she began to wonder, "how can you break it?"

"I said, I will break." With that, all the demons in Lin Tian started to destroy the thirty-six arrays.

After the formation spread out, there were people with big flags all around, and there was a floating sedan chair behind them.

In the sedan chair, it was the so-called princess, and darkness stood on the edge of the sedan chair and said, "princess, what can I do?"

"Don't worry, I've prepared a lot." The princess was confident and shouted to the people around her, "change the line."

"Yes." The people who waved the big flag waved, and the surrounding immediately became a sea of fire, and there were flames everywhere.

Su Jing was shocked and dodged around. After dodging one by one, Mo Chong asked Lin Tian, "what the hell is this?"

"It's also array, but these attacks are array. Don't be touched. It will be very uncomfortable."

"But it's too fast." Morcercern wondered that as for the beast of fire, it began to grow larger, then it began to go mad, and it began to spray fire everywhere.

Those masters in the dark were shocked one by one, but the princess calmed down and said, "keep it up for me, don't be distracted."


Those people continued to dance flags, and the princess smiled at Lin Tian inside and said, "I don't believe it, you can break it."

At this time, Lin Tian stared at those who were waving the flag. At the next moment, all the flags of these people were disarmed and flew around Lin Tian one by one.

In this way, the whole array is self defeating, and the princess is a little surprised. As for the black cold, he says urgently, "princess, he took everyone's flag away."

The princess calmed down and said, "use runes."


Those people took out all kinds of runes one by one, and then scattered them into the sky, forming a golden border immediately, trapping Lin Tian and others in it.

The devil attacked the golden cover with great force. However, the attack was rebounded and Tan Fei himself.

Su Jing was shocked. "Master, are you ok?"

"I'm all right," said Morgen after he stood still. "What are these? It can agglomerate such a strong gold cover

Su Jing didn't know, and the fire ox beast attacked the gold cover, but it couldn't break it.

The woman in the sedan chair said with a smile, "give up resistance, it's useless!"

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