The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1294 deny this identity

Su Jing couldn't see it anymore. She asked Lin Tian, "look, Grandpa, this guy is a scoundrel."

Bai Jue can't help shaking his head, and many people nearby can only say to Lin Tian, "boy, keep it outside, otherwise, it's disgusting to look at him like this."

"No, he just disgusted you on purpose."

Listen to these people's persuasion, Lin Tian stares at the maniac and says with a smile, "do you really think I dare not do it?"

Crazy a smile to see Lin Tian, "you said right, I think you dare not."

Lin tianxie laughs, and then opens his airway, which soars to hundreds of millions.

When they saw that Lin Nai was going to start, they were all shocked, and the crazy one laughed deliberately and said, "come on, boy, you have the ability to hit me, I promise you can't get out of here."

Lin Tian clapped his hands in the air, and the crazy smile was hit directly, and all the tables and chairs around him were smashed in an instant.

The people who were present were already paralyzed and couldn't believe that all this was true. They got out of the ruins with a wild smile and shouted, "help!"

This is a cry to some guards who maintain the order of the shelter. As expected, countless guards appeared all around.

"What's the matter?" The leading guard, with a white feather on his shoulder, seems to have some special significance.

When Kuang saw him with a smile, he immediately complained to the guard, "Kong guard, come on, you see, he hit me seriously, you must punish him well!"

This is called Kong guard. He is a star guard chief here. He stares at Lin Tian coldly. "Boy, do you know the rules here?"

"Yes." Lin Tian is very straightforward and doesn't take each other seriously. As for the people around him, they are shocked. They can't believe that Lin Tian is so crazy.

Guard Kong usually guards here. He has never seen such a crazy person before. Then he said coldly, "how dare you do it?"

"If he offends me, I'll catch him, no matter where he is." Lin Tian said calmly.

However, Kong Baowei snorted, "I don't care what kind of resentment you have. Here, you are not allowed to do it."

"I'll kill whoever helps." Lin Tian's brief words surprised everyone present.

The crazy one laughs but grabs Lin Tian's handle and says, "Captain Kong, look, this kid, how arrogant."

Captain Kong glanced at Lin Tian coldly. "Then I'll let you know that no one can break this rule!"

Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak, and everyone is shocked when they see it. Some people even stare at Lin Tian and mutter, "is this boy crazy?"

"He's going to have bad luck."

When everyone thought Lin Tian was going to die, Captain Kong pulled out a sword, pointed to Lin Tian and shouted, "I'll give you another chance."

"What chance?"

"If you admit your mistake, you will lose your cultivation at most. If you don't admit your mistake, there is only a dead end." Captain Kong glared.

As soon as they heard this, they immediately urged Lin Tian to surrender, at least to save his life, and the crazy one said with a smile, "boy, admit your mistake, and at most, you will have to abandon your cultivation."

Who knows, Lin Tian backhanded, once again in front of the crowd, this crazy smile hit fly.

One by one, the guards were shocked, and the captain Kong said, "look for death."

Finish saying, this sword stabs to Lin Tian, but the sword does not move in front of Lin Tian, as if it is fixed in the air.

People are curious about what happened, but Su Jing is joking, "you can't attack my ancestor with a sword."

Captain Kong didn't believe in evil, but he also increased all kinds of strength, but the sword just couldn't pierce it, and finally forced him to shout to other people, "kill him for me."

The guards pulled out their swords one by one and tried to clean up Lin Tian, but they all flew to the foot of Lin Tian and stepped on them.

Everyone looked silly, and the crazy smile came out of the ruins, saw this behind the scenes, the whole person was shocked and said, "what a terrible guy."

Lin Tian stares at the captain Kong and asks with a smile, "do you want to continue?"

"Look for death," groaned captain Kong

After that, Captain Kong gave up his sword and punched it. The power of this fist, in front of Lin Tian's eyes, is just like a fake.

Not only that, Lin Tian pushed at will, and the captain Kong was hit directly.

The present people were shocked, especially those guards. How could they have never thought that Lin Tian was so terrible? But Lin Tian looked at the guards and asked with a smile, "are you going to continue?"

How dare these guards? They can only stare at each other. Captain Kong roared in the ruins, "you, you want to die!"

Captain Kong rushed out and stared at Lin Tian angrily. Then he was ready to kill Lin Tian.

But then a voice came from the crowd, "stop first."

The crowd dispersed, and then a middle-aged man in a white Cape appeared, with five feathers in his shoulders.

When the guards saw him, they respectfully said, "Ling Changlao."

Captain Kong filed a complaint immediately, and finally said, "elder Ling, this guy is really lawless and doesn't take us seriously."

Ling Changlao stared at Lin Tiandao, "my name is Ling Xian, the elder of Tianfeng villa."

"Do you want to do it?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, while elder Ling said with a smile, "no, I just want to ask you something."

"I'm not free." When Lin Tian said these three words, everyone was shocked, especially the guards shouted, "the elder is looking up to you when he asks you."

"Boy, believe it or not, we Ling Changlao will kill you?" Captain Kong is even more clamorous, and Kuang Yixiao knows that Lin Tian will die this time.

But Ling Changlao said with a smile, "he has a personality."

Lin Tian didn't notice, but stared at the crazy man and smiled, and walked to him, "today, no one can save you."

Crazy a smile immediately want to hide behind this hole captain, but Ling Chang old suddenly said, "don't stop him."

All of them, especially those guards, looked at each other, and captain Kong was even more surprised, "Ling Changlao, what do you mean?"

The maniac smiled and worried, "Ling Changlao, what's the matter?"

Ling Changlao explained, "he is our new elder and has the right to deal with the troublemakers here."

"What?" All of them were blinded. Even Lin Tian didn't understand when he became the elder of Tianfeng mountain villa.

Elder Ling smiled at Lin Tian and took out a token. "Just now the villa leader said that you are suitable to be our elder, so now you are a member of our elder, and this is the elder order."

When they saw the elder's order, they knew that it was not a joke, but they did not understand why.

Crazy smile is more urgent, "Ling Changlao, he, when did he become your elder?"

"Just now, is there a problem?" Elder Ling asked, but the crazy one laughed and wanted to die. But Lin Tian didn't take the elder's order, but said, "I'm not your elder, but I can still do it."

People didn't expect Lin Tian to refuse, but also in front of everyone.

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