The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1305 conspicuous servants

Although the master of Zeng's family had already thought out an excuse, he didn't know where to start until Lin Tian said to him through the spirit seal, "just say that you have a treasure that we need to appreciate together. Moreover, this treasure, once you look at it, will greatly help the power of the spirit."

The master of Zeng's family was stunned, and the little Eagle doubted, "what's the matter?"

The master of Zeng's family just came back to his senses and said as Lin Tian asked him. As for Feng Shao Ying, he said with half confidence, "do you have such a treasure?"

"Yes, this is a good baby, so I want to show you." Zeng said with a smile, but he was depressed. "Will there be such a treasure?"

Obviously, the owner of Zeng family didn't believe it, but Feng Shaoying was intrigued and said with a smile, "can you take a look?"

"Not now. I have to watch it at night." The former master laughed, and the wind little Eagle heard that it was going to be night, and suddenly some lost way, "then I listen to the former master."

"I'm afraid I'll trouble you to come back at night."

"Well, I'll leave first, and I won't disturb you." Wind little Eagle finish saying, turn around to leave.

Zeng's master and Zeng Xiaoyao are relieved. They hurry back to their study and go to find Lin Tian.

But the King City Lord looked at Zeng's master curiously, "what did you just say?"

"That's what adults asked me to say." Zeng looked at Lin Tian, and the king surprised, "there are such treasures."

"No, but I can make some people's Holy Spirit stronger." Lin Tian smiled.

They were dubious, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "look at it in the evening."

Everyone looked surprised.

Lin Tian didn't speak, but let everyone continue to do their own things.

Then Lin Tianyuan got out of the body, because he wanted to see what the purpose of this little eagle was. After all, this guy had a feeling that he was not good at coming.


at this moment, Feng Shaoying has left Zeng's house and came to the opposite teahouse, and stared at the entrance and exit of Zeng's house.

At the same time, there was another servant beside the little eagle, who looked a little old and had wrinkled hands.

"How is it? Are you clear? " Instead, the servant was more like a master, asking the little eagle.

Although Feng Shao Ying sat down, he spoke in a polite way. "I asked, but the master of Zeng said," please look at the treasure. "

"What baby?"

The wind little Eagle explained one by one, and the servant was surprised, "is there such a treasure?"

"Yes." The wind less Eagle grace sound, but this servant twinkles unusual light, "takes me in the evening, goes together."

The wind little Eagle nodded, "need to take some more people?"

"No, just the two of us."


However, at this moment, Lin Tian stood aside and listened to the conversation between the two people. He thought to himself, "who is this servant?"

At this time, the servant suddenly looked at Lin Tian's position, and Lin Tian quickly avoided, but the other side was puzzled.

"What's the matter?" The wind little Eagle doubts, and the servant says, "I just felt someone staring at me."

"No way." The wind little Eagle doubts, but this servant always feels strange.

Lin Tian, on the other side, murmured to himself, "I have some skills, but I can feel them all."

At this time, the servant began to look around, and Lin Tian tried to keep a distance from each other.

Until nightfall, Zeng's invited people gradually appeared, and the wind little Eagle also came to Zeng's house with his servant.

But when he was taken to the study, the little Eagle wondered, "how can I get to the study, master Zeng?"

"I'm a treasure, hiding in a big formation in my study. Of course, I have to look inside." Zeng said with a smile.

As soon as the little Eagle heard it, he said with a smile, "it makes sense."

But Zeng looked at the servant and said, "this is it?"

"My bodyguard." The wind little Eagle said with a smile, but the owner of Zeng's house said awkwardly, "we, uninvited, can't go in."

The wind little Eagle immediately gloomy down, "a guard, not?"

Zeng wanted to refuse, but Lin Tian told him, "let him in."

"If young master Feng insists on taking him in, he must take him well. Don't let him run around. I'm afraid that I will be hurt by my family by mistake."

"Don't worry. I'll be careful where you are. I won't let him run around at will." The wind little Eagle said with a smile.

Thanks to Zeng's family leader. That's why Zeng Xiaoyao brought them in.

The servant stared at Zeng Xiaoyao for a long time and said, "is this master Zeng?"

"Yes," said Zeng Xiaoyao

"Are you ghost repair?" The servant asked curiously, while Feng Shao Ying said deliberately, "ghost repair? How can I not know? "

Once carefree but a smile, "I really ghost repair."

"Really?" Feng Shaoying thought it was weird, and the servant wanted to touch Zeng Xiaoyao, but Zeng Xiaoyao said, "two, don't be shocked, go in now."

After that, Zeng Xiaoyao walked forward and avoided the servant, who had to go in with fengshao eagle.

When I came inside, there was a big courtyard, which was filled with tables and chairs, and many people had already taken seats.

When the wind little eagle appeared, some people came forward one after another and said, "wind young master, you have also come."

"Master Feng, I haven't seen you for half a year. You are handsome again."

"Master Feng, like your brother, you are all talents of our water country."

Not far away, Lin Tianyuan God returned to his body and said with a smile, "the wind is less than an eagle, and the popularity is still very strong."

"It's not that his brother is a general, and then the Feng family has a certain relationship in the imperial court, otherwise we will not be like this." The king laughed bitterly.

Hearing this, Lin Tian said with a smile, "but this little eagle is going to do something today."

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

"Wait." Lin Tian smiled a lot, and Feng Shaoying found a place to sit down as soon as he saw those people.

The servant stood, but told the little eagle, "this place is not like the array."

"What do you mean?"

"It's like painting." The servant got weird, and the wind little Eagle got frightened. "Painting?"

"Well, I'll see." With that servant, he left the crowd and went down some paths. Then he saw some trees.

This scared the servant. He went to touch the trees to see if it was true. Then a figure appeared.

"Are you lost?" The figure asked the servant. When the servant saw that it was Lin Tian, he asked, "are you?"

"I'm from Zeng's family. I'm in charge of the four places to see if anyone will get lost." Lin Tian said with a smile.

When the servant heard this, he felt that he could start from Lin Tian, so he took out some colorful stones and gave them to Lin Tian and said with a smile, "little brother, can you answer me a question?"

"Here." Lin Tian pretends to be flattered.

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