"In the Imperial Academy, there are several teachers, he is one of them, and he has a good relationship with several princes, so you should know," Lao Hei explained

"To woo the prince?" Lin Tian sneered, and the old black said, "several princes respect his teacher very much, so his position is still very big."

"It's a bit of a start."

"But why did he come to you?" Old heibai couldn't help but Lin Tianxiao said, "haven't you been investigating the relationship between the Song family and the Qin State?"

Old Hahn said, "I'm investigating, but there's no evidence, but what does it have to do with Lord Wu?"

Lin Tian explained, "I don't know this martial adult, but he came to me and asked me to plead guilty and want me to be a fugitive. Do you think he has something to do with the Song family, or he has something to do with the Qin State?"

As soon as the words came out, the old black face changed greatly. "You can't say that without permission. After all, he is the teacher of several princes. If the princes are angry, you will be ruined."

Lin Tian smiled. "If there's evidence, I don't care who he is."

"You want to check him?" That old black strange way, and Lin Tianen voice, "yes, but you continue to help me keep secret, I will wait here for another three days, see, who else will come."

"Three more days?" Alzheimer's stared at Lin Tian, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "actually, I can leave here safely at any time, but I didn't leave, just want to fish."

Lao Hei's face was muddled. Lin Tian closed the door and stared at Lao Hei. "I can trust you."

The old black fox asked, "what do you mean by that?"

Lin Tian said with a smile, "do you know why general Zhang is so polite to me?"

Old black shook his head, and Lin Tian then took out a token.

At the sight of the token, the old black glared, "crystal clear."

As for Lin Tian, he put up his crystal clear order and said, "I don't want you to tell others the secret, even if you are the closest and most trusted person, you can't do it."

"Not even death." Old black shivered, and Lin Tian helped him up, and then said, "OK, you can step back first, and the cell, whoever wants to come in, let them in, don't send so many guards."

"What if you are in danger?" he worried

"Don't worry, the one who can make me die hasn't appeared." Lin Tian smiled confidently, and Lao Hei said uneasily, "but."

"Try to reduce the number of people. The less, the better. I'd like to see who else will come." Lin Tian smiles at the old black.

After hesitating for a long time, Lao Hei said, "well, I'll arrange it."

Then Lao Hei left and closed the door. Lao Hei looked at the prison and immediately cut down the number of people here.

At last, Lao Hei came out of the prison, but he was a little flustered. Lin Tian had a clear order, which meant that the Lord of the country was in it. If something happened to him, his ten thousand lives would not be enough.

At the thought of it, Lao Hei was in a hurry, but Lin Tian told him that he had to do it again, so he had to leave there.

In this way, the prison became less crowded and lasted until the night before Lin Tian's trial.

Lin Tian is resting. Suddenly a group of people in black come to the prison and bring down all the guards.

Then the men in black rushed to where Lin Tian was.

Lin Tian looked at these people's clothes and said with a smile, "what's the matter? Is it a prison break? "

"Boy, don't talk nonsense, don't want to die, just follow us." One person finish saying, take out chain.

Others are on guard to prevent Lin Tian from escaping. Lin Tian smiles and says, "I think it's very good here."

Those people hummed and didn't give Lin Tian time to think. They saw the chains thrown away, but they flew away one by one. Lin Tian couldn't be trapped at all.

These people immediately pull out their swords one by one, and then prepare to assassinate Lin Tian. Lin Tian is in this room, casting a magic shadow. These people can't take it down at all.

Until someone outside shouted, "here comes the guard of the law enforcement Academy."

These people have been prepared for a long time. One by one, they take out a line of talismans, and then through the talismans, everyone disappears from Lin Tian in a flash.

The old black rushed into the prison and saw the guards lying around. He ran to Lin Tian's room in fright.

But Lin Tian had nothing to do with it. The old black took a breath of air and said, "I'm scared to death."

"These people, they seem to be old hands." Lin Tian explained, and Lao Hei said, "can you see what they look like?"

"No, these people are all covered with faces, and they have hidden breath on their bodies. They can't know their origins. Moreover, when they escape, they use special symbols."

The old black look is ugly. "Some people, who can enter here without knowing the ghost, can leave here quickly, that's too terrible."

Lin Tian also thought it was not so simple, but he said with a calm smile, "at least, these people are very interesting."

Seeing Lin Tian was still amused, Lao Hei hurriedly closed the door, then stared at Lin Tian and said, "Sir, I'll change places for you. It's too dangerous here."

"No, I think it's a good place."

Lao Hei didn't think so, and said, "these people, if they can come for the first time, they will come for the second time."

"Don't worry, isn't tomorrow the trial? It's time to prove that I'm ok. If you let me go, I'll be free. What are you afraid of? " Lin Tian laughs at Lao Hei.

"Old black is urgent way," but this is too dangerous, how to do in case they come again

"Better to come. I'll take them down."

Seeing that Lin Tian is still in the mood to deal with them, Lao Hei wanders nervously, and Lin Tian laughs and says, "don't be nervous, just calm down."

After that, Lin Tian appeased him to go out, and Lao Hei had to change another group of guards to take the unconscious guards and leave.

Lin Tianze looked around the room, then squatted on some ground to see the powder. Finally, he picked up the powder and smelled it. Then he murmured, "it's a combination of evil spirit and popularity. It seems that these people are not ordinary people."

So Lin Tian got the little fat man out and asked him with a smile, "smell, what's special in this room."

The little fat man is a monster for millions of years. As soon as he came out, he felt the spirit everywhere and said, "here, how can there be spirit?"

"Oh? Are you sure there's something sinister about it? "

"Yes, someone must have used the magic or the demon's things just now." The little fat man explained.

Lin Tian smiled after he was confirmed. "Well, you go back first."

The little fat man went back to the painting, and Lin Tian laughed, "the capital of this country is more and more interesting!"

Then Lin Tian continued to close his eyes and rest, as if nothing had happened, and came down all night, very quiet and undisturbed.

Until the next day, Lin Tian was brought to the judgment hall by Laohei, and Song Yu was also there, but Song Yu was not followed for three days, so he was very impetuous, and shouted to the guards, "why do you shut me up? What about my song family? I want to see my song family! "

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