The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1373 first customs mission announcement

When the third prince heard this, his face sank, and the third princess was beside him, staring at the water dance and laughing, "Ninth sister, are you saying too much?"

"Yes? And what about you? It's just a princess. What's going on here? Which Prince and princess have you met with their families? " Water dance doesn't like this woman's humming.

As soon as the words came out, people began to talk.

"Why do these three imperial concubines appear here?"

"Not really, the third princess, neither the prince nor the prince. What is she doing here?"

The third princess looked embarrassed, but soon she calmed down. "I'm a counselor."

"Counselor? This time everyone has at most three counselors, and the three old guys behind the third prince should be, and you? I don't know if you are the fourth prince or the fifth prince? " The water dance seized on each other's weakness and attacked wildly.

"The three imperial concubines secretly scolded," this stinky girl, how can it be so difficult

But the third prince said, "nine younger sisters, have you had enough trouble?"

"Noisy? That's what you said first. No wonder I did. " Water dance didn't think it was wrong at all, but also stared at these people. The little fat man on one side had to say to Lin Tian, "boss, the princess's fighting power is so strong that these people are speechless."

Lin Tian couldn't help but smile, "what's the name? You can't move your mouth, but you can't move your mouth, but you have to be angry again."

The little fat man couldn't help laughing. The eighth prince was embarrassed, but he didn't know what to say. Until Wu Botian appeared, he came from a distance. "What are you talking about, everyone? So busy. "

All of them were quiet. Many princes said respectfully, "Lord Wu."

Wu Botian is not only a teacher, but also a person with certain rights in the prince's palace. Therefore, many people are respectful to him, while the third prince smiled at him and said, "Lord Wu, I like to talk about people's problems. I haven't changed them yet, so I just quarreled with us."

The fourth Prince did not forget to add a smile and said, "I can't help being spoiled since I was a child, that's all."

The fifth prince also had a funny face, and the water dance wanted to continue to talk about them, but Wu Botian said, "OK, everyone be quiet, now I'll invite the Lord of our temple, let him say a few words, and then the first topic will come from the Lord of the palace of the escort."

"Guard house?" They didn't expect the first pass to be the guard house, so they began to talk about it.

Water dance then looked at the eighth prince, "elder brother, it is said that the leader of this guard hall, but a master who has fought countless times in the battlefield, was once the father's master."

"I know that, but he only listens to his father, so this task should not be simple." The eighth Prince nodded.

Water dance hum, also look forward to, and at this time Yan Temple master appeared.

Everyone saw that they were all respectful, and the Yan Temple leader came to the front and looked at the people, "as the emperor's palace leader, I am also one of the chief leaders of the prince selection. If you want to ask me anything, you can ask first. If not, I will let the Guardian Temple leader come."

Some people are puzzled and say, "master of Yan temple, who is in charge this time?"

The master of the Yan temple said, "I'm the master of the youth hall, the master of the prince hall, the master of the guard hall, and the president of the law enforcement court."

As soon as this words came out, everyone exclaimed. After all, this is the head of the fourth chamber of the fifth chamber of the state of water.

After that, Yan Temple leader called out the other three, and Lin Tian, the young temple leader and the dean of the law enforcement court, met each other, so they were surprised to see Lin Tian for a moment.

In particular, the young temple leader also came to Lin Tian and said, "Why are you here, Doctor Lin?"

Master Fu said with a smile, "he is a counselor of the eighth prince."

The young hall master was shocked, "counselor?"

"Yes, it's also the master of the eighth prince." Master Fu continued, and people nearby heard that Lin Tian was the eighth Prince's master, and many people laughed at him.

"It's true that bad people deserve garbage masters."

This words, let water dance not happy, still stare at them, but these princesses and princesses still say, but the young hall hall Lord is not happy, "everybody, he is a doctor, please respect him."

The young hall master opened his mouth, and these people were more honest. The Yan hall master looked in his eyes and was happy in his heart. When all the people didn't talk, he smiled at all of you. "OK, everyone, I've seen these people. Now let the Cang hall master, who is guarding the hall, tell you the first pass."

At this time, the Lord of the temple of hell invited a white haired old man in white armor to the front, and this man was the Lord of the temple of heaven. Although he looked white, he could not live without that murderous spirit, as if he wanted to frighten the enemy out of the way.

Many princesses and princesses saw him, and they couldn't help panicking.

At this time, the Lord of the temple said, "the first task is arranged by me, and the top ten people can get one point or ten points."

People were very surprised to hear it, because there are ten tasks this time, and the winner of each task can get a certain score, and the highest score of the ten tasks is the prince candidate.

So all of a sudden, I saw so many points in the first pass, and the third prince believed in the other two princes, "I want this very much."

The two princes, hum, said that they would help the third prince get the first place.

Shuifu and them are the same, but in order to prevent the eighth prince from getting the top ten, those princesses and princesses secretly think of occupying the top ten positions, and do not give the eighth prince any chance.

But the Lord of the Cang temple said, "the specific task is that you will send the death training Mo mountain to our guard house. In that Mo mountain, there are many dead men disguised as our guard house. These dead men, who don't care who you are, will only attack when they see people, and the deeper the dead men are, the stronger they are."

"What? Dead? " One by one.

The Lord of the temple continued, "yes, you can bring a counselor, but you can't bring anyone but a counselor, you know?"

When they heard this, they were relieved, and the Lord of the temple continued, "ten teams who first arrived at a palace in the deep will receive different points."

Everyone is boiling with blood at once, and the Lord of the Cang temple looks at the people, "you are ready to go. There will be a transmission array, which will directly send you to the outside of the death training mill mountain. "

people immediately began to prepare, and the water dance worried," brother Bahuang, don't you bring more people? "

"I'll take them three." Eight prince said, and water dance see such a team, on the spot to collapse, "eight emperor elder brother, such a small doll you also take?"

The little fat man didn't like it. "What's a little doll?"

"Then you say, what skill do you have?" The water dance was very depressed, especially when I saw that the little fat man was only * * years old, I felt that my brother Bahuang was blind.

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