After a while of astonishment, the Lord of the country got up and said to the Lord of the temple, "Lord of the temple, go and announce the results, and remind you that there may be people from the enemy's forces making trouble. In the back eight passes, we must let you know which is the end, and do not go in a strange place."

"Yes." After the Lord of the Cang Temple took the order, he turned around and left. The Lord muttered, "it's not easy to cultivate demons."

What did Yan Temple master want to say, but the country Lord and the current left, which made Yan Temple master's eyes twinkle with different light.

At the moment, the water dance at the final destination also asked Lin Tian how to fix the devil. But Lin Tian only said, "people with ability, fix the devil, fix the demon, fix the ghost, there is no problem."

The water dance that hears this words despises a way, "you say directly your talent is good, very fierce went."

But the eighth Prince worshipped, "master, what else do you fix?"

Lin Tian smiles but doesn't speak. Master Fu looks at Lin Tian like a monster until the third prince and others come in.

This time, the third prince and the fourth Prince got the third and fourth respectively, followed by Shuifu and others.

But these people are obviously unwilling, especially looking at the eyes of the eighth Prince and other people, are revealing the intention of killing.

Until the Lord of the temple appeared, he looked at the crowd, "you can go back to the prince's palace to have a rest. When it comes to the third level of the competition, it will be five days later, you will be informed."

Everyone gathered up their mood and was ready to leave through the teleportation array. However, the Lord of the Cang Temple told everyone what happened today, so he said to them, "so everyone, you must be careful not to run away from the traps arranged by other enemy countries in the future."

The people immediately discussed, and Lin Tian and others left through the transmission array.

The third prince was more depressed and said, "let's go."

But Shuifu looked at the depressed man wearing a helmet and said, "master, what can I do?"

"Take your time. It's eight levels." Said the helmeted man, and the sound of water and fortune forced him to take his men away.

Back to the palace, Lin Tian got up and said, "these days, I will go to the city, and I will come back before the game."

The eighth prince was shocked and said, "master, where are you going?"

"I'll do something." Lin Tian smiles and says that the eighth Prince has to let Lin Tian leave. Before Lin Tian leaves, let wolf king and master Fu stay beside the eighth prince to ensure his safety.

In this way, Lin Tian left with xiaopang, and the water dance wondered, "what's up with him when he leaves?"

"My master, it must be a lot of things." The eighth Prince explained that Shuiwu didn't believe it and wanted to follow him, so he said, "brother Bahuang, I'll go first."

Finish saying, water danced to walk, and eight Prince helpless shake head way, "still so madness."

For Lin Tian, the little fat man beside him was curious and asked, "boss, why do we want to leave the imperial palace?"

"If I don't leave, those people won't have a chance." Lin Tian laughs, and the little fat man is surprised, "do you mean to attract people to deal with you?"

"Yes, the Qin people must be eager to find a chance to start, but they are suffering from the chance, so I have to go out and walk more now so that they can find me." Lin Tian laughed.

Hearing this, the little fat man laughed, "I really want to see someone who doesn't have long eyes come to the door now."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "that princess is so free."

The little fat man turned around curiously, just saw the furtive water dance and smiled and said, "boss, this princess, how can there be so many things?"

"Leave her alone." Lin Tian had no choice but to smile and then took the little fat man to leave.

"I'll see what you want to do," murmured the water dance

Then the water dance followed, and in the Royal Palace, Wu Botian received the news, immediately reported with the master of Yan palace.

"Keep a good eye on him and see what he wants to do." The Lord of the Yan palace told me.


Then wubotian left, and the fifth prince in the palace complained, "unexpectedly, I was eliminated in the second round."

The fourth Prince stared at him and said, "who let you abstain?"

"I don't give up, waiting for the monster to come and eat me as food?" The fifth Prince complained.

What did the fourth Prince want to say, and the third prince said, "well, stop arguing, now think about what to do next."

The third princess frowned, "this doctor, it's not easy."

The third prince said coldly, "I don't care whether he is simple or not. If he offends me, I will kill him."

"What's your plan?" The third princess asked, and the third prince said coldly, "look at what's more behind you."

"Good." Three imperial concubines answered the voice, and then these people can only wait there depressed.

As for Lin Tian, he took xiaopang to the city, but it didn't last long. Soon a servant came and looked at Lin Tian. "Excuse me, is it Mr. Lin?"

"You are?" Lin Tian didn't know the man, but the man took out a letter and said, "a letter for you, miss us."

Lin Tian was curious to take the letter, but his heart began to murmur, "who is going to send the letter to me as soon as he comes out of the imperial palace?"

But the little fat man asked excitedly, "boss, is it going to trouble you?"

"Just look at it."

Lin Tian took out a letter and saw that it was Liu Qingxiang's funny smile. "This woman, dare to take the initiative to find me?"

"Boss, who is it?"

"I saw through the girl in the first brothel of Shuiyun city before, and then she ran away. Then she didn't show up again. Now she takes the initiative to find me. It seems that I have to go to meet her well."

"Where is it?"

"The first green building in the capital of this country, the dream fragrance building."

After Lin Tian finished, he took the little fat man with him, and the little fat man said excitedly, "I heard that your human brothel is a very interesting place."

"It's fun, but it's all rouge. I can't see it." Lin Tian said with a smile, "then I'll have a look."

But the water dance nearby muttered, "this guy, what letter have you received? So happy? "

So the dance continued to follow, but after an hour, when the dance saw a luxury area like an inn in front of it, its eyes glared, "what? Dream of fragrance building? "

Water dance despises the men who come in and out of here, but now when Lin Tian goes in, he immediately says, "this hypocrite, a scoundrel, runs out to do business, but is it to find a woman?"

The water dance couldn't help it, and immediately ran to stop Lin Tian and the little fat man. The little fat man pretended to be surprised and said, "princess, why are you here?"

"If I don't come, will you go in?" The water dance was very fierce, and the little fat man said in an auspicious voice, "yes, I want to go in."

Water dance immediately scolds Lin Tian, "OK! You're really good enough to say that you're going to work and come to the brothel to find a woman! "

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