The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1402 lingcao Valley

"I know," said the water dance gloomily

Finish saying, the water dance leaves unhappily, and the water flow laughs there, "silly girl, you will be so happy when you know his identity one day."

Water dance is walking on the street at the moment, and on the way to the emperor's palace, but in my heart, I wonder, "even my master admits that the boy is powerful, what should I do?"

Originally, water dance wanted to go back to learn something and clean up Lin Tian. But now, it can't clean up Lin Tian, but it will lose face.

This makes the water dance very tangled, so I think about it for a while, until after a while, her spirit flashed, "by the way, there is a way."

Then water dance happily returns to the prince's palace.

However, after waiting for a few days in Lin Tian's Inn, no one got involved, so he had to go back to the prince's palace.

when the water dance saw Lin Tian returning, he went to ridicule. "Hello, boy, did you go to the brothel again?"

The eighth Prince heard about Lin Tian's going to the brothel a few days ago, so he quickly said to Shuiwu, "nine younger sister, my master is also a talent. It's nothing to find some Huakui."

Master Fu agreed to laugh and said, "yes, after all, he is a man."

Water dance takes a look at these people, "a group of scoundrels."

They all laughed, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "you don't mean to find your master to learn something?"

Water dance is ready to say, "my master, I haven't been free recently."

"Oh? Is that right? "

Seeing Lin Tian's tone, the water dance hummed, "don't be complacent, boy. If my Shizu comes, he will show you."

"Your Shizu? Do you know? " Lin Tian laughs at her and whispers to himself, "I'm your Shizu. Why are you so stupid?"

Water dance began to show, "of course, my Shizu, but my Shifu's Shifu, and the ability is good, but also my idol."


"Yes, the master I admire." That water dance excites a way, but Lin Tian says with a smile, "that line, what does your Shizu look like? Let's hear it. "

Water dance did not expect Lin Tian to ask, she immediately calm down and said, "my Shizu, is a magic power, the power of the spirit of nine stars, but also that rare, and may even reach the level of Fairy Spirit."

When Lin Tian heard the immortal spirit, he couldn't help laughing, because in this world, most people stay in the nine star spirit, which is the limit.

But there are also some geniuses or special people who can reach a higher level, and these holy spirits are rare.

At the same time, if the rare spirit goes back, it is the immortal spirit, and the immortal spirit, the whole water country, has appeared several times in the history.

"Boy, how are you? I'm afraid." Seeing Lin Tian's stupefied water dance, he smirked and said, "what's his age?"

"Bullshit, handsome old man of course."

Lin Tian almost didn't spray out, "old man?"

"My master's master, isn't he an old man?" That water dance is very proud of the way, and Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak.

Seeing Lin Tian's smile, the water dance said, "look back, I want my master to tell you something."

"Your master? I'm afraid he has to be polite when he sees me. " Lin Tian laughs at the water dance, but the water dance refuses to accept, "you, wait, one day when you have a chance, I will let my master talk with you, and then let him tell you how powerful my Shizu is."

Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak. When the water dance sees Lin Tian laughing, it's about to attack. A voice rings in the prince's palace.

"Assemble, the third game is about to start."

The eighth Prince immediately returned to his mind, "go."

Lin Tian tidies up his mood to keep up, while Shuiwu is relieved and hurries to keep up until everyone comes to the square.

There are a lot of people in the square.

The third prince and the fourth prince are there at the moment, as well as Shuifu and his princesses and princesses.

But at the moment, these people are all staring at Lin Tian. Obviously, they hate Lin Tian the same.

Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak, while the Yan Temple master and other temple masters wait in front.

Until the master of Yan temple said, "everyone has come. Let me say the third level."

All of them immediately look back at the master of Yan temple and wonder what the third level is.

"At the third level, you will be sent to lingcao valley of the water country. There are lingcao everywhere. You must have heard about it."

People have heard of it naturally. After all, it is rich in spirit grass, but at the same time, there are always some strange things.

Some people also said, "is it true that there are fairies or fierce beasts in lingcao Valley?"

Some people nodded, "yes, I heard from some medicine collectors."

"In fact, lingcao Valley is very close to Tianyi hall, and the people of Tianyi hall always go there to collect herbs, so the fairies you call may be the people of Tianyi hall." The Master explained.

Everyone was relieved, but the master of Yan temple said, "because there are incomplete immortal arrays and some refined things in lingcao Valley, you must be careful about those things."

After hearing this, someone asked, "what is our mission?"

"It's very simple. There is a kind of rare medicine in lingcao valley. It's called floating at night. You can find it and go to the deepest place. Even if we win in a palace, we can't get there without herbs."

When they heard this, they were shocked.

Some people also muttered, "I don't even know what this medicine looks like."

"Don't worry, everyone will get a drawing later. There will be one on it." When the Lord Yan finished speaking, he distributed it to everyone.

After everything was done, the master of the hall of hell said, "everyone, go ahead, the transmission array is here."

They immediately passed through the transmission array, and then appeared in the mountains where there were spiritual grass everywhere.

The water dance saw this and laughed, "I didn't expect there were so many spirit grass in this spirit Grass Valley."

The eighth prince also came here for the first time and said, "I always wanted to come here before, but I didn't have a chance. Now I have a chance. I will have a good look."

But the fourth Prince laughed nearby, "I don't know how to die then."

"To die, you too." Water dance politely counterattacks, and the fourth Prince sneers, then follows the third prince and so on to leave.

The eighth Prince looked at Lin Tian. "Master, now?"

"Don't worry, I'll talk to the grass first."

"Talk? Are you sick? Talk to Cao? " That water dance thought Lin Tian was crazy, but Lin Tian squatted down and stroked a piece of spirit grass and said, "any spirit grass has spirit, and when it reaches a certain number of years, it will become essence, which is what we call essence and weirdness."

Water dance joked, "it's weird. I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it yet."

"It's really possible to see it in such a place." Lin Tian laughs, then closes his eyes and communicates with these grasses through the recovery of all things.

Water dance is depressed way, "madman a person."

The eighth Prince and others are waiting, while in the waiting hall, the Cang hall points to the big screen and says, "Lord, everything is ready."

But the LORD looked at Lin Tian and asked, "can he communicate with plants?"

The current hasn't answered yet, but the master of the hell hall joked, "this boy, he's just fooling people."

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