The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1404 enter a strange array

The water dance was shocked. She looked at Lin Tian quickly. "What can I do now?"

At the moment, there were people everywhere, obviously surrounded them, and the eighth prince also stared at Lin Tian, "master, my poison and totem don't have much effect on them."

"It's not useless. It's the man in the mask who is much better than you." Lin tianxie laughs.

The eighth prince also knows the gap between himself and the other side, but now these people are approaching step by step, so that he does not know what to do.

Water dance also said, "boy, don't you think you are strong? Do you think of a way? "

But the fourth Prince laughed, "we are close to two hundred princes and princesses. When we add up the number of people we have, there are four or five hundred. I wonder if you can bear our attack."

The third prince also said coldly, "I'll see how strong you are."

Shuifu is even more excited, "boy, give me the grass, I can spare you from dying."

But Lin Tian said with a smile, "you think it's amazing that you have so many people?"

Water Fu complacent way, "yes, four or five hundred people, to you several, more than enough."

Lin Tian smiled strangely, "then open your eyes."

People are curious about what Lin Tian is going to do, and people in the hall also want to know what Lin Tian is going to do.

At this time, Lin Tian's magic shadow technique has changed from one to ten, to one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand.

All of a sudden, the whole valley was covered with forest.

All the people were scared to be silly, and Lin Tian's voice echoed at the same time, "now it's you or me?"

But the masked man shouted, "his shadows are defenseless. Attack as much as you like."

They immediately attacked, and the shadow disappeared one by one, but Lin Tianmu did not take this, but took the eighth Prince and other people out of the army.

Eight Prince son Leng next way, "master, this."

"Don't worry, my shadows are enough for them." Lin Tian said that and slowly led the people away.

As for those people, they killed one group of magic shadows, and another group of magic shadows, as if they could not finish killing.

In the big hall, the master of Yan hall scolded, "it's really despicable."

"It's called strength." The young hall master appreciated the way, and the Cang hall master also said, "yes, this young man's ability is very good."

The LORD said with a smile, "if we let him go to the battlefield, we can make countless people suffer from this move."

The head of Yan Temple frowned, and in lingcao Valley, water dances turned their heads one after another, stared at the back, and then asked, "make sure those people won't come after you."

"For a moment and a half." Lin Tian said confidently.

Water dance oh sound, can walk, Lin Tian suddenly stopped wry smile, "here, really many disabled absence."

"What's the matter?" The eighth prince was puzzled, and Lin Tian explained, "just now a disabled player ran into us."

Water dance stupefied, "bump into us? You're kidding. "

Lin Tianxiao said, "I didn't laugh. It was this array that moved and then hit us. That is to say, we are in the array."

"Ah? And this array? " The water dance was shocked, and master Fu frowned. "I've heard of this array, but I've never seen it. I didn't expect to see it now."

The eighth Prince looked at Lin Tian and said, "master, you must have a way."

"It's a complex array. If I want to break it, it's hard to break it with my current strength. But it's still very simple to go out." Lin Tian said confidently.

Water dance doesn't believe, "bragging."

"Come on, don't talk nonsense." When Lin Tian finished speaking, he went ahead. But on the big screen in the hall, he couldn't find the trace of the eighth Prince and others.

The Lord of the Kingdom wondered, "what's the matter?"

The Lord of the temple reported, "the Lord of the country, in lingcao Valley, there are incomplete immortal arrays everywhere. Once we enter by mistake, we can't see this."

The Lord of the Kingdom lost a little. "Then, what if they were trapped in it all the time?"

"According to the rules, if the game is over in five days and they don't show up, I'll bring them out, but then they will lose."

The Lord understood, and then said, "well, wait."

But the LORD said, "they disappeared suddenly, which means it's a kind of moving array. They hit them directly, so it's hard to come up with it."

Everyone looked at each other, but no one objected, because this kind of array is indeed one of the most difficult ones, and no one can even solve it up to now.

"It seems that it depends on their luck." The Lord laughed, but people wondered how the LORD had the heart to laugh at this time.

However, at the moment, all the people who killed a bunch of magic shadows wondered where Lin Tian and others had gone.

In particular, Shuifu asked the masked man, "master, how about people?"

"These people seem to have disappeared from the sky." The masked man congealed, and Shuifu doubted, "master, what do you say disappears out of nothing?"

"It's just that I can't sense where I may have been in by mistake." Explained the masked man.

The water blessing is depressed, "this grass is in their hands. If we can't find the second grass, don't we have to wait for the time to end?"

"Now let's see if we can find the second grass," sighed the masked man

Shuifu had no choice but to scold, "let me meet that kid again, I will kill him."

Then these people left, and the fourth Prince dignified, "brother Sanhuang, what shall we do?"

"There is no grass in this competition, and even when you arrive at the palace, there are no points." The third prince looked ugly.

The fourth Prince is depressed, "so let's go to the second one now?"

"That's the only way, or there's no way." The third prince was helpless, but he had no choice but to take the fourth Prince and leave there.

But at the moment, the eighth prince was there, and the water dance kept saying, "are you going out? It seems that I've been around all the time. "

Lin Tian said with a smile, "soon."

"Soon? I didn't feel it. " The water dance was depressed, and then a hut appeared in the white fog ahead.

There are flowers and plants around the cottage. It seems that someone lives here, which scares several people of water dance.

In particular, master Fu wondered, "there are people living in the array?"

"Didn't it say the array moved?" That water dance is depressed, but also blames Lin Tian on his face, while Lin Tian stares at the room, smiles after feeling a familiar breath, "it seems to be an acquaintance."

"Acquaintances?" Shuiwu stares at Lin Tian strangely, and the eighth prince asks curiously, "master, is it really an acquaintance?"

"Well, let's go." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he walked to the house, but when he got outside, there was a flower around the house.

The flower floats there, making a woman's clear voice, "who, why intrude here?"

"Wow, talking flower." The water dance was shocked, and the eighth prince was also frightened. As for Lin Tian, he said with a smile, "the flower of Chengjing."

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