The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1420 killing and extermination

The captain trembled when asked, "Princess nine, I am."

"What are you? Be honest! " After a drink, the captain said, "I, too, listen to you."

"Up there, say, who." The water dance was cold, and the captain was just about to open his mouth. A flying needle came from the dark place and hit the captain. The captain immediately turned pale and died.

All the people were shocked, and the water dance quickly checked and found that the captain even lost his soul.

"Come on, come and have a look." Water dance hurriedly called Lin Tian, and Lin Tian sat there quietly and said, "once the soul breaking needle enters the body, if the soul is not strong enough, it will be broken by the needle."

"What?" Water dance eyes, and the eighth Prince stunned, "who is so vicious?"

In the observation platform, the Lord of the country is even more gloomy. "Broken soul needles have appeared. It seems that this five class city is becoming more and more interesting."

The master of Yan Temple quickly said, "master of the state, do you want to stop the competition, and wait until you catch the troublemaker."

"No, keep looking." The Lord believed in Lin Tian's ability, so he didn't pause, while the other lords looked at each other.

However, the water dance in the inn stormed away. Looking at the rest of the guards, they asked, "do you see anyone who has made a move?"

Those people shake their heads one after another, and the water dance is in a hurry. They can only look at that Wuqi and ask, "is it you?"

Uchi shook his head. "No, it's not me."

At this time, a man rushed in and said respectfully to Shuiwu and the eighth prince, "eighth Prince and ninth princess, why don't you come to our residence to be guests?"

"Who are you?" The water dance stares at the man with the fan in front of her eyes, and the man bends, bows half and says, "I'm a counsellor in the city Lord's mansion. I'm an iron diviner."

When the innkeeper heard the iron divination, he was shocked one by one

"Unexpectedly, he doesn't look old."

"Not really."

Water dance stares at the iron divinity and asks, "do you know how the captain died?"

"I don't know," said the iron God

"Don't know?" The water dance became angry, and the iron divinity was embarrassed. "Nine princesses, I also heard that you came, so I hurriedly came from the city Lord's mansion, but when I got here, I saw that he was dead."

The water dance was so angry that she explained the matter once, and the iron divinity immediately scolded the guards, "I told you that we must guard the city well, and we can't let any broken rules, why are you so disobedient?"

The guards looked at each other, and uchi was sweating.

Until the iron divinity alchemy shouted, "come, send me the Wu family and others to the prison for interrogation, and you guards will give me a good review."

"Yes." The guards hurried up to take the people of Wu's family, and then the guards left.

Water dance is not reconciled, just about to attack, iron divinity but respectfully way, "nine princesses, do not know so satisfied?"

Where is the water dance satisfied? It's airway. "Who killed this man? I didn't find out. So you let everyone go?"

"Princess nine, you may not know the complexity of our city."

"How complicated?" Water dance airway, and the iron divination figure explained, "our city, although poor, small, but many people, and the killers are particularly active place, so he may offend others, and be killed by the killers."

"Killer?" Water dance stupefied next, and iron God calculate grace voice way, "with broken soul needle, must be fierce master."

Water dance airway, "so, can't we continue to investigate?"

"I'll investigate who he offended, and report the result to Princess nine."

The water dance immediately choked and bowed, and the iron God asked, "I don't know if the eighth Prince and the ninth Princess want to go to the city Lord's mansion, after all, it's too dangerous outside."

"No, that's all." Water dance depressed way, that iron God calculate Oh voice way, "that line, have any problem, come to the city Lord's mansion to find us at any time."

Iron God said, then turned to leave, then the face of evil smile.

That water dance is depressed, "how can I stay so unlucky?"

The eighth Prince appeased, "nine younger sisters, these killers are Desperado. They do things as long as they give money. If you want to find them, you can't find them."

"But." Water dance was depressed, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "it seems that the city will become lively."

Seeing Lin Tian's mood and laughing, the water dance said, "boy, are you crazy? Still smiling? "

"I don't laugh, do I cry?"

"Instead of finding the fox demon, we are bullied by the dandy in the city. Moreover, the dandy is colluding with the city Lord's office, but we are going to find evidence. Now, when the captain dies, there is no evidence!" As soon as the water dance thought of this, it would hold back.

Lin Tian laughs, "want proof? It's very simple. "

"Simple? You are a big talker. " Water dance glared, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "take this broken soul needle for me."

"Which broken soul needle?"

"From the captain who just passed through and hit the one on the ground." Lin Tian points to the ground, while Shuiwu doubts, "the ground? "Where?"

Lin Tian looked at her like a fool, and then looked at the eighth prince. "You'd better go and get it."

"Yes, sir."

The eighth prince came to the place where the corpse was lying, then stretched out his hand and used his ability to control everything.

At the next moment, the needle was sucked out of the ground and fell into the hands of the eighth prince, and a red needle, about a finger long.

Take a breath when you see the water dance. "How did it get into the ground?"

"The person who uses the needle technique is powerful and can break through people in an instant. The soul breaking needle can also break the soul quickly." After Lin Tian explained, he took the needle and examined it.

Water dance looks at Lin Tian's mouth and air way. "With a needle, you can find the murderer?"

Lin Tian smiled, "everything has its own unique breath, and through this breath, as well as this needle, you can confirm its owner's approximate position."

"You brag." Water dance laughs, but Lin Tian closes his eyes and immediately calculates. He pushes back.

All of a sudden saw the person who used the needle, then opened his eyes and smiled, "show you a picture."

"What are you looking at?" Water dance is in a bad mood, and Lin Tian shows the picture he just saw.

When the public saw a man hiding in the crowd, they shot and left, one by one surprised.

In particular, master Fu said with dementia, "one needle can tell who is using it. This ability is too powerful."

Not only master Fu, but also the master of the kingdom in the observation platform said in astonishment, "what a great skill."

Several Temple masters were even more stunned, and the current sighed in his heart, "master, you are not learning these skills."

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