The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1426 shameless means

Water dance is very angry when it hears this, "when it's not exposed, you say it, when it's exposed, you say it, who do you think you are?"

However, the third prince smiled at the water dance and said, "sister jiuhuangmei, I'm following the rules. I don't know what's wrong with me?"

The fourth Prince joked, "yes, what's wrong with us?"

"You are wrong to let him stand in our way." Water dance airway, but the third prince laughed at the beast, "we fight to catch the fox demon, but there is no regulation, we can't find other people to help."

The fourth Prince is also there to cooperate, "yes, outside, who does not have a few friends or anything."

The water dance was almost pissed off by these two people, and the city Lord had sent people to the iron divination. As for the iron divination, Lin Tian had made a soul seal, so he looked at Lin Tian at the moment, "Sir, you, you help me."

Lin Tian told him, "if you run outside the city, they won't embarrass you."

At the first hearing, tieshenshu was very happy, and then made a leap. The third prince and others were eager to escape.

Lin Tian also pretends to catch up slowly, until after walking a distance, Lin Tian sighs, "he escaped."

But the water dance said angrily, "Damn it, isn't this escape dead?"

But the fourth prince said with a smile, "sister jiuhuangmei, we have tried our best."

The third prince also said, "no way, this iron magic is too cunning, and we can't take it."

Water dance stares at them, "you just want him to escape, so we can't interrogate him."

"Yes? We did our best just now. " The fourth Prince apologized, while the third prince said with a smile, "sister jiuhuangmei, it's OK. Let's go to have a rest."

Then the third prince took all the people with him and went back to the Lord's house.

The water dance stomped angrily. "Here, these guys."

The eighth Prince sighed, "although these two brothers are shameless, they do not violate the law."

"I'm pissed off." At the thought of being played around by others, the water dance face is choked after nobody takes it down.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "go back to the inn."

"Still in the mood to return to the inn?" Water dance is in a hurry, and Lin Tian asks with a smile, "what do you want?"

"Find that iron magic."

Lin Tian asked with a smile, "how about finding it? Do you want him to insult the two princes and kill you? "

Water dance airway, "that iron magic has been indirect killing."

"And then? He was arrested and handed over to the law enforcement court. What's the difference between that and the two princes just said that he was handed over to the law enforcement court? " Lin Tian asked with a smile, "of course, there are differences. One is what I caught, the other is what they said they would send. It's different."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "but I still can't bring anything to the two princes, can I?"

When Shuiwu heard this, he felt shocked. Master Fu agreed with Lin Tian and said to Shuiwu, "nine princesses, in fact, he's right. There's no evidence to prove that the two princesses did something against the law. You can't do anything about them at all."

The water dance was so angry that she said, "if I had proof, I would have told my father."

The eighth Prince appeased, "let's go, listen to the master."

Water dance melancholy back to the inn, and in the viewing platform, the Lord laughed, "this girl, really persistent."

But the Lord of the temple opened his mouth and said, "this is the matter, Lord of the kingdom."

"The two princes, just let that person help to block the eight princes and the nine princesses, and really didn't let that person kill people, so it has nothing to do with the two princes," Yan said

The Lord of the Cang Temple took a white look. "I didn't say that I had something to do with the two princes. Why are you so eager to explain?"

"The two princes are all excellent princes in my palace. I don't want them to be stigmatized," said Yan

The Lord of the temple was speechless at once, while the Lord of the Kingdom opened his mouth and said, "two princes, there is no foul indeed. Let them continue to play."

The God of the temple thanked him, but the God of the temple of Yan said with a smile, "the Lord of the country is wise."

At the moment, in the city Lord's mansion, the fourth prince said proudly, "brother Sanhuang, did you see the angry appearance of nine Royal sisters just now? It's so much fun. "

However, the third prince said gloomily, "although we took advantage of it this time, we have exposed ourselves in the city Lord's mansion, and then they will guard against us."

The fourth Prince didn't care. "Just guard. Anyway, as long as we don't hurt them, we don't break the rules."

The third prince looked at the city Lord after the sound of grace, "how many forces are there in this city, you can use them."

"After such a disturbance, I don't think all the families dare to help."

"If you have money, you have power." The third prince said coldly, and the city Lord doubted, "what do you mean by the third prince?"

"Go, give orders to some powerful families, let them harass them more, and don't hurt them. Even if they know it's us, then we can't help it." The third prince ordered.

The city Lord hesitated, "but here."

"Just say what I said. If you want money, you can speak directly. As for power, when I become a prince, I will help them well." The third prince said, "yes, I will arrange it."

The fourth prince said with appreciation, "brother Sanhuang, it's very good for you to kill people with a knife."

"I didn't say kill." The third prince smiled, but the fourth prince seemed to smile, "but there will always be people who fail, and then the failure, it has nothing to do with us."

"Of course, I just ordered them to harass, but I can't hurt people, so what happened to the eighth Prince and the ninth Prince's younger sister at that time is only related to those people who have a wrong understanding, not to me." The third prince laughed.

The fourth Prince laughed after listening.

After Lin Tian and others returned to the inn, the water dance was unhappy, and he looked at the eighth prince, "brother Bahuang, we need to find someone to help us."

"Who do you know?" The eighth prince asked, and the water dance said gloomily, "I don't know people."

The eighth Prince sighed, "well, let's continue to find the fox demon, finish the task, and leave here."

But when the voice just came down, the waiter of the inn came up and knocked on the door. The water dance was not happy. When he heard the door, he wondered, "what are you doing?"

The waiter said, "everyone, this inn has been contracted. You have to leave now."

"What? Contract? You need to leave now? " Water dance rushes to the door and opens it

"Let's go and get out of town." That small two good way of thinking, water dance airway, "contract an inn, want to let us leave the city, what meaning?"

The waiter said awkwardly, "most of the inns in this city are owned by the Yi family. But the Yi family just gave an order to ask you to leave, so we have to drive you out on the ground that you are contracted here."

"Yi family? What family? So crazy? "

"Yijia, a big family here, controls innumerable inns." The waiter sighed.

The water dance is about to explode. "Are these two princes playing tricks?"

The eighth Prince sighed, "probably."

"No, I'm going to the Yi family to ask them."

"It's no use going. It's estimated that many big families now listen to these two princes." The eighth prince was helpless.

Water dance gets angry. "What do these two guys mean?"

Master Fu saw through everything and said, "it's very simple to harass you, not let you finish the task, but not do anything harmful to you, to prevent disqualification."

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