The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 156 tianyangzong, people are in panic

The elder Wu ran in the secret way, finally came to a golden light array, took out a token, rushed through the array, and then relaxed, "what kind of ghost is this guy? How can he even absorb the spirit mask?"

At this time, Lin Tian and civet appear outside the array, and the array seals the whole warehouse hole, just like a transparent "barrier".

Elder Wu took out a token in his hand and put it on display. "Boy, only this token can get in and out of this array, otherwise anyone can only stare outside."

But Lin Tian looked inside and found that there were some boxes everywhere. Apparently, he put a lot of good things and said with a smile, "this is the warehouse?"

"Yes, this is our warehouse of tianyangzong. Most of the materials are here." Elder Wu showed off.

"You're not afraid. I've broken this array?" Lin Tian is not smiling like a smile, and Wu Changlao laughs, "but this is a six-star array. Let alone you, it's a myriad of Yuan infantile experts. They can't break it!"

"Oh? Is it? Then I'll try! " Lin Tian put his hand on the "barrier".

Elder Wu sneered, "boy, this array has powerful eyes of Jin Yaoshi. Do you think you can break it?"

"Jin Yaoshi?" Lin Tian's eyes brightened immediately, because this is a rare stone, a metal stone next to fairy stone in the gold series.

Especially this kind of stone, a small piece of inferior gold stone, brews a strong aura of gold, which is a rare stone for countless arrays and even magic weapons.

Ten thousand years ago, Lin Tianchang used this kind of stone to refine magic weapon. But ten thousand years later, these stones are very precious and hard to see.

At the moment, hearing this, Lin Tian immediately laughed, "well, I'll try to condense the golden elixir."

Elder Wu didn't know what Lin Tian was thinking, but looked at Lin Tian's palm and smiled after the golden light was shining all the time, "I'll see how much you can suck!"

Lin Tian laughs and doesn't speak. Instead, the gas in his body changes a little bit. Until the power of the array becomes weaker and weaker, elder Wu finds something wrong. "How can you build a foundation, why can you absorb so many jin spirit power?"

Lin Tian didn't explain, but the elder Wu was in a hurry and began to panic. He came to the eye of the array and found that the size of the gold Yaoshi had shrunk from fist to egg, and finally turned into a peanut.

"This, this, suck so fast?" Elder Wu's face changed greatly, and he also knew that this array eye is the place to provide array energy. If the array eye is gone, the array will be broken and he will die.

So elder Wu began to rummage through the boxes and cupboards until he put the last few pieces of gold Yaoshi into the eyes of the array one by one, and then looked ferociously at Lin Tian outside. "I don't believe you can suck it all the time!"

Lin Tian is not only not angry, but also complacent and anxious inside. "It seems that he is expected to gather the golden elixir of the gold system."

Elder Wu didn't know what Lin Tian thought. Instead, Lin Tian stood there for a quarter of an hour, and the gold Yaoshi disappeared.

This scared elder Wu, and he continued to look around for some similar resources of the Jin family, and put them into it one by one.

But as a result, the consumption is faster. All of the resources of the Jin system are gone, and elder Wu is completely flustered. Because this array is a Jin system array, you can only use the resources of the Jin system to supplement the eyes of the array. If you use other arrays, they will be destroyed directly.

In the outside Lin Tian saw no movement and asked, "is it gone?"

Elder Wu stammered, "no, no!"

Lin Tian looks at the body's Dantian, which is the golden elixir. It has turned into a liquid golden elixir, just like the yolk.

Not only that, Lin Tian also felt that if his body agglomerated the golden spirit, it would be stronger than other spirits.

Lin Tian speculated that this was related to the change of gold Dan state of the Jin system.

But even so, Lin Tian is still a little lost, "absorb so much liquid? Then to the solid state, the real golden elixir, doesn't it need more gold resources? "

At the thought of this, Lin genius knows how hard it is to be a gold pill, especially just now he has absorbed the gold resources of the whole warehouse.

Elder Wu didn't know what Lin Tian thought. Instead, seeing Lin Tian in a daze, he worked hard to burn the baby in his body, and immediately hit Lin Tian in front of him.

Lin Tian quickly gathered the magic shadow, but elder Wu just ran into one of them and scared him to escape. One of them grabbed the bloody sword and stabbed him from behind.

Elder Wu rushes out of the body in a flash, but also burns the baby and rushes out of here.

In a blink of an eye, elder Wu disappeared, and the civet asked, "do you want to chase me?"

"No, it's useless to take all the things here and let the people of tianyangzong come." Lin Tian smiled strangely, and then searched all these things one by one, and there was not one left.


in tianyangzong, Taoist Ziyun looked at the array for a long time and didn't replenish the resources. Then he doubted to see elder Xiang Hong, "why hasn't he come back?"

"I'll send someone."

"Who did you send?" The purple cloud Taoist asked impatiently. The red eagle king hesitated, "stone sky, golden talent."

When the Taoist priest Ziyun heard that it was Shitian, he suddenly let go of his breath. "With him, it shouldn't be too big a problem."

The red eagle king comforted him and said, "Taoist Ziyun, don't worry, it will be OK!"

The Taoist priest Ziyun thanked and said nothing more, but elder Leng hesitated, "according to the truth, it's time to come back after going out so long."

"I'll ask," said the Red Eagle

At this time, the red eagle king took out the tone stone, but there was no reply, which made him wonder, "strange, didn't you see the news?"

Taoist priest Ziyun and elder Leng began to worry a little until a flash of blood flashed, and then a yuan baby floated in front of them.

This new baby is nobody else. It's elder Wu. And he seems to see something terrible. He looks back from time to time to see if someone is coming.

"What's the matter?" Ziyun Dao is frightened when he grows up, and elder Leng and the red eagle king stare at elder Wu strangely.

Elder Wu stammered, "devil way, the terrible genius of devil way attacked the warehouse!"

"Devil genius?" Everyone looked at each other, and elder Wu nodded wildly, "yes, a devil who can divide countless shadows is terrible, and there is a terrible sword!"

Ziyun's Taoist priest was in a hurry. "What about the warehouse?"

"I'm afraid I can't help it!" Elder Wu is still in a state of panic. Ziyun Dao grows up and loses color. "Hurry up, send someone to the warehouse!"

Elder Leng immediately flew out of here and took people there, while Taoist Ziyun asked the red eagle king to take him with him.

Elder Wu was afraid to go out. He was afraid of something. So he hid in the secret room of the clan to cultivate himself.

When Taoist priest Ziyun and the elites brought by elder Leng arrived at the cave, they saw all the bodies outside.

Not only that, there is the stone sky lying on the ground in the cave.

Elder Leng comes to check, then shakes his head to Taoist Ziyun. He looks ugly and says, "dead!"

"Come on, look inside!" Taoist priest Ziyun's face immediately changed, so he hurriedly took the people there.

But when I got to the warehouse, I saw that it was empty and there was no left. All the people in the warehouse were stunned.

Some of the disciples came for the first time, so they didn't know what was in the warehouse. But these elders had all come. They knew how many things there were in the warehouse.

But now there is not one left.

"Devil, where the devil comes from!" Taoist priest Ziyun could not help roaring.

Elder Leng quickly looked around, and he could feel the magic spirit everywhere, then he said, "it's really the magic spirit breath commonly used by the devil people."

However, the red eagle king was sweating on his forehead. "Every day, every month, he would pay the disciples of the clan. But now there is a piece of Lingshi left. What should I do?"

The Taoist priest Ziyun knew that it was very important at this moment. If he couldn't get it right, the heart of Tianyang sect would be gone. So he quickly ordered the disciples on the scene, "Whoever dares to talk about it today, I'll let him go!"

"Yes!" Those disciples immediately took the command, and the red eagle king took out some spirit stones and threw them to each disciple, "yours, I won't miss you, but this matter can't be said out, or I will find it, I won't spare you!"

When they got the seal fee, they were naturally happy, while Taoist priest Ziyun ordered elder Leng, "investigate for me where the devil came from!"


Later, Ziyun Taoist priest angrily took all the people out of the gate, but when he got to the gate, he was discussing the theft of the gate warehouse.

Some people also shouted, "I still want to go to get this month's Lingshi today, don't I?"

"Me too."

"I have a clan contribution worth ten thousand yuan. I want to change something, won't I not change it?"

For a while, four people were saying that the warehouse had been stolen, and the clan could not take anything out, which made the four people crowded outside the Tianyang clan exchange hall.

At the beginning, it was still exchangeable, but there were many people, and there were not enough things in the main hall, which made all kinds of rumors in Tianyang clan.

This makes the Taoist priest Ziyun sitting in the elder's palace just like sitting on the fire. He just sat down and got up again. "Who, who said it!"

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