The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 159 the little fat man calls on tianyangzong

Lin Tian didn't know what the dancing shadow wanted, but after listening to the other party's words, he said, "so, those people steal things, but also use the name of your heaven tomb gate?"

"Yes!" "Dancing shadow is in a hurry, and Lin Tian asks after pondering," do you know where they come from? "

"I don't know. These people are hard to catch, and even if they do, they will commit suicide." The dancing shadow was depressed at the thought of nothing.

At this time, the civet is coming back from the outside.

When he found that the dancing shadow was here, he was surprised to stare at the dancing shadow for a while, and then looked at Lin Tian, "adult, why is she here?"

"Leave her alone. Tell me about you. What's the gain?" Lin Tian and the civet look at each other and communicate with each other.

The dancing shadow on one side didn't know what Lin Tian thought. Instead, after explaining one by one, Lin Tian wondered, "so, a group of people with white masks and white clothes rushed back to Tianyang sect from outside."

"Yes, I secretly followed them and found that these guys were the dead men secretly trained by tianyangzong!"

"Dead man?" Lin Tian laughs, and the civet tells the story in detail one by one. Lin Tian laughs, "these guys are going to steal other people's things. It seems that they need to be famous tomorrow!"

"My Lord, these guys also went to Tianshui gate."

"Oh? Did you steal it? " Lin Tian asked.

The civet explained, "no, it's said that several of them died in tianshuimen."

Lin Tian is very satisfied. "There are wolf demons here. Do these guys want to steal? Dream! "

"Not really." The civet agreed with Lin Tian, and the dancing shadow on one side asked Lin Tian, "what are you thinking?"

But Lin Tian looked back and said, "I know the origin of these people."

"Ah? Who? "

"Do you really want to know?" Lin Tian asked, the dancing figure nodded wildly, and Lin Tian smiled and looked at the dancing figure. "Now, go to the surrounding cities and families to find out if many people have lost something."

"Nonsense, I lost a lot today, and I still depend on our Tianmu gate." The dancing shadow thought of this.

"Then go and call those people to the gate of tianyangzong mountain. I'd better be there by tomorrow night. I can help them find what they have lost. If they can't be there by tomorrow, then they will be lost and can't be found."

"Ah? Do you really know? "

"Yes!" Lin Tian nodded, but the dancing shadow was dubious, especially now that he was injured, it was very difficult to tell them before tomorrow.

Lin Tian doesn't care what the dancing shadow thinks, but looks at the civet, "take her around."

The civet's voice suddenly grew louder, and then he said, "come on!"

"By it?" The dancing shadow stared at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tian said calmly, "it will take you away."

Dancing shadow is dubious, and the civet is very fast. He runs to dancing shadow at once, then a stream of air picks up the dancing shadow, and then a howl of ghosts and wolves comes from outside.

"Don't be so quick!"

"I, my leg hurts!"

"How can you be as gentle as your master?"

"Stop" ~ ~ ~ "

the farther away the sound is, Lin Tian will not hear it for a while, and Lin Tian will stand up and walk to the cave and look at the strange smile of tianyangzong," tomorrow's recruitment meeting, have a good time! "


the next morning, the recruitment meeting of tianyangzong began, and the crowd has been arranged far below the mountain, which can be said to be very lively.

The wooden winter of Tianshui gate, with people, plays drums and drums near the foot of tianyangzong mountain

Some people who didn't know Tianshui gate came here to hear the curiosity of the first gate.

"You are the first inferior door?"

"Yes! Like a fake package! If you don't believe it, you can inquire! "

For some people in the distant mountain cities who are not well informed, they are curious to hear about it, while some people who have heard about it come to discuss it.

At first, tianyangzong was still busy. Suddenly, countless people were attracted to it. Mudong took a pile of wooden slips and put them there and said with a smile, "this is the picture of Tianshui gate, challenging tianyangzong and black red collar. You can have a look!"

People swarmed up to check, and the battle pictures inside naturally made people adore.

Many people came forward and shouted, "can I go?"


"But I don't have a soul?"

"It's OK. You can learn body skills. We have everything." Murong cried out one by one, and immediately they began to discuss.

All of a sudden, countless people began to rush to tianshuimen in groups. On the outer gate Hall of tianyangzong, the red eagle king, who was being recruited, frowned when he saw that there were fewer people behind him. "What's the situation outside?"

At this time, a disciple came forward embarrassed and said, "elder Hong, that day shuimen propagandized at the foot of the mountain, saying that they had defeated our clan and black red collar, so many people had already rushed to tianshuimen!"

"Hateful!" The red eagle king was furious on the spot. He hurried to find Taoist priest Ziyun, and Taoist priest Ziyun lenghum, "let elder Leng, bring a group of talents, follow me, and make them shine."



half an hour later, three elders, Taoist priest Ziyun, elder Leng, and the red eagle king, with a group of golden talents, came from afar.

The onlookers shouted, "look, Taoist Ziyun."

"It's really Taoist Ziyun!"

Taoist Ziyun's reputation is very loud nearby, just like when he went to Tianyang City, countless people have to be very respectful to see him.

Taoist Ziyun was very satisfied when he saw the response from all the people, and he purposely came to Mudong and others and said with a smile, "is there no one in Tianshui gate? Let a fat man in the early days of foundation building come here to recruit people? "

Mudong is not afraid at all, but laughs and says, "the elders of the clan say that they are not needed for this kind of thing, just like me who builds the foundation."

The Taoist priest Ziyun's face was not good when he heard it, but the red eagle king sneered, "no one in Tianshui gate, no one. It's so funny."

"Nobody? How many people are there in tianshuimen now? " Wood winter very proud way.

If it was put in the past, Mudong would surely be scared to escape when he saw these people, but now it's different. Tianshuimen is different from before, which makes him full of morale.

The red eagle king sneers, "Oh? Is it? Now we're going to get rid of you? "

"Drive away? This is not your place. What's the qualification to drive us away? Are you going to fight? Still, you're going to fight us for the first time! " Mu Dong was so angry that some elders looked ugly.

As soon as he came out, he stared at Mudong and said, "I want to challenge you."

"I'm very busy today. I won't take any challenges." Mudong is not a fool. Each of these people is more powerful than himself. If he accepts it, he will surely scrap it. So he directly replies to them.

The golden man sneered at each other when he saw that he could not be deceived. "Tianshuimen, they are all cowards."

Other Jindan people also began to coax, "you see, Tianshui gate is a group of shrinking head tortoises at the root, is it difficult for you to go to such a gate?"

"That's right. You'd better think about it. This Tianshui gate used to be out of the LiuZong gate!"

"What resources can they have? What can I do for you? "

"Joining tianyangzong is your right choice!"

Those onlookers think it makes sense. After all, tianshuimen used to be the unofficial gate, and the recent competition is just a few people.

Seeing that everyone was excited, Taoist Ziyun said proudly, "today, all our elders will choose excellent disciples from a group of disciples as inner disciples! So it's an opportunity! "

"Wow, inner disciple?"

This inner disciple is a lifelong goal of countless people, so these young men and women, one by one, are very excited and clamoring to join Tianyang sect.

The red eagle king was very satisfied with the effect. He smiled at Mudong and said, "boy, you are still young to rob people with us!"

Mudong is so angry that he bites his teeth, while Taoist Ziyun stares at Mudong and sneers, "little fat man, hurry up and take back the stall, it's not your place! Otherwise, don't blame us for not reminding you of any beast or bandit in the mountain! "

"I'm not afraid!"

"Oh? Is it? Well, anyway, I said everything. If the bandits come down the mountain, don't blame our tianyangzong for not saving you! " After that, Taoist priest Ziyun and others left.

But on the way, the Ziyun Taoist priest said to the Red Eagle Wang with a smile, "let the bandits in the mountain go out and harass them!"

"I've arranged that they will be there in half an hour after we leave!" The red eagle king laughs strangely.

Taoist priest Ziyun smiled smugly and then disappeared there with all the people.

Mudong was depressed, until half an hour later, someone nearby shouted, "bandits!"

All the people rushed to tianyangzong, hoping that tianyangzong could protect them. Some disciples of Mudong and tianshuimen were surrounded by a group of bandits.

"It's OK, it's fast!" The people on the mountain saw the surrounded wooden winter talking one after another.

"Isn't this kid going to die?"

"The emperor Tianyang has reminded him just now. Who can blame if he doesn't leave?"

"Yes, too!"

At this time, Mudong and the disciples of Tianshui sect looked at the bandits in a panic, and Mudong also said, "I, I am the first one. If you dare to touch us, our ancestors must destroy your bandit nest!"

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