The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1669 fighting for fire

The wood South breeze gracious sound, but the wood family leader looked to Li feigai, "I left first, had the matter to contact again."

When the owner of the Mu family finished, he took Mu Nanfeng and others to leave, while Li feileg saw it in his eyes, but passed the picture to Lin Tian one by one.

When Lin Tian heard their conversation, he smiled helplessly, while mu CHENFENG was still worshiping Lin Tian in various kinds of films at the moment. He even led Lin Tian back to the city and said, "brother, I must take you to a place this time."

"Where?" Lin Tian is puzzled, and rose is also curious to see wood dust wind, "three brothers, talk about it, I also want to know."

Wood dust wind said with a smile, "the most mysterious place in the world city."

Rose wondered, "is that the place?"

"Yes, money can buy a happy place." This wood dust wind excites a way, but Lin Tianhu doubts a way, "can't be the brothel?"

Wood dust wind and Ross said, "No."

Lin Tian was surprised. "Where can you buy happiness?"

Wood dust wind said with a smile, "happy building, but it's not a brothel, but a place where you can spend money to buy things. As long as you have money and release tasks directly, there will be countless people to complete tasks for you."

Ross said with a smile, "but happy building is very strict, not everyone can enter."

"I have a VIP card. Just follow me. Whatever you want and do at that time, just give me an order." That wood dust breeze says with smile, and Lin Tian hesitates way, "kill also to do?"

"Dry, but the target of killing is divided into different levels. Different strong ones need a lot of money. For example, for a fairy, from one star to nine stars, the corresponding five colored stones will be at least 100 million to 100 billion."

"Oh? Celestial? " Lin Tian asked curiously, and the wood dust wind continued, "that's much higher."

Lin Tian smiled after listening, "this money is very good to earn."

"It doesn't have to be. Sometimes it's hard to finish the task." That wood dust wind explains, but Lin Tian says, "if a person of celestial level goes to deal with the person of earthly level, not very simple?"

"That said, the people who are killed will hide. If they don't finish it within the prescribed time, it will be a failure, so it's still very difficult." Wood dust wind explains.

Lin Tian smiled after listening, "Oh? What is the happy building? "

"In fact, the point is not this. What's important is that there are many rare resources in it. If you spend money, they will help you find them." The wood dust wind said with a smile.

Rose agreed, "yes, many practitioners will go there if they encounter a bottleneck and want to find any materials, and as long as they bring money, everything is easy to do."

"Oh? So, what do I want? What can they find for me? And just for the money? " Lin Tian asked, the wood dust wind said with a smile, "yes, that's the reason."

Lin Tian hesitated and said with a smile, "OK, let's go and have a look first."

Wood dust wind immediately led Lin Tian forward, and under the introduction of wood dust wind and Ross, Lin Tian also knew that in this happy building, not only money is fast, but also money is fast.

Because it's very likely that you'll get what you want to buy, and if you happen to have it, you can sell it at a high price.

So in Lin Tian's view, this happy building is actually a high-level trading market, but it's not that ordinary people can enter at will.

Besides, it's very difficult to trade.

Lin Tian is short of many things and wants to take a chance.

Therefore, the three of them soon came to the happy building, which is a huge luxury manor. There are arrays around and guards around. No one can enter.

Even Lin Tian and Rose came together under the guarantee of wood dust wind. When they went in, they could see all kinds of nobles and rich monks.

Some people trade privately, some people wait to release tasks, and the wood dust wind takes Lin Tian to a corner, points to a release list and says, "look, this list is posted every hour, and the time limit is hung for one day. If no one has it, it will be withdrawn the next day, and another one will be made."

Lin Tian takes a look at the list. Some of them are shipping goods and some are buying goods, while those who are shipping goods tend to be very expensive and those who are buying goods tend to keep prices down.

"Then how to deal?" Seeing this, Lin Tian asked curiously, and the wood dust wind pointed to the front. "Look, there is a trading loft in front, and there is a number on the task list. You just need to tell the loft trader whether you want to buy or sell, and how much money will be spent to complete the transaction on the spot."

When Lin Tian understood, he seemed to take a look at what was on the task list. He found that he really needed one thing. For example, ten Faerie plants, which are Faerie plants, can enhance fire resources.

Lin Tian wrote down the number and price, let wood dust wind lead the way, came to the trading loft, and found a person in charge of trading.

"On the 30th, I'll pay 10 billion." Lin Tian said to the person in charge, and the person in charge immediately shouted, "30, 10 billion."

The voice, in the trading loft, rings, which makes Lin Tian startled. "What is this for?"

"It's like auction," wood dust wind said with a low laugh. "Shout three times. If no one grabs you, it's yours."

Lin Tian cried and laughed, "you just say auction is good. I thought it was something."

"Wood dust wind embarrassed way," still have a little difference

Lin Tian didn't blame him, but he just smiled. When the trader continued to shout for the second time, someone nearby shouted, "No.30, plus one billion."

When they saw that someone was competing for auction No. 30, they immediately surrounded the audience, and then stood opposite Lin Tian and other people. It was a young man in a red robe.

Wood dust wind saw him and frowned, "fire home."

Ross said gloomily, "no, I can't. I met this little god of wealth."

"Very powerful?" Lin Tian asked, and the wood dust wind whispered, "there are ten fortune God families in the city of Wanjie, and the fire family and our wood family are, as for the fire family, it's called the fire gas wind, which will make people crazy!"

Lin Tian didn't expect that there were rich people who were afraid of wood dust wind, but the scene became more lively. Some people also said, "look, wood family and fire family met together."

"This time the man who sells the thirty is going to make a profit."

"No, they are fighting. They will raise the price." The crowd gloated.

The fire wind stared at the wood dust wind and said coldly, "wood master, I want this grass. Don't argue with me."

Wood dust wind is not weak, especially so many people see in the eyes, so he said, "this is my big brother's favorite, I have to buy it."

"Your big brother? When did you recognize such a wimp? " The angry wind looked at Lin Tian and found that even after he had no fairy, he could not help but Tucao up.

The onlookers also thought that the wood dust wind was brainless, and they even called him brother and brother.

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