The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1676: great power, but no advice!

When they heard about the fire flying horse, they were all shocked, because the fire flying horse is said to be a kind of fire demon horse, which is very ferocious.

After hearing this, the wooden master immediately gave orders to the people, "go, withdraw to the yard and close the door."

Lin Tian didn't move, but smiled at the wooden master and said, "go in, and give it to me here."

Everyone Lin Tian is going to stay alone, and everyone is shocked. Even the onlookers are wondering, "this kid, isn't he going to die?"

"It's not. It's against the fire horse?"

Those disciples of the wood family didn't know that Lin Tian was powerful, so they all doubted, "this boy, it's not fatal."

"He doesn't want to die. We need to die. Get out of here."

These people retreat to the yard one by one, and the wood dust wind rushes, "elder brother, I will accompany you."

The owner of the wood family is in a hurry. He doesn't know what to do, because the fire horse is very violent. Even the owner of the wood family can't take it himself, so he says to Lin Tian, "little brother, this fire horse is not a joke."

"I know that they will release powerful demon fire, and move very fast. The main collision force is very strong. Ordinary immortals can't resist their attack at all." Lin Tian has seen through everything and said.

But the head of the wood family panicked and said, "you know, still stay?"

Lin Tian smiled. "If I don't have the ability to do this, how can I go to the Wanjie palace?"

Before the owner of the wood family can react, Lin Tian pushes them back to the yard, and then stands outside. When the wood dust wind wants to go out, the wood south wind catches him. "Don't go out to make trouble."

"Wood home Lord also congeals heavy way," see how to return a responsibility first

But wood dust breeze is anxious in the heart, and rose is also frown tightly, "he really does not want to die?"

For Lin Tian, he stood there laughing at the carriage and said, "come on."

The northern demon king said with a smile in the carriage, "boy, I have dealt with many experts for so many years, but today I have to deal with a person who doesn't even have a Xiange. It's a bit humiliating."

"Shame? You won't feel that way later. " Lin Tian smiled at him, and the northern demon king said after seeing Lin Tian so crazy, "you are so crazy. Then, I don't need to be polite."

Then the northern demon king gave orders to the fire horses.

These fire horses, one by one, spewed out flames. The powerful demon fire rushed to Lin Tian. Lin Tian had been served by the king of fire all over his body. He let the king of fire wrap himself directly. Meanwhile, the ice core of his body released cold air to ensure that his body would not be burned by any heat wave.

The king of fire is responsible for devouring the demon fire one by one.

So what they saw was that Lin Tian stood in the fire and was attacked by those fire horses at will, and he looked very good.

The people present saw this scene, one by one silly eyes, some people still stammer, "this, too incredible."

"Wood dust wind is excited inside courtyard way," really fierce

The owner of the wood family is also stupid, while the other door guests have been shocked one by one. It's incredible, and rose said with dementia, "how much strength does he hide?"

However, the northern demon king in the carriage doubted, "boy, I'm a little tolerant. I'm not afraid of demon fire."

"Come on, any other means will be used." Lin Tian said to the northern demon king, and the northern demon king sneered, "that's so. Then I'll let you know the power of these fire horses."

Finish saying, these fire Pegasus in the North demon king's order, suddenly into a flame, speed is very fast, directly rushed to the forest.

Lin Tian became a myriad of shadows, and avoided these flames one by one, and those flames turned into horses, then adjusted the direction and attacked Lin Tian again. But there were more and more shadows, and those flying horses did not know which to attack.

Everyone was dazzled. They didn't know which one was Lin tianbenzun, while the wood family leader looked at wood dust wind excitedly, "boy, how can you be so powerful?"

Wood dust, wind and spirit air way, "how about it? Be good. "

"Look at you." The head of the wood family said with a smile, while the disciples looked at each other and wondered who Lin Tian was and why he had such ability.

But the northern demon king said, "you think I can't solve your magic shadow?"

"There are many ways to crack it. I didn't say there was no way." Lin Tian said with a smile, but the northern demon king snorted, and a voice flew out of the carriage. The sound wave of that voice was very strong, which directly shook all the ghosts away.

Seeing Lin Tian's exposure, the fire horses aimed at him. Lin Tian smiled and said, "if you want to attack me like this, I'll let you attack."

Finish saying, Lin Tian takes out the ghost domain trapped beast stick, stands there, motionless.

Those fiery horses have rushed past, but when they see Lin Tian holding a stick, but he doesn't leave, they are curious, "what is he going to do?"

"Who knows."

at the next moment, everyone saw a shock. The Lin Tian played the magic trick. As long as those fire horses were near, the strength was immediately weakened.

Not only that, those slow down fiery Pegasus are directly hit by Lin Tian as a ball, "bang bang bang."

The fiery horses were beaten, then fell around, and finally scrambled to get up and ran back to the side of the carriage. They dared not attack Lin Tian again.

The crowd was stunned, and some stuttered, "is this still human?"

"He hasn't agglomerated yet!"

"What will happen if we gather together At this moment, countless people began to speculate about Lin Tian's potential, and the owner of the wood family said with dementia, "it's too fierce, it's too terrible."

Rose was already stupid and didn't know what to say, but the northern demon king in the carriage began to get angry, "boy, you."

"You'd better go on it yourself, or the ponies won't be able to resist my attack at all." Lin Tian said to the North demon king with a smile, and the North Demon King appeared from the carriage at this time.

I saw that the northern demon king turned into a human, with a strong flame on his body and a strong momentum. Even the people nearby were shocked and said, "the northern demon king, here, at least, can erupt nine star sky demon level power."

"Sure." Some people said, and the wood owner began to worry, "this northern demon king is too strong and big. I'm afraid your elder brother will not be able to support it."

Wood dust wind but firm channel, "my eldest brother, certainly can."

But at the moment, other people are not optimistic about Lin Tian. After all, the northern demon king is one of the four demon kings. He has already become famous in the city of Wanjie. It can be said that there is a very terrible existence. But Lin Tian has not agglomerated the immortal lattice, so there is a big difference in power.

But Lin Tian was calm, and smiled at the northern demon king. "It's very strong, but it's hard for you to defeat me."

"Boy, just you? Hum! " After the northern demon king finished, he made a palm technique with one hand separated from the sky. It was really fast, and it was still nine star demon level, comparable to nine star celestial immortal, and even more violent.

In the face of such an attack, Lin Tian can't even dodge. He can only cast his shadow quickly, split his body again and avoid the attack of the other side.

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