The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

There is no one who can fight in Chapter 1714!

The black demon bear said, disappeared in front of all the demons, and fog appeared in front of him.

"No, he started multiple arrays in the cave." The demon horse was shocked, and the other demons were also shocked.

Lin Tian doesn't care at all, and there is a formation behind him, which directly traps Lin Tian and other demons here.

"It's over. I can't get out." The demon horse was frightened, but Lin Tian said, "go ahead."

"Going forward?" The demon horse doesn't know what Lin Tian is thinking, and other demons don't understand. As for the inside, there is the meaning of the black demon bear.

See this black demon bear in there sneer, "come, have courage to come over, make sure to let you die."

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Oh? Is it? Then I'll see how dead. "

Only Lin Tian entered the array, which is a small space with numerous floating stones.

Not only that, there is a strong smell of flame on these stones.

However, the demon horse reminded all, "you can't touch these stones, they will explode, and then generate a nine star celestial power."

"Oh? So strong? " Lin Tian asked with a smile, "the array here is quite special."

But the black demon bear laughed, "here, you will be your grave."

Finish saying, a rock rushes toward Lin Tian, and those demons are frightened to retreat one after another, but Lin Tian is evil smile, that stone flies away on its own initiative.

Not only that, the stone hit in the dark and exploded, "boom!"

The black demon bear was blown out of the array, burned all over, and scolded, "how do you know I'm here?"

Lin Tian said with a smile, "you're not as good as me."

The black demon bear doesn't believe it. He plans to hide in the array, but all the stones around him fly to him, so he won't be given a chance to escape.

This frightens the black demon bear, "this, how can it be?"

Lin Tian smiled strangely, "there is nothing impossible."

"Boom!" There was an explosion of countless stones, and the demon horse and other demons looked silly. When the black demon bear came out of the smoke, it was already flesh and blood blurred, leaving only a trace of weak soul flying out of the body.

Not only that, the spirit of the black demon bear rushed into the array and swore in the dark, "you, you wait, we demon clan, will not let you go."

Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak, continues to move forward, until passes through the array, but that demon horse and so on demon all silly eyes.

At the moment, the black demon bear floats in the airway behind a demon, "it's him."

That demon turns into an adult, looks very white, the spirit of the demon also gathers very well, just like a small white face.

The demon horse reminded, "be careful, he is the lizard demon of the top ten generals, and can change into anything in any environment."


"Yes, stones, even gases, etc." The demon horse explained, while the lizard demon smiled and said, "demon horse, when did you betray us?"

The demon horse didn't know what to say, but could only sigh.

The lizard demon looked at the demon horse and said, "I'll introduce myself."

"It doesn't matter whether you introduce it or not." Lin Tian said to the lizard demon, "man, you are so crazy."

"I come here to find the demon lion king. If you don't give him to me, I will destroy you. So there is nothing crazy or not." Lin Tian said a word to explain his intention.

The lizard monster laughed, "just you? Want us to hand over our elders? Do you think it's possible? "

"I, why not?" Lin Tian laughs at the lizard demon, but the lizard demon sneers, "because you are a very weak human, and we demon clan despise you so weak."

"Weak? Then you can ask the guy behind you if I'm weak. " Lin Tian says with a smile, and that black demon bear is depressed way, "lizard elder brother, don't talk nonsense with him, clear him directly."

"Don't worry," said the lizard demon with a smile

After that, the lizard demon disappeared from its original position, and when he reappeared, he had come behind Lin Tian and smiled and said, "I want to kill you. It's so easy."

"Is it?" As soon as Lin Tian trapped the demon, the lizard demon standing behind him immediately felt something was wrong, and then quickly disappeared again.

Lin Tian looked around and said with a smile, "what's the matter, don't continue?"

The lizard demon appears from a place and stares at Lin Tian. "What did you use just now, boy? Why am I close to you and the demon force is bound?"

"The ability to trap demons." Lin Tian said with a smile, and the lizard demon said coldly, "how can you trap the demon?"

"Said, you do not understand, so or forget it."

Seeing Lin Tian's disdain, the lizard demon glared at him and said, "can you believe I killed you?"

"I've heard this many times. Can I be a little more practical?"

"Well, boy, you forced me to do this." The lizard demon disappeared at the scene, and the demons wondered where the lizard demon had gone.

Lin Tian suddenly laughs. Then Guqin attacks him in the void. He was hidden in the dark. He wanted to approach Lin Tian's lizard demon step by step. He was hit on the spot. He immediately rolls in the air and returns to his original position.

The black demon bear was shocked. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," said the lizard

Lin Tian continues to control the Qin, which makes the black demon bear and the lizard demon uncomfortable.

This makes the lizard demon angry. "You're going to make me change, aren't you? Then I'll show you. "

After that, the green armor appeared on the lizard demon, then the breath soared, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"All changes are inseparable from their ancestors." Lin tianxie smiles and attacks the dark place again. The lizard demon is hit again.

However, the lizard demon has armor, which resists most of the piano sounds, so the lizard demon does not suffer much damage.

So the lizard demon let go of his way, "fortunately my armor protected me."

"Oh? Armor, right? I'm afraid we can't even have armor later. " After Lin Tian finished speaking, he immediately added the soul method to the Qin sound, so that the Qin sound can attack the soul.

Therefore, as the music went on, the lizard demon turned pale and retreated continuously. At last, he looked at the black demon bear and said, "what are you going to do? Withdraw!"

In a blink of an eye, the two demons were gone, and the demons, the demons and horses, were frightened. As for Lin Tian, he said, "you ten generals are really weak."

"Not too weak, but you are too strong," said the demon horse awkwardly

"All right." Lin Tian smiled bitterly and went on.

But then, it was very smooth, and no other demons came out to stop it. Instead, Lin Tian wondered, "how can it be empty?"

The demon horse doubts, "do they know that you are powerful, so they all hide?"

Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "That's not interesting."

The demon horse didn't know what to say, so he could only follow Lin Tian, and now in a secret room, the black demon bear was suing a group of elders.

Not only that, the lizard demon also accused Lin Tian of being terrible. As for the demon lion king, who already has a body, he said, "ten generals, what can't he do?"

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