The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1717 what a treasure house

But Lin Tian stared at the shadow ox horn and said with a smile, "well, there's not much nonsense. Now it's over."

"End? Who do you think you are? You want to end it? Do you really think we're lying? " The black horn was obviously angry.

Lin Tian wryly smiles, "then you still have a way to deal with me?"

"I'll go to your body and see what your soul looks like!" said the black ox horn

Finish saying, this black shadow ox horn, turn into a black light, whew of, entered forest celestial body inside.

Lin Tian stands still, and the demon Lion King wonders if Lin Tian will be cleaned up by his ancestors.

But at the moment, in the space of consciousness, Lin Tian said with a smile, "come on, don't want to go."

I saw this black horn turn into a red bull soul, and stood in front of Lin Tian's soul, staring at Lin Tian, "I'll see your soul, what is it made of."

Finish saying, this bull, begin to collide in forest sky consciousness space, and go crazy to collide forest sky soul.

Lin Tian's soul is allowed to be attacked by the opponent. After dozens of rounds, the bull's spirit is suddenly defeated. "You, what kind of soul is this? Why didn't you get hurt at all? "

"Because, I am much stronger than you, so your attack, just like a child, has no killing power."

"Children? How dare you say I am like a child? " The old cow glared at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian stands there and lets the old ox rush in, and bumps into Lin Tian's soul, but the pain is the old ox.

Lin Tian is all right, and he still stands in front of the old ox and says with a smile, "have you had enough?"

"Play? You say I play? " The old ox was in a hurry, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "if you play enough, it's up to me."


At this time, Lin Tian uses the spirit skill, and then knocks out countless virtual exterminations, and the old ox immediately screams.

"Asshole, you."

Lin tianxie smiled, "this is just the beginning."

Finish saying, Lin Tian continues to attack crazily until the ghost King enters the body and passes through the old cow demon soul.

Old ox knew how terrible Lin Tian was, but Lin Tian was very calm. He stared at the old ox and said with a smile, "how about that? Is it comfortable? "

The ox is afraid to stare at Lin Tian. "Let me out."

"Don't worry." Lin Tian finished saying, and directly put the soul seal on the demon soul of the other side, and then the other side has a lot of memories.

Lin Tian can only ask, "say, how many years have you been here."

"Where are you from?"

"The city of borders."

"Millions of years." The old ox explained, and Lin Tian continued to ask, "what are you here for?"

"Breaking power." That old ox had no choice but to say that Lin Tian knew the matter of breaking Yuan Li, so he said, "so, all those who came to this ancient battlefield in those days were for breaking Yuan Li?"

"Well, whoever can get the breaking power can break through and become a God at one stroke." The old ox replied, and Lin Tian wondered, "so you have the news of breaking yuan force?"

"At the beginning, but later, in the struggle, the breaking power disappeared, and there was no trace of it any more. We fought with people from all walks of life, the weak and the seriously injured, but we were unwilling to leave, so we repaired here."

After hearing this, Lin Tian sighed, "it seems that there is no news."

"What news?"

"Nothing." Lin Tian finished, let the old ox leave his consciousness space.

At the moment outside, the demon lion king thought Lin Tian was dead, and at the moment when the old ox came out, the demon Lion King also said excitedly, "Grandpa, did you get him

Who knows that the old ox suddenly slaps the demon lion king, and the demon Lion King is seriously injured.

One by one, the demon clans that I saw outside were shocked and curious about what happened, and the demon lion king was seriously injured in the end, staring at the old cow and asked in horror, "why?"

At this time, Lin Tian smiled back and said, "he is under my control now. What do you say?"

"What?" The old cow stared, while the other demon families were all dumbfounded. As for those demon spirits, they were all surprised and curious about what happened.

The old cow gave orders to all demon spirits, "from today on, he is my adult, his orders are my orders, you know?"

Other demon spirits dare not refuse to obey, and answer in succession, "yes."

Then the old cow shouted to the elders of the demon clan outside, "do you have any questions?"

The elders shook their heads in fright, and the old cow looked at Lin Tian and said respectfully, "Sir, you can command me at any time if you want to do anything now. "

" I don't need you to do anything for the moment, but your demon clan is deeply rooted here, so there should be a lot of resources. "

The old cow replied, "we demon clan have a treasure house, just behind the demon ancient tomb. If you want anything, you can go and get it."

"Well, lead the way."

The old ox answered, but before Lin Tian left, the ghost King hit the demon lion.

The demon lion king can't run away naturally. He can only cry hard there. Lin Tian ignores him for the time being. At last, he comes directly to an altar behind the demon ancient tomb.

There is an entrance to the altar. The old ox opens the passage, and Lin Tian enters directly.

When Lin Tian came down, he saw that the whole underground palace was full of materials.

Seeing this, Lin Tianxin was shocked, "the accumulation of millions of years is not empty indeed."

The old ox didn't know what Lin Tian thought, but asked, "what do you need, my lord?"

"You go out first. I'll take my time."

"Yes, my Lord." The old ox then went out, and Lin Tian said excitedly, "look, there are three kinds of immortal resources: wind, thunder and light."

Lin Tian began to wander in the warehouse. However, these three kinds of resources were relatively few, but Lin Tian absorbed them.

When all the resources are absorbed, there is still not much movement among the three Xiange.

This made Lin Tian wonder, "this demon clan, all the resources collected are used by the demon clan, not by human beings."

Lin Tian, who was also happy, sighed for a while, but before he left, he moved the whole warehouse, and then went out. The old cow asked, "how are you, my lord?"

"You seem to have few immortal resources, such as wind, thunder and light." Lin Tian asked the old cow.

The old cow said helplessly, "generally, the resources we collect are used by the demon clan, and other resources are relatively small."

Lin Tian understood and said, "then I know. I'll go first."

"Welcome again."

Lin Tian smiled after listening, then walked out of here, and took the demon lion king, and left here together.

At the moment, the demons don't know what happened. They can only talk about how Lin Tian, the human being, is OK.

For Lin Tian, he walked in the forest and asked the shivering demon Lion King behind him, "what's the matter? Are you afraid? "

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