The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 175 fire is made of gold and can be used to burn heaven palm

Lin Tian squats down and picks up a piece of green, like a button.

"I can't even burn the king of fire. What's a good thing?" Lin Tian holds it in one hand, and then feels a moment later, his eyes open and excited, "wood holy stone!"

Shengshi is superior to Yaoshi, second only to Xianshi. Moreover, it is of wood system and contains powerful wood spirit.

Lin Tian guessed that when the plum hand was used for healing, he used the wooden stone to enhance the healing effect.

However, Lin Tian knew that such a small piece was not enough for him, so he looked curious and looked at it carefully.

It was found that the words were engraved on the back of the wood holy stone, "heaven holy gate, plum valley of the Seven Saints!"

Meigu? Lin Tian guessed that this was the name he used in the gate of heaven, and Lin Tian's eyes suddenly brightened, "so do the other six saints have something similar?"

At the thought of this, Lin Tian immediately became interested. "When you need to gather wood system gold elixir, go to this heaven holy gate!"

Then Lin Tian put up the sacred wood stone, and then continued to move inside until the temperature of the flame became higher and higher. After the rocks around had gradually melted, Lin Tian stopped.

In front of Lin Tian is a magma pool, and in this magma, there are many flames.

"You should be able to find huoyao mine here!" Lin Tian looks curious, but then he sees a shadow flying by.

Lin Tian immediately looked at it and found that it was the shadow of a sword, and the whole sword was red. Not only that, behind the sword, but also the shadow of countless sword tails.

"Sword spirit!" Lin Tian didn't expect to be here. He really saw the sword spirit.

The sword spirit, obviously afraid of people, felt Lin Tian and rushed into the magma and disappeared.

"I can hide!" Lin Tian smiled, then he took out the sword and put it on the ground. Then he sat down and laughed, "then I'll show you my charm!"

Luring spirit formula is a kind of pithy formula for luring sword spirits. Once Lin Tian used this method to lure many wild sword spirits, and integrated the sword spirits into some swords, becoming an inseparable sword spirits integrated with the sword!

Now Lin Tian uses this method again. He puts one finger on the sword and infuses Jin Lingqi.

The sword began to shine more.

This flash is in this space. The wild sword spirit likes powerful magic weapon body, so when it senses the powerful sword, it will choose to live in exile, just like choosing a Lord.

At the moment, what Lin Tian does is to let the sword to tempt those sword spirits.

Although the sword is not as powerful as the sword power, it is rare that the best artifact can release the sword.

Therefore, those swordsmen were seduced one by one, but Lin Tian knew that it was prudent to choose swordsmen, because each sword can only hold one swordsman at most.

So Lin Tian looks at it and plans to choose the one with the longest time, the one with the longest life and the most powerful.

After all, the last sword spirits that can survive are all because they devour other sword spirits and increase their life until they find the right magic weapon.

But as soon as those sword spirits sensed the blade, they were all eager to rush up, but they were all blocked by a stream of air from Lin Tian, and they laughed, "you are not good enough!"

Those swords are buzzing, obviously lost. Lin Tian looks at a swordsman hiding in the distance, "just you! It should have been thousands of years! "

At this time, a sword spirit appeared in the magma. It was translucent, but it soon turned to gold again.

"Yes, it's you, Jinxi sword spirit!"

The sword spirit is also spiritual. He didn't expect Lin Tian to find his own existence, so he hesitated to move closer.

After seeing it, the other swordsmen scattered one by one. Obviously, it is the king at this moment.

Lin Tian continues to strengthen the power of sword, and the stronger the sword, the higher the chance that the sword spirit will be tempted.

In this way, the sword spirit approached step by step. When it was only one step away from the chopping sword, Lin Tianyi, an invisible fighter, grabbed the sword spirit and thrust it directly into the chopping sword.

The sword immediately glitters with gold, and then it emits all kinds of fire, crackling.

At the next moment, the chopping sword is completely transformed, no longer shining, just like an ordinary sword.

Lin Tian laughs, "it's a treasure! It's still the best treasure! "

Treasure ware has a higher quality than spirit ware. On the surface, it looks like an ordinary ware. But once it is infused with spirit, it will emit powerful light.

There are only four layers of light, surrounded by the chopping sword, which is no longer a flash, but very powerful.

"Not bad!" Lin Tian is very satisfied. Then he looks at the sword and finds that the spirit of the sword has become the soul of the sword.

Lin Tian looked at it with a smile. "I asked you something."

The spirit of the sword makes a faint sound, but it's not human language, but the unique language of the spirit of the sword. Lin Tian listens to its language and says, "do you know where there is the flaming stone in this millennium?"

The sword immediately hummed, and Lin Tianda said, "is it under the magma?"

The sword was buzzing again, and Lin Tian took a deep breath. "Come on, go swimming!"

Only the fire king was released from Lin Tian, and the fire king formed a film layer, which made Lin Tian isolate these flames.

Then Lin Tian jumped directly into the magma.

If someone is here, he must think that he is crazy, but Lin Tian has the protection of the king of fire. Those high temperature magma, for him, is just ordinary water flow.

Not only that, Lin Tian also dived into the magma until he saw a small hole below.

After entering the cave, you can see that there are countless firestones in the cave.

"It's up to you!" Lin Tian was excited, then put his hand on the fire Shining Stone and began to run the nine Dan formula.

The fire in the body is the golden elixir, first the gas, then the liquid, and finally the Zizi, which condenses the golden elixir.

The whole process took an hour, and Lin Tian also absorbed the Firestone as big as a small room.

This result made him a little shocked. "A fire is a golden elixir. It needs so many fire power!"

However, after exclamation, Lin Tian saw the solid-state golden elixir in his Dantian and smiled, "fire is golden Dancheng, I can finally use the burning palm!"

Then Lin Tian packed the rest of the Huo Yao stone and left.

But before he left, he put on some burning palms there.

Burning heaven palm was once Lin Tian's favorite palm technique in the mortal world, but it requires a lot of fire spirit, so only when the golden elixir begins can it burst out.

Now with the fire golden elixir, Lin Tian naturally has this capital, and Lin Tian is glad that he was the fire spiritual root at the beginning, so most of the spells learned at that time were also fire related.

In this way, he can use it directly now instead of practicing.

I saw that the power of the burning sky palm was not small. After a few palms, it began to shake around, causing the deep fire to erupt.


the swordsman and others waiting outside are worried. Especially when they see the flames rushing out as crazy as ever, the sword smells ugly, "it's gone for more than one hour, how can't it come out!"

Liu Qingmei didn't know anything about it. He thought Lin Tian had been caught and said with a smile, "maybe he has turned to ashes."

Jian Luo is also joking, "big brother, he is building the foundation after all. Do you think he may come out alive?"

"I believe in his ability!" said the sword

"Believe is believe, but he has no ability to do that!" This willow green plum strange smile, in the heart actually complacent way, "now he, estimated to have already been picked up by the ghost real person!"

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