The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1798 Tianhai Xingfu Lord

Lin Tian stares at Jin Lanqin and asks, "do I have to tell you?"

Jin Lanqin is speechless, and Lin Tian goes out to see the situation of the night house.

When the night Lord saw Lin Tian coming out, he hurried forward and said, "my Lord, you have done as you told me."

"This array is not enough. You can prepare some materials for me. The more, the better. I can change it." Lin Tian explained.

The Lord of the night asked stupidly, "Sir, do you know the array?"

"If I don't know the array, how did I get into your array just now?" Lin Tian asked, and the night Master said, hurry up.

But Jin Lanqin stared at Lin Tian doubtfully. "Do you really know the array?"

"There's no need to tell you." When Lin Tian finished, he found a place to rest, but Jin Lanqin could only bear his anger.

The night master is helpless to get the materials and let Lin Tian arrange the array.

However, the night fire with the night less East, came to the Tianhai mansion, found the Lord.

The Lord of the mansion, seeing the fire at night, immediately smiled and said, "Prince ye, are you here?"

"Lord Haifu, I have something to tell you. Go to the secret chamber first." This night the fire wind condenses, and the Lord of the mansion feels that something is going to happen, so he and the night fire wind immediately come to a secret room.

The Lord of Haifu asked, "what's the matter, master ye?"

"The Lord of Tiansha sect, with a group of people, went to my night home and destroyed my night home. Now I want you to take people with you and go to the encirclement and suppression." The night fire and wind rush.

The Lord of the sea mansion was shocked for a while and said, "master ye, I am a member of Zhou Chaoxian mansion. If I work for you openly, what should I do when Zhou Chaoxian mansion sends someone to investigate?"

"Then don't forget that you are also the Lord of Xixian mansion who supports you." Night fire wind cold eye way, and the sea mansion Lord hesitates way, "I want to think."

"Hurry up, save them." At this moment, the night fire knows that we must make a quick decision. Otherwise, Lin Tian and others will be in great trouble if they leave.

After wandering there for a while, the Lord of Haifu said, "in this way, I'll take a group of people with me. When Zhou Chaoxian's mansion asks, I'll say that I'll go to your night house as a guest. I don't think they will pursue this small matter."

"OK, hurry up!" I can't wait for the fire this night. Hurry to let the Lord of Haifu prepare.

The Lord of Haifu hesitated and said, "I don't know who is on the other side?"

"A golden fairy, a fairy, and then two immortals, one of them is not even immortal." Let's have a preliminary estimate of the night fire.

The Lord of Haifu wondered, "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No

"One of the immortals is hateful. He will control our immortal puppets and let them help him." This night the wind was angry.

Hearing this, the Lord of Haifu took a breath. "I'm afraid I can't deal with your fairy puppets. I'm afraid I'm not enough to bring some people."

"Then what?" At night, the fire broke down, and the Lord of Haifu hesitated, "then I will send more people."

"OK, hurry up."

The Lord of Haifu immediately went to prepare, and the night fire was rushing around, while one night Shaodong asked, "brother, can you rely on it?"

"The Lord of the sea mansion is also the one who is planted here. If he dare not, I will go to the West immortal mansion to accuse him."

But ye Shaodong said, "but those immortal puppets are so domineering, and I'm afraid of the people in Tianhai mansion, not necessarily."

"Night fire wind congeals heavy way," I think this mansion Lord, certainly has the method

"That said, if the Tianhai mansion mobilizes its troops, it will surely disturb the Chaoxian mansion this week, and then the Lord of the mansion will be exposed." Night less East explained.

The night fire wind frowned, "if this is the case, we will flee to the place of Xixian mansion and ask the people of Xixian mansion for help."

"it's the only way to do this. I hope this government will give it some strength." Night less East finish saying, outside the sea mansion Lord returns again, then takes two people to leave together.


one hour later, in the forest of the night house, the array has been fixed and resting on a tree, and the night house owner hurriedly came, "my Lord, that man from the Tianhai mansion is here."

"Tianhai mansion? Aren't they from Zhou Chaoxian mansion? Why are you coming to join us? " Lin Tian asked curiously.

"You don't know. The Lord of Tianhai mansion has already joined Xixian mansion, but it's a secret. Outsiders don't know. My two sons probably asked them to revenge." Embarrassed, the night Master said.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "let's go and have a look."

The owner of the night house immediately followed, and when Shayuan heard that someone was coming, he immediately ran out to have a look, while Jin Lanqin followed Lin Tian all the time.

About a while later, a group of experts came outside the night house, and there were many of them. The others were celestial experts.

The Lord of the house, when he saw the Lord of the night, looked puzzled, "Lord of the night, what's the matter with you?"

At the moment, the Lord of the night is standing by Lin Tian. It's not easy to say anything. Instead, he said to the night fire, "you, hurry up and don't die."

But the night fire wind said, "Dad, what do you mean?"

The night Lord dare not say more, can only sigh, and Lin Tianxiao said, "don't ask, now your father, has been loyal to me."

"No way, how could my father be loyal to you?" That night the fire immediately did not believe, but also stared at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled, "Oh? Do not believe it? Then I can't help it. "

At night, the fire was so fierce that I had to look at the Lord of Haifu. "Lord of Haifu, I'll give it to you."

The Lord of Haifu stares at Lin Tian. "Son, I'm the Lord of Xiatian Haixing mansion, haidaxian. If you don't want to die, you'll surrender. Otherwise, if I start, you'll die."

Lin Tian stared at the sea immortal and joked, "you say that you are going to join the West immortal mansion, Zhou Chaoxian mansion, do you know?"

The sea immortal immediately changed his look, "what can I rely on? Don't spit your blood. "

Those who brought them looked at each other, obviously they didn't know what was going on. Lin Tian smiled and said, "this young master of the night family, but he is from Xixian mansion, and you come to avenge him. Aren't you from Xixian mansion?"

The sea big fairy quibbled, "son, you don't spray people at will, I tell you, I won't believe you."

"Then why do you bring people here?" Lin Tian laughs at the sea immortal, and the sea immortal says seriously, "the night family is the big family of my sky starfish, and has made a lot of contributions to my sky starfish. Therefore, in case of an accident in the night family, I naturally need to help."

"Is it? But I didn't ask you to help me. "

"That's what you did to the Lord of the night, so that the Lord of the night is under your control." The sea immortal hums.

Lin Tian only joked, "well, come if you want, but don't regret it."

"Regret? I'm the Lord of two star sky and sea star, and I'm afraid of you as a fairy? " This sea immortal doesn't take Lin Tian seriously at all.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "then come in."

After that, Lin Tian took them for a distance and disappeared in front of them. The sea immortal frowned and asked the night fire, "what's the matter?"

"I have a hidden array in my house this night to prevent outsiders from seeing the people inside, so as long as we go in, we can see them." The night fire explained.

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