The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1812 obstruction

Lin Tian introduces himself one by one. After listening to the iron dust wind, he looks at Jin Lanqin. "Are you the overlord flower?"

"You know me?" Jinlanqin is a little surprised. After all, although he is famous in canghaixing, he is not famous in other stars.

Tiechenfeng explained, "canghaixing, I've been there several times. I've heard about you, but I didn't expect to see you today. It's an honor."

Jinlanqin is at a loss. She can only smile awkwardly. Tiechenfeng looks at Lin Tian again. "Aren't you so afraid of xixianfu?"

"Why should I be afraid of xixianfu?" Lin Tian asked.

The iron dust wind explained, "the West immortal mansion, and our Zhou Dynasty immortal mansion, but one of the top ten five-star immortal mansion nearby."

"It's just five-star fairy house. It's no big deal." Lin Tian completely ignored, but tiechenfeng was shocked. He didn't expect Lin Tian to take five-star immortal mansion seriously.

Seeing the stupefied iron dust wind, Shayuan said with a smile, "you Zhou Chaoxian mansion, you'd better not provoke him, he's the one who will pay for his revenge."

Lin Tian takes a look at this Shayuan, and Shayuan smiles awkwardly, "little master, I'll tell you the truth, after all, you've destroyed the clan, I guess."

"Just talk."

Sha Yuan immediately shut up, while tiechenfeng said with a smile, "I didn't expect that there is such a genius in our Zhou Dynasty immortal mansion, even master Lei can fall on your hand."

"It was my apprentice who destroyed it." Lin Tian pointed to Luda, and the iron dust wind looked up and down at Luda, "but he is not immortal."

"No immortal spirit, just strength." Lin Tian explained, and the iron dust wind had to smile, "yes."

At this time, the array in front of the crowd flickered, and tiechenfeng said with a smile, "here we are."

After that, tiechenfeng took them out. This week, Tianxing was very busy, and there were people everywhere. Even Xianqi was very strong.

Shayuan was surprised. "Is this Zhou Tianxing?"

"Yes, this is zhoutiancheng, the main city of our Zhou Dynasty immortal mansion. All departments are here." The iron dust wind explained.

Shayuan asked curiously, "shall we go to the law enforcement court now?"

"Yes." After tiechenfeng finished, he took them to the law enforcement court, and when tiechenfeng entered, the disciples were very respectful to him, and said, "judge tie."

But Shayuan muttered, "I didn't expect this guy's official position is not small."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "people who do great things."

"Little master, do you mean to be careful?" Sha Yuan asked with a smile, while Lin Tian stared at him and said, "are you itchy?"

"Little master, I didn't change my meaning. I just said that he was careless, not that you were careful." That Shayuan explains immediately.

Can so explain, let Lin Tian embarrassed a smile, "OK, I careful eyes, so satisfied."

"No, little master, I don't mean to belittle you." Shayuan said awkwardly, while Luda said, "my master, revenge is inevitable. That's not called being careful!"

Sha Yuan nodded wildly, "yes, what younger martial brother said is."

Lin Tian can't help shaking his head, but Jin Lanqin mutters to himself, "this guy has really destroyed many doors before?"

At this time, a voice came from the front, "judge tie, are you back?"

Iron dust wind looked at the old man in purple robe and said with a smile, "Dean Yu!"

The Dean looked up and down at Lin Tian and said, "these are the ones that hurt master Lei?"

"There is a secret in this. I need master Lei and the Lord of Haifu to answer some questions together, and you will be the referee."

"Oh? The secret, right? Well, I'll have them brought. " The dean is also very straightforward, and even trusts the iron dust wind.

Then the Dean sent for master Lei and the immortal soul of the Lord of Haifu.

Not only that, but also attracted a young man, who came directly from the outside, "everyone has caught it, why not try it? Let my master come directly. What do you mean? "

Lin Tian and others were curious about who the young man was, and the iron dust wind came forward respectfully and said, "Mr. Zhou Shan, we have to go through some procedures."

"Process, what process? Have my master wronged them? " This week, tiechenfeng explained, "we always do things like this."

The Dean also smiled and said, "Mr. Zhou Shan, don't worry, we will all be fair and public."

Zhou Shan knows what the place is, so he is not good to himself. So he looks at Lei Wuxing and says, "don't worry, master, they won't wronged you. If they wronged you, I can't spare them."

"Thank you very much, young man."

Zhou Shan then looked at Lin Tian and others. "Do you know who I am? I'm Zhou Chaoxian's family blood, Zhou Shan, the youngest son of Mr. Saturday, so you'd better know what to say and don't slander what you shouldn't say. "

But Shayuan scratched his head. "Saturday?"

Lin Tian knows from the memory of some people in the Xianfu of Zhou Dynasty that there are eight princes in the Zhou family, six of whom are the most powerful, while under the six, there are many sons.

At the moment, Zhoushan is like this. At the same time, he is also an arrogant and domineering dandy.

But Lin Tian didn't care about his identity at all. He just looked at the iron dust wind and said, "let's start."

After tiechenfeng's benediction, he looked at Lei Wuxing and the Lord of Haifu. "Two people, next, you all answered me truthfully. If you lie, you will be responsible for the consequences."

Lei Wuxing didn't answer. That week, the mountain was furious. "Iron judge, what do you mean? Threatening my master? "

"Mr. Zhou Shan, we just follow the process."

"process? They are prisoners. Why don't you ask them, ask my master instead. "

"They, I have asked." That iron dust wind explained, but Zhou Shan didn't believe it, "

I didn't see it, it didn't count."

Tiechenfeng frowns, but the Dean has no choice but to look at Lin Tian and others. "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"I'm from tianshazong," said Shayuan

After that, Sha Yuan said all the things one by one, and the people here know why Lei Wuxing and the Lord of Haifu are making trouble for Lin Tian and others.

But the five elements of Ke Lei look at Zhou Shan and obviously want to rely on him for help. Zhou Shan already knows the same thing and says, "you say you are the patriarch of Tiansha clan, right? Don't look at your virtue! "

Shayuan said with a wry smile, "what's the matter? Don't believe it? "

"Yes, I don't believe it. Will there be any evidence later? After all, the people of tianshazong were gone thousands of years ago. " This week, the mountain said.

Shayuan had to take out a token and inject power. The token mapped out a palace, which was floating in the air.

I saw a few big words engraved on it, "Tiansha palace."

"What else do you want to ask, gentlemen?" Shayuan asked, but Zhoushan immediately became angry, "maybe you picked it up!"

The Dean on one side said, "son of Zhoushan, this is the Tiansha order of Tiansha palace. It can only be opened when the previous patriarchs are recognized, so it can't be opened even if it's picked up by outsiders!"

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