The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1820 don'st mention it, just beat it!

Lin Tian smiled but didn't speak. Instead, he looked at Luda. "Barren star, it's good for your cultivation."

"Cultivate me?" That Luda doubts, and Lin Tian says with a smile, "you are a wasteland, just suitable for a wasteland star."

As soon as the words came out, Zhou Yan was surprised and stared at Luda. "Big man, you are a primitive?"

"What a big man, elder martial brother!" That Luda is serious, and that Zhou Yantian despises, "why is your elder martial brother?"

Ruda explained, "I went to school earlier than you. I'm your senior brother."

One side of Shayuan agreed, "yes, you really should call him senior brother."

But Zhou Yantian said, "I don't even call him Shifu, but also your elder martial brother? You'd better dream. "

Ruda immediately took out his fist. "Do you compare?"

Zhou Yantian lost to Lin Tian. He was holding back. Now when he saw Luda challenging himself, he didn't say, "come on, if you lose, you call me elder martial brother."

"If you lose, please call me elder martial brother." Ruda stares at Zhou Yantian and says, "OK."

"Today, you are expected to lose completely."

"No way, he's in a state of desolation and immortality. How can he fight me?" That hot day didn't believe it. Unexpectedly, Luda suddenly came to this hot day and hit him with a fist.

Zhou Yantian didn't even have a chance to react. He fell in the yard and rubbed for a long distance before he stopped. At last, he said gloomily, "this is what happened."

Sha Yuan said with a smile, "he can fight Jinxian with one fist. What do you say?"

"How could he be so strong, because he's a savage and has no magic?" This week the hot day depressed way.

But he said, "although he has no magic, his physical ability in the wilderness is much better than that of the people who cultivate immortals."

Zhou Yantian didn't believe it, so he continued to try, but it turned out to be the same. At last, he was beaten and sprawled. Finally, he said, "OK, I give up, OK?"

"Elder martial brother." Lu Da said seriously, while Zhou Yan said gloomily, "elder martial brother is elder martial brother. Is it necessary to be so serious?"

Luda put up his fists and ignored them. On that Sunday, he felt like his body was going to fall apart. But Lin Tian laughed at the crowd and said, "let's go to the nearby pub."

Hearing that he was going to the pub, Sha Yuan knew that Lin Tian was going to look for the Qianhuan bartender, but Lu Da and Zhou Yantian didn't know.

Especially on this Sunday, he looked puzzled, "go to the pub? What are you doing? "

Lin Tian didn't speak, but walked out of the yard. Shayuan and others followed, and Zhou Yantian had to follow.

Can walk a distance, just into a pub, outside also came a group of people, the leader is that week mountain.

See Zhou Shan see Zhou Yantian a little accident, "did not expect, is really cousin ah."

"What are you doing?" Zhou Yantian immediately frowned, as if he was not with each other.

Zhou Shan said with a smile, "I was looking for these people, but I didn't expect to meet you. It's kind of interesting."

"Look for them?" Zhouyan Tianhu wondered what their relationship was between Zhoushan and Lintian. As for Luda, he said, "do you want to provoke us?"

Zhou Shan immediately said with a smile, "no, I'm here just to play a game with you."

Zhou Yantian hears this tone and looks at Shayuan in doubt. "What's going on?"

"Lei Wuxing is his master. His master has been cleaned up by us. What do you say?" Shayuan said with a smile.

Zhou Yantian suddenly realized, "that's what happened."

But Lin Tian on one side replied, "I have no time to play with you."

Zhou Shan is not willing to, still stare at Lin Tian, "if you don't play with me, I will let you stay in any pub."

But Zhou Yantian said with a smile, "what? Are you going to let the tavern owners drive people? "

"Yes, is there a problem? Cousin! " That week mountain laughs at Zhou Yantian, but Zhou Yantian says, "with me, do they dare?"

"Cousin, you've been locked up for decades. Now many people in the city may forget your existence."

"Then try." Zhouyan Tiansi is not polite, but Zhoushan comes to the shopkeeper and says to him, "shopkeeper, drive them out."

The shopkeeper knew Zhou Shan's temper, so he had to look at Lin Tian and others. "Dear guests, I'm a small business here. Please don't make trouble for us, OK?"

Zhou Yantian stares at me and says, "know who I am?"

"I know, the son of the Lord, master Zhou Yantian, but if we leave you behind, master Zhou Shan will certainly clean us up." The shopkeeper was very aggrieved.

Zhou Yan had to look at Zhou Shan, while Zhou Shan smiled and said, "cousin, I have more means than you, so don't embarrass them. They just want to do business."

Zhou Yantian is speechless, and Sha Yuanqi stares at Zhou Shan, "you grandson."

"Is there a problem?" Zhou Shan said

At this time, Luda is ready to start, and Zhou Shan immediately steps back, "if you do, I will call the guard, but you do it first."

Lu Da looks at Lin Tian, but Lin Tian says, "you're welcome."

"Yes." Ruda was not polite. He hit him with one blow. Zhou Shan was directly beaten and ran to the door. Everyone was shocked.

Zhou Yantian also froze, "you, really do it?"

But Luda said seriously, "master says you can fight."

Zhou Yantian stares at Lin Tian. "I look at you. It's a big deal."

Lin genius ignored, but stared at the shopkeeper and said with a smile, "give me some wine."

The shopkeeper was so scared that he immediately asked someone to prepare wine for Lin Tian. Zhou Shan outside scolded him. Until a while later, he said to a man, "Chen Tongling, this time he did it. You must clean him up for me."

At this time, Chen Xiong came in. He was surprised to see that Zhou Yantian was here. He said, "you are here, son of Zhou Yantian?"

Zhou Yantian's benediction, I don't know what to say, but this week mountain is full of blood and points to that Luda, "it's him."

Chen Xiong looked at Luda and said seriously, "it's you again!"

Lin Tian said, "I let him do it!"

Chen Xiong glared at him and said, "boy, you admit to doing it. I'll catch you now and send you to the law enforcement court."

"Because he didn't clean up and threatened the shopkeeper, I started. Don't you know there was a problem?" Lin Tian asked Chen Xiong with a smile.

Chen Xiong said coldly, "boy, I don't care what the problem is, as long as you do it, it's not right!"

With that, Chen Xiong is going to let a group of guards come up and take Lin Tian and others down, while Zhou Yantian stands out and says, "they can't be taken away."

"Mr. Zhou Yantian, you can see that they did it, so you should know that as the commander, I have the right to do so." Chen Xiong said coldly.

Zhou Yantian wants to explain, but Chen Xiong doesn't give him a chance. He wants to fight directly. Lin Tian throws the token, "do I have the right to fight?"

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